acars是什么意思 acars的中文翻译、读音、例句


acars是什么意思 acars的中文翻译、读音、例句

Possible answer:

As an English teacher, I would explain "ACARS" (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) from the following five aspects:

1. Meaning: ACARS is a digital communication system used by aircraft for exchanging messages with ground stations or other aircraft, such as performance data, weather information, clearance instructions, or maintenance reports.

Example: The captain checked the ACARS messages before takeoff to see if there were any changes in the flight plan.

2. Function: ACARS can transmit and receive data through radio or satellite links, using standardized formats and protocols, such as ARINC (Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated). It can also intece with other avionics systems, such as flight management or navigation systems.

Example: The airline installed a new ACARS module in the pit to improve the reliability of the onboard communication.

3. History: ACARS was first introduced in the 1970s and has undergone several upgrades and variations, such as VHF ACARS, Satcom ACARS, or Future Air Navigation System (FANS) ACARS. Some airlines have also developed their own ACARS applications for specific purposes.

Example: The air traffic controller sent a clearance message to the pilot through ACARS, which reduced the workload of the radio frequency congested by other planes.

4. Impact: ACARS has revolutionized the way aircraft communicate with ground personnel, enhancing safety, efficiency, and customer service. It has also generated a vast amount of data that can be used for monitoring, ysis, and optimization of the airline operations.

Example: The engineer yzed the ACARS data of the engine report to identify the root cause of the fault and suggested a maintenance action to prevent recurrence.

5. Terminology: ACARS is a technical term that may not be familiar to all learners of English. As a teacher, I would explain the meaning of the acronym, its unciation, and its usage in context, using relevant examples.

Example: The student asked the teacher what ACARS meant in the article about aviation technology, and the teacher explained it as a system for sending and receiving messages between planes and ground stations.

acars是"航空通信寻址与报告系统"(Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System)的缩写,是一种用于飞机与地面机构之间进行通讯和数据传输的系统。



1. The aircraft transmitted its position and other data using the ACARS system. (该飞机通过ACARS系统传输了它的位置和其他数据。)

2. ACARS messages are commonly used to communicate with air traffic control and airlines' operations centers. (ACARS消息通常用于与空中交通管制和航空公司的运营中心进行通信。)




例句:Now, the copilot admits he shut down the ACARS, but the grad student was living with the pilot, so maybe they were all in on it. (现在副驾驶承认曾关闭飞机通信寻址与报告系统 而那位研究生适合机长一起居住 也许他们都有关系)






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