ingested是什么意思 ingested的中文翻译、读音、例句


ingested是什么意思 ingested的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义方面:

- 'ingested'是动词-ingest的过去分词形式,意思是“摄入,吞咽,食入”。常用于描述人或动物摄入某种食物、药物或等。

- 'ingested'也可以用于比喻性的语境中,表示“吸收,接受”。例如:The students eagerly ingested all the information in the lecture.

2. 语法方面:

- 'ingested'通常用作被动式,因为大多数情况下我们描述的是某物被吞咽、摄入,而不是主动去吞咽、摄入。

- 'ingested'也可以和一些情态动词(如should, would, could)组合成不同的语态和时态。例如:The medicine should have been ingested by now.

3. 衍生词和近义词方面:

- 'ingestible'是'ingested'的形容词形式,意为“可食用的,可摄入的”。

- 'consume'、'ingest'、'swallow'等都可以用来表达“吞咽,食入”的意思。


1. The child accidentally ingested some plastic while playing with his toys.


2. After ingesting the poison, he immediately realized his mistake and called for medical attention.


3. The body can only absorb a limited amount of nutrients ingested at one time.


4. The athletes were advised to ingest energy drinks before the competition to enhance their performance.


5. The contaminated water ingested by the villagers caused widespread illness.




1. She ingested a large amount of caffeine before the exam. (她在考试前摄入了大量。)

2. The doctor advised him not to ingest any solid food for at least 12 hours before the surgery. (医生建议他在手术前至少12小时不要吞咽任何固体食物。)




例句:Other researchers speculate that sauropods ingested these stones as a source of some the minerals they needed, such as calcium. (其他研究人员推测,蜥脚类动物吞食这些石头是为了获取它们需要的一些矿物质,比如钙。)


例句:This is Dr. Richard Nelson. I think I may have ingested something toxic. (我是Richard Nelson医生 我想我摄入了有毒物质)


例句:Chinchillas are often voracious chewers, and any ingested plastic can cause blockage in the intestines. (龙猫往往是贪婪的嚼,吃进任何塑料都有可能会导致阻塞肠道。)


例句:We call the good microbes, when they are ingested, probiotics, and probiotics have been tested in several clinical trials during the years, also in infants, with great effects, such as reducing their risk of eczema later in life. (翻译:我们称这些被摄入的 有益微生物为益生菌, 益生菌已经 在多年的临床试验中, 包括婴儿身上,显示了不错的效果, 比如降低将来患湿疹的风险。)


1. Chinchillas are often voracious chewers, and any ingested plastic can cause blockage in the intestines. (翻译:龙猫往往是贪婪的嚼,吃进任何塑料都有可能会导致阻塞肠道。)

2. We call the good microbes, when they are ingested, probiotics, and probiotics have been tested in several clinical trials during the years, also in infants, with great effects, such as reducing their risk of eczema later in life. (翻译:我们称这些被摄入的 有益微生物为益生菌, 益生菌已经 在多年的临床试验中, 包括婴儿身上,显示了不错的效果, 比如降低将来患湿疹的风险。)

3. We're already finding that there's a lot of microplastics in the seaand that some of these microplastics are actually being ingested by the zooplankton that live there. (翻译:我们已经在海洋中发现了很多微塑料,一些微塑料被海洋中的浮游生物吞食消化。)

4. Betadine, the complaint said, is "a harmful substance that may cause death if ingested. " (翻译:控告中说,优碘是“一种有害的物质,如果服用可导致死亡。”)

5. So, we ingested the entire first paragraph of all 2,000 obituaries, but we did this separately for two groups of people: people that are famous and people that are not famous. (翻译:所以我们又分析了 2000份讣告的第一段, 们把讣告分为两组来分析: 一组是名人,一组是不出名的人。)

6. Harmful bacteria in food cause botulism, which can cause paralysis or even death if even one millionth of the bacterium is ingested. (翻译:食物中的有害菌可以引起肉毒中毒,哪怕摄入百万分之一个这样的细菌,就可以引起瘫痪,甚至死亡。)

7. His drug that Joff Soika ingested before his death. (翻译:Joff Soika在死前摄取的就是他这种药)

8. Salmonella typhi, usually ingested in food or water, multiplied in the intestinal wall and then enters the bloodstream, causing septicemia. (翻译:通常从食物或饮水中摄入伤寒沙门氏菌,在肠壁中繁殖,然后进入血流,导致败血症。)

9. The child had not ingested almond and her mother did not report almond intake during her breast-feeding. (翻译:这孩子没有摄入杏仁和她的母亲没有报告杏仁摄入量在她哺乳。这个观测点的问题可能皮宣传食物蛋白质。)

10. There is one chemical that, if ingested, can cause a person's estrogen level to increase dramatically. (翻译:有种化学制剂 如果摄取了 会导致一个人的雌激素水平大幅增长)

11. That means that you've also ingested at least 70, 000 cochineal beetles, according to a petition on Change. org. (翻译:这就是说,你至少吃掉了7万只胭脂虫。消息源自。)

12. Nevada law enforcement officials suspected he'd been murdered by his friend, Renny Seegan, after James ingested an enhanced form of a rare contraband chemical known as Dimethyltryptamine. (翻译:内华达州执法 疑似官员 他被 由他的朋友,雷尼Seegan, 涂后摄入 一个增强形式)

13. It is now 5:35 PM and I have ingested the psilocybin. (翻译:现在是下午五点三十五 我已摄入 It is now 5: 35 PM and I have ingested the psilocybin.)

14. Or maybe somebody compelled him before he ingested it. (翻译:也许... 有人在他摄入马鞭草前蛊惑了他)

15. Because he might have ingested some. (翻译:他可能吃了点下去 Because he might have ingested some.)




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