visin是什么意思 visin的中文翻译、读音、例句


visin是什么意思 visin的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'visin'是一种缩写词,常用于指“视觉系统”,也可以是某些公司或机构的名称缩写。

2. 发音:'visin'的发音为 /ˈvɪzən/。

3. 用途:'visin'主要在医学、生物学、和科技行业中使用,用以描述与视觉系统相关的事物和概念。

4. 例句:

(1) The 'visin' system is responsible for processing and transmitting visual information from the eyes to the brain. (视觉系统负责将视觉信息从眼睛传输至大脑并加工处理。)

(2) Many companies, such as 'VISIN Consulting', offer consulting services for businesses looking to improve their visual branding. (许多公司,例如'VISIN咨询',都提供为企业提升其视觉品牌形象的咨询服务。)

(3) Researchers are studying the effects of blue light on the 'visin' system and how it may impact our sleep patterns. (研究人员正在探究蓝光对视觉系统的影响以及它对我们的睡眠模式可能造成的影响。)

(4) 'Visin' impairment can occur due to a variety of factors, such as age, disease, or injury. (视觉障碍可能由多种因素引起,例如年龄、疾病或损伤。)

(5) The 'visin' center of the brain is located in the occipital lobe and is responsible for processing visual information. (大脑的视觉中枢位于枕叶,负责加工处理视觉信息。)

5. 同义词:相关的同义词包括“vision system”、“visual system”、“optical system”等。





例句:You're a musician. You're living in the arts district. You wear orange. (你是沼泽派 你穿着橘色的衣服 tu vis dans le Marais, tu portes du orange.)


例句:Nitrogen doped fullerene derivative's IR and UV vis spectra are reported. (本文报道了氮掺杂富勒烯的红外和紫外可见光谱。)


例句:After a few days, we return the pets and the owner's attitude, vis-a-vis the pet, is completely reversed. (几天后 我们把宠物送回 主人会彻底改变对宠物的态度)


1. After a few days, we return the pets and the owner's attitude, vis-a-vis the pet, is completely reversed. (翻译:几天后 我们把宠物送回 主人会彻底改变对宠物的态度)

2. And also I think I have gotten over my anxiety vis-a-vis public restrooms, so if you'll excuse me, I shall return presently. (翻译:而且我想我对公用洗手间的焦虑 也消除了 所以你们不介意, 我马上就回来)

3. According to the positioning approach, interfirm differences can be explained by firm's unique positions in their markets vis-a-vis the five competitive forces. (翻译:根据定位观,企业间差异可以由企业在其市场中相对于五种力量的独特地位来解释。)

4. Doing the best things so... ? Net profitability aside, it's the client-retention rate that concerns me, vis-? vis maximizing return on sales. (翻译:Doing the best things so... 面对面销售利润的最大值 {\3cH202020}Vis)

5. You have rather gone from famine to feast, vis-a-vis quality suitors. (翻译:你身边的优质追求者 You have rather gone from famine to feast, 倒真的越来越多了 vis -avis quality suitors.)

6. possibility of simultaneously running independent VIs on the same computer and the very professional appearance of the user front end. (翻译:可能性,同时运行在同一台计算机独立VI和用户的前端非常专业的外观。)

7. But for many years, until the late 1990s, China had an infrastructure disadvantage vis-a-vis India. (翻译:但是在很多年里, 直到90年代, 中国的基础设施比印度 还比印度不足)

8. Argue counterpoints with Bo and reli vis-a-vis witten and dirac. (翻译:用Bo和来求解 Rell对维滕和狄拉克。)

9. Each currency is given a value vis-a-vis the other currencies. (翻译:相对于其他货币,每一种货币都被赋予一定的价值。)

10. Besides, the possible formation mechanism and UV-vis spectra of anisotropic gold nanoparticles were throughly discussed. (翻译:同时,我们还深入分析了具有各向异性结构的金纳米粒子的紫外光谱并对生成机理进行了细致地讨论。)

11. The vis is good. I've got at least 20 miles in all directions. (翻译:视野很清楚 我可以在各个方向看到至少方圆20英里)

12. How do you wanna proceed vis-a-vis beverages? (翻译:你想要怎么来面对面互倒饮料呀 How do you want to proceed vis -à -vis beverages?)

13. Thus, San Monique's future obligations vis-a-vis her island neighbors would seem clear. (翻译:因此,圣莫尼克岛和其邻近岛国未来责任 就是非常明显了)

14. Now, when looking at Africa vis-a-vis other things, and countries in Africa vis-a-vis other things, comparisons become important. (翻译:好的,我们拿非洲和其它地方向比较 也拿非洲中的国家进行比较 对比显得很重要 )

15. This modularity makes VIs easy to maintain, understand, and debug. (翻译:这种模块化设计使得VI的便于维护,容易理解,也便于调试。)


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