carelessly是什么意思 carelessly的中文翻译、读音、例句


carelessly是什么意思 carelessly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义方面:carelessly是一个副词,意为“粗心地,漫不经心地,马虎地”。

2. 用法方面:carelessly通常放在动词前面,用来描述某人的行为或态度。例如:She carelessly threw her phone on the bed.(她粗心地把手机扔在床上。)

3. 同义词方面:carelessly的近义词包括:thoughtlessly, recklessly, negligently等。这些词都表示某人的行为或态度不够谨慎,缺乏考虑后果的责任感。例如:He thoughtlessly left his laptop in the car.(他粗心地把笔记本电脑留在了车里。)

4. 反义词方面:carelessly的反义词是carefully,意为“小心地,仔细地”。这两个词的意思相反。例如:He carefully placed the delicate vase on the shelf.(他小心地把精致的花瓶放在了架子上。)


1. She carelessly spilled coffee on her shirt.(她粗心地把咖啡洒在了衬衫上。)

2. The chef carelessly burned the steak.(大厨马虎地把牛排烤焦了。)

3. He carelessly forgot to lock the door.(他粗心大意地忘记锁门了。)

4. The driver carelessly ran a red light.(司机粗心地闯了红灯。)

5. She carelessly left her purse on the train.(她粗心地把钱包遗留在了火车上。)




1. He carelessly left his keys in the car and it got stolen. (他粗心地把钥匙留在车里,结果车被偷了。)

2. She carelessly spilled coffee on her shirt. (她不小心地把咖啡洒在了衬衫上。)

3. The worker carelessly dropped the fragile vase and it shattered into pieces. (工人马虎地把易碎的花瓶摔碎了。)




例句:"Sidetracked?" This is your chance to fulfill your destiny... that your parents carelessly discarded. (现在你有机会实现 这是被你父母 草率抛弃的天命)


例句:He sat down at his desk and looked carelessly at the drawing that Owen handed to him. (他在桌旁坐下,漫不经心地看着欧文交给他的图样。)


例句:A person is in this Huang countryside Ling, perhaps a carelessly be walked by the tiger Diao. (一个人在这荒山野岭里,说不定就一不小心就被老虎叼走了。)


例句:People worry about overpopulation; they say, "Well, if we fix aging, no one's going to die to speak of, or at least the death toll is going to be much lower, only from crossing St. Giles carelessly. (翻译:人们担心人口过多,他们说, “好吧,如果我们战胜老化,没有人类死亡可言, 或至少是死亡人数变得低得多, 变得只有不小心越过圣吉尔斯河而死[笑话]。)


1. A person is in this Huang countryside Ling, perhaps a carelessly be walked by the tiger Diao. (翻译:一个人在这荒山野岭里,说不定就一不小心就被老虎叼走了。)

2. People worry about overpopulation; they say, "Well, if we fix aging, no one's going to die to speak of, or at least the death toll is going to be much lower, only from crossing St. Giles carelessly. (翻译:人们担心人口过多,他们说, “好吧,如果我们战胜老化,没有人类死亡可言, 或至少是死亡人数变得低得多, 变得只有不小心越过圣吉尔斯河而死[笑话]。)

3. If carelessly clean sanitation, form glans very easily phlogistic with urethritis . (翻译:如果不注意清洁卫生,很容易形成炎和尿道炎。)

4. Like if you got something from someone special, and if it was treated carelessly... (翻译:就像如果有位特别的人送你一样东西 然后有人很粗鲁地对待)

5. her hair uncured: some locks hanging lankly down, and some carelessly twisted round her head. (翻译:她的头发没有卷;有的发卷直直地挂下来,有的就乱七八糟地盘在她头上。)

6. Now, this kind of power cannot be used carelessly or recklessly. (翻译:现在,这种力量绝对不能被轻率或鲁莽的人利用)

7. Hero get off of time hit a head carelessly, get off of the sequence is U-know, Max, Xiah, Micky, Hero. (翻译:在中下车的时候还不小心撞到头,下车的顺序是浩、珉、秀、有、在。)

8. 'I don't mind,' he said carelessly. (翻译:“我无所谓。”他满不在乎地说。)

9. That's called sodcasting, (Laughter) Imposing your sound on people around you carelessly and inconsiderately. (翻译:那叫做“公放音乐”, 把你的声音不假思索 和草率地强加给别人。不好。)

10. Someone had carelessly left a window open. (翻译:有人粗心大意忘了关一扇窗。)

11. It had not only lost its electronics, but carelessly, its country too. (翻译:它不仅失去了电子元件,一不小心还失去了它的祖国。)

12. The man was out testing an Audi A3 Cabrio and carelessly left the envelope of cash, which amounted to more than 23, 000, on the backseat. (翻译:该名男子进行测试的奥迪A3敞篷和随便离开信封的现金,其数额超过23000的后座。)

13. Instead you can click on a few options as carelessly as you like with no one bossing you about and get your answer faster. (翻译:相反,你可以点击几个选项,怎么漫不经心都可以,没有人对你指手划脚,而且你还能更快地得到回答。)

14. When I approached carelessly and alarmed them, they made a sudden splash and rippling with their tails, as if one had struck the water with a brushy bough, and instantly took refuge in the depths. (翻译:等到我漫不经心地接近它们;它们惊慌起来,突然尾巴横扫,激起水花,好像有人用一根毛刷般的树枝鞭挞了水波,立刻它们都躲到深水底下去了。)

15. He rose from his seat, and, remarking carelessly, "Well, now we'd really better be getting on, old chap!" (翻译:他从座位上站起来,漫不经心地说:“好啦,老伙计,现在我们该走了!” )


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