freakish是什么意思 freakish的中文翻译、读音、例句


freakish是什么意思 freakish的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:奇怪的,异常的,古怪的。

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 常用场景:在描述人或事物时,用于表示其非常异常或不寻常。常用于描述个性,行为或外貌等方面。

4. 词组搭配:

- freakish weather:奇怪的天气

- freakish behavior:古怪的行为

- freakish sense of humor:古怪的幽默感

- freakish appearance:奇怪的外貌

- freakish coincidence:古怪的巧合

5. 相关短语:

- freak out:感到惊恐、恐慌或失控

- freak of nature:自然界中的奇怪现象

- freak show:奇怪现象展览

6. 发音拼写:/ˈfriːkɪʃ/


读音: /ˈfriːkɪʃ/


1. His freakish behavior always makes me uncomfortable.(他反常的行为总是让我感到不舒服。)

2. The weather has been freakish lately, with temperatures fluctuating wildly.(最近天气变幻莫测,温度波动很大。)

3. Her freakish talent for music was evident from a very young age.(她在音乐上的反常天赋从很小的时候就十分明显了。)

freakish的意思是"怪异的 、异想天开的",还经常被翻译为朝三暮四的,发音是['fri:kiʃ],freakish常被用作形容词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到97个与freakish相关的例句。



例句:The losses were the freakish effects of fallout blown in from Japan, proclaimed CDU and FDP spin doctors. (基民盟和的公关专家宣称,这次选举败北是受到日本核泄漏事故的意外影响。)


例句:If you want to be the king of geeks with your bloated ego then just keep up all this and indulge in your freakish masturbation! (如果你是只理解自己的梦想 自信心膨胀的OTAKU大王 就被机械困住)


例句:And it's exceedingly likely that anything I write from this point forward is going to be judged by the world as the work that came after the freakish success of my last book, right? (而且很有可能的是,从这一刻起,我所写的每一部作品 都会被用来和我上一本轰动一时的巨作进行比较,不是吗? 都会被用来和我上一本轰动一时的巨作进行比较,不是吗? )


例句:Sam there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that freakish, Cro-Magnon skull of yours. (翻译:Sam 我一直试着让你那鱼木脑袋明白 这是个教训)


freakish一般作为形容词使用,如在freakish printing(艺术字)、freakish weather([网络] 反常天气;反常的天气;彼得)等常见短语中出现较多。

freakish printing艺术字
freakish weather[网络] 反常天气;反常的天气;彼得


1. And it's exceedingly likely that anything I write from this point forward is going to be judged by the world as the work that came after the freakish success of my last book, right? (翻译:而且很有可能的是,从这一刻起,我所写的每一部作品 都会被用来和我上一本轰动一时的巨作进行比较,不是吗? 都会被用来和我上一本轰动一时的巨作进行比较,不是吗? )

2. Sam there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that freakish, Cro-Magnon skull of yours. (翻译:Sam 我一直试着让你那鱼木脑袋明白 这是个教训)

3. So, you're upset about missing out on becoming some sort of freakish self-aware robot? (翻译:你因为不能变成一个 有自我意识的怪胎机器人而担忧?)

4. There's something sort of freakish, I suppose, setting someone up on stage apart from all the rest, when down in every boxcar there's men of all ranges bouncing together. (翻译:我隐约觉得,有些奇怪的东西 把某个人推到台前来,好和其他人区分开 在那些大篷车里 各色各样的人挤在一起)

5. It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing! (翻译:这是一次诡异的事件,如果我再尝试100万次这也不能再次发生,如果我可以的话,我就会去参加比赛!)

6. Americans seem to view the increasing incidence of freakish weather as proof that climate change is real. (翻译:美国人似乎将异常天气的频繁发生视作气候变化的真实写照。)

7. You immediately march upstairs to my ex-boyfriend's apartment and you invite his freakish friend... (翻译:碞ミ加 禲и玡╧狟ね┬丁 礛淋叫ê钵称ぱ秨╧狟ね...)

8. While your world's may seem utterly disconnected, the paths that you have individually taken bring you together at freakish randomness. (翻译:当你的世界似乎是 完全不同的 - 你已经采取单独的道路 带你一起, 一个奇怪的巧合。)

9. The effectively fatherless Obama is clearly a freakish outlier. (翻译:这位实际上没有父亲的,无疑是无父者中的一个特例。)

10. The strange thing is: even seasoned Klinsmann- bashers found it very hard to place any specific blame at his feet after this freakish match. (翻译:奇怪的是,在这场反常的比赛之后,甚至连有丰富攻击克林斯曼经验的人也很难进行某项专门的指责。)

11. The Ukraine, a country of some 52 million people, is in almost total blackness tonight, in the wake of a series of freakish lightning storms of catastrophic proportion, which struck the country at approximately 4 a. m. (翻译:乌克兰是一个拥有五千二百万人口的国家, 今晚遭遇了几乎全国范围内的大停电 之前也在受灾区内遭受到了好几次)

12. And this freakish alien will leap out and bite your head off! (翻译:然后诡异的外星人就会从肚子跳出来咬掉你的头!)

13. The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish afterlife. (翻译:“河上世界”系列的第一本书讲述了一个孤独的探索者试图解出奇异的“来世”的秘密。)

14. So what? You think Jim Miller killed himself? And my dream was some sort of freakish coincidence? (翻译:那你认为Jim是的 而我的梦只是个巧合吗)

15. The real humanitarian fi asco is not the inadequate preparation of these nations, and many others, for freakish catastrophes. (翻译:在人道主义方面真正遭到尴尬失败的不是这些国家和其它许多国家对突发的自然灾害没有充分的准备。)


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