expired是什么意思 expired的中文翻译、读音、例句


expired是什么意思 expired的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:Expired在英语中通常指某个物品或服务到期或失效。在医学领域中,expired可以用来形容已经死亡的人或动物。在口语中,expired也可以用来代替“已经很久了”或“过时了”。


- My passport has expired, I need to renew it soon.(我的护照已经过期了,我需要尽快更新。)

- This milk has expired, it's not safe to drink anymore.(这瓶牛奶已经过期了,不能再喝了。)

- The medication expired last month, we need to dispose of it properly.(这种药品上个月就过期了,我们需要正确处理掉它。)

- This fashion trend has expired, ody wears that anymore.(这个时尚潮流过时了,没人再穿了。)

2. 其他用法:Expired也可以缩写为exp,在口语中常用来代替“experience”的缩写形式。


- He has a lot of exp in sales.(他有丰富的销售经验。)

3. 类似词汇:其他与expired意思类似的词汇包括invalid、outdated、obsolete等。


- This coupon is invalid, it can't be used anymore.(这张优惠券已经无效了,不能再使用了。)

- This technology is outdated, we need to upgrade it.(这种技术已经过时了,我们需要升级。)

- This software is obsolete and no longer supported.(这个软件已经过时了,不再受到支持。)

4. 相关短语:与expired相关的短语包括expire date(到期日期)、expired warranty(过期保修)等。


- The expire date for this product is next month.(这个产品的到期日期是下个月。)

- This product has an expired warranty, we can't get it repaired for free anymore.(这个产品已经过了保修期,我们不能再免费修理它了。)


1. My driver's license has expired, I need to renew it before I can drive again.(我的驾照已经过期了,我需要在再次驾驶前更新。)

2. This credit card has expired, you can't use it to make purchases anymore.(这张信用卡已经过期了,你不能再用它来购物了。)

3. The warranty on this refrigerator expired last year, we can't get it repaired for free anymore.(这个冰箱的保修期已经过去了,我们不能再免费修理它了。)

4. The food in the fridge expired a week ago, we need to throw it away.(冰箱里的食物已经过期一周了,我们需要扔掉它。)

5. The password for my email account expired, I need to create a new one.(我的电子邮件账户密码已经过期了,我需要创建一个新的密码。)





1. This voucher has expired and can no longer be used. (这张优惠券已经过期,不能再使用了。)

2. The warranty on your device has expired, so repairs will not be covered. (你的设备保修期已经过期,所以维修将不予赔偿。)

3. The food in the fridge has expired and needs to be thrown away. (冰箱里的食物已经过期,需要扔掉。)




例句:I am having an ice cold ribena and have decided to skip the expired cookies. (我正在喝一杯冰镇的利宾纳并决定忽略了那已经过期的饼干。)


例句:His visitor's visa expired. (他的访问签证过期了。)


expired一般作为名词使用,如在expired air([医] 呼气)、expired appropriation(过期的拨款)、expired article([计] 过期文章)等常见短语中出现较多。

expired air[医] 呼气
expired appropriation过期的拨款
expired article[计] 过期文章
expired cost[经] 已耗成本
expired date失效日期,报废日期
expired expense已耗费用
expired expenses[经] 已耗费用
expired gas呼出气
expired patent有效期已满的专利


1. I loved you in that movie 'Pineapple Express" where you talked to cans of expired pineapples. (翻译:我很喜欢你在《黑白森林》跟凤梨罐头说话的戏)

2. Rio Tinto recently closed Anglesey Aluminium in Britain after its power contract expired. (翻译:最近,力拓集团在合同终止后,关闭了位于英国的安格西铝金属有限公司。)

3. The UFT is in deadlocked negotiations with City Hall over the terms of the teachers expired contract with the city. (翻译:UFT就合同条款和市进行的谈判现在陷入了僵局。)

4. If vacuuming was the cause of the failure, you might have to remove expired events and notifications. (翻译:如果是由于删除操作导致失败,则可能需要删除过期的事件和通知。)

5. It makes sense not to throw out yogurt once it's expired, not to throw out fish once it's officially expired. (翻译:酸奶一旦过期就扔掉,那是说不通的 鱼一旦过了包装保质期不要扔掉)

6. I didn´t know it was expired. I never use it. (翻译:我不知道这张信用卡过期了 我从没用过这张卡)

7. We were in the cabinet room at the moment that the ultimatum expired. (翻译:在最后通牒规定时间过去的那一刻 我们在内阁的房间里)

8. At that time I immediately checked the vita/s on both Troopers Brown and Costigan and discovered that they had expired. (翻译:随后,我立即检查了 他们两人的脉搏 布朗警官和卡斯迪冈警官 发现他们都已经断了气)

9. This may be a bad time to mention it, but my license has expired! (翻译:也许此时提起 时机不对 的驾照过期了)

10. And now the lease has expired, It reverts to the original owner. (翻译:现在租约到期了 地要还给原主人 And now the lease has expired, It reverts to the original owner.)

11. Do you have any of these throwaway cameras, but with expired film in them? (翻译:你还有这些一次性相机吗? 里面的胶卷是过期的那种)

12. The capacity is 330ml, not because the capacity is too large that result the product expired and waste. (翻译:容量为330毫升,不会因为容量太大,一时用不完而导致产品过期,造成浪费。)

13. I found a paycheck for $146.32, but it's expired. (翻译:这条胶水管的水真的让咖啡有股怪味 我想我们该... 先别说,是Pam)

14. Oh, and by the way... your time as a mermaid has just about expired. (翻译:这么重要的秘密 怎么可以瞒着自己的女儿呢 拜托 把它给我 美莉缇 不 交给我)

15. In fact, even after the opportunity to swap has expired, they still don't like their picture. (翻译:不能选择, 不能更改决定的学生,非常喜欢他们的照片。)






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