rescuers是什么意思 rescuers的中文翻译、读音、例句


rescuers是什么意思 rescuers的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Rescuers是一个名词,指的是那些执行救援行动的人。

2. 原因:Rescuers通常会被派往紧急事件现场,这些事件可能是自然灾害、事故、火灾等,他们的目的是协助受困者并尽可能地减少伤亡。

3. 能力:Rescuers需要具备很强的专业技能,例如急救、搜索和救援技术、通信技术等等。


1. The rescuers risked their lives to save the victims from the burning building.(救援人员冒着生命危险从着火的建筑中营救受害者。)

2. The rescuers spent four hours searching for the missing hikers in the dense forest.(救援人员在茂密的森林中搜寻失踪的徒步旅行者花了四个小时。)

3. The rescuers used high-tech equipment to locate the trapped miners underground.(救援人员使用高科技设备定位地下被困的矿工。)

4. The rescuers successfully saved the drowning child from the river.(救援人员成功从河里救出了落水的孩子。)

5. The rescuers worked tirelessly for days to help the victims of the earthquake.(救援人员连续几天不辞辛劳地帮助地震受害者。)

rescuers [ˈreskju:əzəz]



1. The rescuers worked tirelessly to save the stranded hikers.


2. The earthquake survivors were grateful to the brave rescuers who saved their lives.





例句:So I figure if we help Paul, he'll be willing to share his score with his rescuers. (所以我想,如果我们帮助Paul 他会愿意分一般钱给我们的 用来报答我们的救命之恩)


例句:The saga of the three whales trapped by Arctic ice and the heroic efforts of rescuers to save them grew more desperate today. (三只鲸鱼困在北极海冰的传奇故事... 以及不畏艰难的救援行动 今天情势变得更危急)


1. Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing. (翻译:救援人员用支柱防止隧道顶塌陷。)

2. At the time, she called them a "pack of vultures" . Now she prefers to see them as "rescuers" . (翻译:那时,麦考维把他们称之为“一群贪婪成性的秃鹫”,而现在她却喜欢把他们叫做“拯救者”。)

3. They had seated, ready to leave when the rescuers if approached. (翻译:他们安顿下来,准备等他们 的救兵靠得足够近时就走)

4. Instead of this, they had followed stops West, and the more if moved away more it grew in the distance between Germans besieged in Estalingrado e its pretense rescuers. (翻译:相反,他们的向西推进, 而他们推进得越远, 被围困在格勒的德国人和 他们可能的救兵之间的缺口就变得越大)

5. Difference of any kind made no difference to the extraordinary lengths that the rescuers were prepared to go to save my life, to save as many unknowns as they could, and putting their own lives at risk. (翻译:人与人之间没有任何差别 救援人员为了救我的命 为了救更多的人 他们准备好迎接超乎寻常的跋涉 将自己的生命置于危险之中 )

6. Yesterday, in the Philippines, Makati City, Metro Manila, rescuers near the body in the work of construction workers. (翻译:昨日,在菲律宾大马尼拉地区马卡蒂市,救援人员在建筑工人的尸体旁工作。)

7. At the very least, it is a morale booster. Fire can also be used to distill water cook, and provide light for you and your rescuers. (翻译:至少火能够鼓舞你的士气,另外还能用来蒸馏水、蒸煮食物、为自己和救援人员提供照明。)

8. ...rescuers can only watch the great beings gasp for breath away from what had always been, for them and us the protective sea. (翻译。救援人员 只能 观看伟大的 人类 喘不过气来。远离什么一直是,他们和我们。保护 海洋。)

9. Here is a wonderful image of one of my rescuers, Andy, and I taken just last year. (翻译:这是一张去年拍摄的让我印象深刻的照片, 是救助我的人之一, 安迪,还有我 )

10. This is sent to a small radio on its back, and then the rescuers follow the rado signals. (翻译:这会被传到它后背上的一个信号发射器,然后救援者跟随发射信号进行搜救。)

11. In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy line of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive. (翻译:2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。)

12. The rescuers tunnelled their way in to the trapped miners. (翻译:救援人员挖地道通向那些被困的矿工。)

13. The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es. (翻译:救援人员不得不从屋顶用绳索从建筑的一侧下降,以营救这两名被他们的安全挽具吊着的工人。)

14. It is a biopic focusing on one of the most important of the rescuers. (翻译:这是一部围绕一位救援者的传记片。)

15. Yesterday evening when the reporter arrived near the place that rescuers have vacating scene, dark look up at the foot of the mountain. (翻译:昨天晚上记者赶到事发地点附近时,救援人员已经撤离现场,在山脚下往上望去一片漆黑。)




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