benchmark是什么意思 benchmark的中文翻译、读音、例句


benchmark是什么意思 benchmark的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Benchmark可以指作为衡量标准的基准或者参考点,也可以是通过对比以衡量性能或效率的工具或系统。

2. 应用:Benchmark是用于衡量某个系统或产品的性能或效率的重要工具,对于一些行业,如金融、科技、生产等,benchmark也是很重要的参考。

3. 相关术语:benchmark还有一些相关的术语,如:benchmarking(基准比较),benchmark price(基准价格),benchmark index(基准指数)等。

4. 实际应用:benchmark的应用非常广泛,如衡量某个产品的性能,比较不同品牌的效果,评估股票的表现等。


1. Our company's sales revenue has exceeded the industry benchmark for the past few years.(我们公司的销售收益在过去几年一直超过行业基准。)

2. The benchmark price for crude oil has risen sharply in recent months.(原油基准价格最近几个月急剧上涨。)

3. The new software system is benchmarked against the industry standard, ensuring its high quality.(新的软件系统以行业标准为基准,确保其高质量。)

4. The benchmark index of the stock market ha a new high.(股市基准指数已经达到了新高。)

5. The company conducted benchmarking research to compare their products with those of their compes.(公司进行了基准比较研究,比较自己的产品与竞争对手的产品。)





1. The company uses customer satisfaction as a benchmark for measuring success.(该公司将客户满意度作为衡量成功的基准。)

2. The industry benchmark for response time is less than 24 hours.(响应时间的行业标准是少于24小时。)

3. Our goal is to exceed the benchmark set by our compes.(我们的目标是超越竞争对手设定的标杆。)




例句:The spread over benchmark German Bunds slipped to 306 basis points, the tightest in more than a week. (指标希腊公债与德国公债间的利差降至306个基点,创下逾一周来新低。)


例句:The human mind, Bernard, is not some golden benchmark glimmering on some green and distant hill. (荒山野岭中用来评判的唯一黄金标准 glimmering on some green and distant hill. 一种致命的 pestilent corruption.)


例句:Pakuwon Jati also sets a benchmark. (Pakuwon Jati公司也设置了一套基准。)


例句:And I know TED is about big ideas, but actually, the benchmark for a big idea is changing. (翻译:我知道TED以出大构想为名 但是大构想的基准正在改变)


benchmark一般作为名词、动词使用,如在financial benchmark([网络] 财务基准)、fundamental benchmark(水准原点;水准基点)、investment benchmark(投资基准)等常见短语中出现较多。

financial benchmark[网络] 财务基准
fundamental benchmark水准原点;水准基点
investment benchmark投资基准
Linpack benchmark[网络] 线型测试标准基准;性能;性能调优
oregon benchmark奥立冈标竿
performance benchmark[网络] 业绩基准;性能基准测试;业绩比较基准
permanent benchmark【工程】永久水准基点
standardized benchmark[计]标准化基准(程序)
synthetic benchmark[网络] 复合基准程序;综合基准程序;合成基准程序


1. Pakuwon Jati also sets a benchmark. (翻译:Pakuwon Jati公司也设置了一套基准。)

2. And I know TED is about big ideas, but actually, the benchmark for a big idea is changing. (翻译:我知道TED以出大构想为名 但是大构想的基准正在改变)

3. By comparison, the Benchmark ICPA Index accelerated to a 21-month high in November, coming in at + 5.63% YoY. (翻译:相比之下,11月基准ICPA指数加速增长,同比增幅达到5.63%,创21个月新高。)

4. In the case of this single threaded benchmark, it is quite safe for Hotspot to safely elide the lock. (翻译:在这个单线程化的基准测试中,Hotspot可以非常安全地将锁省略掉。)

5. The benchmark FEX products will include traditional Asian energy products such as crude oil and thermal coal. (翻译:FEX基准交易产品会包括亚洲市场传统的能源产品,如原油和动力煤。)

6. Inside the kit are the benchmark facilities for loading the database and driving the benchmark. (翻译:这个工具包中有用于加载数据库和驱动基准测试程序的一些基准工具。)

7. On a final note, this feature was also used in the TPC-C benchmark referred to in Figure 2. (翻译:最后一点,该特性也用于图2中引用的TPC-C基准。)

8. - The point is Globo Gym is a beacon of human physical perfection. A benchmark in the fitness community. (翻译:我要说的是,环球健身是完美身体的场所, 是健身运动的标准)

9. Fath noted that, Falling costs for crystalline cells are raising the benchmark higher. (翻译:法特指出,降成本结晶细胞是提高基准更高。)

10. To get started, we need to develop a benchmark that measures the performance of the traditional means of iterating through a collection. (翻译:首先,我们需要开发一个基准测试,它测量遍历集合的传统方法的性能。)

11. A Designs believes REDDI will set the NEW Benchmark for tube direct boxes! (翻译:一个设计相信REDDI将基准设定为新的直接管箱! )

12. In this article, Rielau has given a brief introduction into the schema of the TPC-C benchmark and its transactions. (翻译:在本文中,Rielau简要地介绍了TPC-C基准的模式及其事务。)

13. But what this trade will do is serve as... a benchmark for future business, Kevin. (翻译:斯特拉顿所做的 是为将来的行业设定基准 凯文)

14. That slide continued Tuesday, with benchmark indices in China, SouthKorea and Singapore falling at least 4 percent. (翻译:周二下降持续,中国、南韩以及新加坡的基准指数下降至少4%。)

15. There is no commonly accepted benchmark for ETL tools. (翻译:有没有一个被普遍接受的基准的ETL工具? )


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