crutches是什么意思 crutches的中文翻译、读音、例句


crutches是什么意思 crutches的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 类型方面:拐杖可分为手杖、腋杖、桥杖、爬杖等多种类型,不同类型的拐杖有不同的用途和适用人群。例如,手杖一般用来帮助行走,腋杖适合腿部严重受伤或手臂不灵活的人使用;桥杖和爬杖则更适合老年人使用。

2. 材质方面:拐杖的材质也有多种选择,如木质、金属和塑料等,各种材质的拐杖有其各自的优缺点。例如,木质拐杖较轻,但不够坚固;金属拐杖比较结实,但重量较重。

3. 使用方面:使用拐杖需要一定的技巧和注意事项。正确的使用拐杖能够帮助患者缓解疼痛、减轻负担,但不正确的使用也可能会使伤势加重。例如,使用拐杖时应注意姿势,拐杖应与身体保持一定的角度,手臂放松,拐杖底部要与地面平行。

4. 文化方面:拐杖在文化上也有特定的象征意义。在一些国家和地区,拐杖被认为是身份、尊严和权力的象征,如法官和贵族等地位高的人都会使用拐杖作为装饰。


1. He had to use crutches to support himself after his leg surgery. (他的腿部手术后,他不得不使用拐杖来支撑自己。)

2. The doctor recommended that she use a walking stick as a crutch to help with her balance. (医生建议她使用手杖作为拐杖,以帮助她保持平衡。)

3. The wooden crutches were not sy enough to support his weight, so he switched to a metal one. (木质拐杖不够结实,无法支撑他的体重,所以他换成了金属拐杖。)

4. The proper use of crutches is important to avoid further injuries. (正确使用拐杖对于避免进一步伤害是很重要的。)

5. In some cultures, crutches are seen as a symbol of power and authority. (在一些文化中,拐杖被看作是权力和威望的象征。)





1. He broke his leg and used crutches to walk for weeks.


2. The old man walked with the help of his crutches.





例句:Cripples go on crutches. (残疾人靠拐杖行走。)


例句:Right now I am walking with a brace and crutches, but at least I am able to get around a little bit. (现在我需要借助拐杖走路,虽然不是很灵便,但至少我可以到户外活动一小会儿。)


例句:And sometimes you would see the man leaving his crutches and running around to measure something and coming back and being with crutches! (有时你会看到一个人把拐杖 放在一边 测量着某个东西 然后回来时继续拄着拐杖)


例句:Not allowed to put weight on my leg for eight weeks, I wobbled about on crutches. (翻译:为了不让受伤的腿承重,我拄拐杖拄了8个星期。)


crutches一般作为名词使用,如在on crutches(上桨叉)、On crutches!(上桨叉)等常见短语中出现较多。

on crutches上桨叉
On crutches!上桨叉


1. And sometimes you would see the man leaving his crutches and running around to measure something and coming back and being with crutches! (翻译:有时你会看到一个人把拐杖 放在一边 测量着某个东西 然后回来时继续拄着拐杖)

2. Not allowed to put weight on my leg for eight weeks, I wobbled about on crutches. (翻译:为了不让受伤的腿承重,我拄拐杖拄了8个星期。)

3. And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches -- as I did for a year and a half -- is that you walk slower. (翻译:使用拐杖行走的最大弊病- 我拄拐一年半- 就是行走缓慢。)

4. He wore a cast on one arm, and he used crutches and he asked the girls for help. (翻译:一支手上绑着绷带 撑着拐杖... ...请女孩们帮他)

5. After the accident I spent six months on crutches. (翻译:事故后我用了六个月的腋杖。)

6. Well, that machine is for people-- it's like... if you have a bad leg, then you need crutches. (翻译:唔 那机器是给那些... 就像是... 如果你腿出毛病了 你就会需要拐杖)

7. Ambulating with crutches and braces having been paralyzed in both legs, Burns' arms and hands have defined his life. (翻译:虽然双腿都丧失了知觉,只能以拐杖和支撑物行走,卜锦辉却可以用胳膊和手书写自己的人生。)

8. The economy is lurching along on IMF-provided crutches, just a few months from the next crisis. (翻译:巴基斯坦经济拄着国际货币基金组织提供的拐杖步履蹒跚,而下一个经济危机再过几个月又回到来。)

9. This leg, his right leg, now takes an awful beating because he has to half-crawl, because it's faster to move that way to keep up with his friends, keep up with his brothers and sisters, than to get up on his crutches and walk. (翻译:这只腿,他的右腿 现在受到严重的损害 因为它必须半爬行 才能行动得更快 才能跟上他的朋友,兄弟姐妹 这比靠拐杖行走要快 )

10. And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches -- as I did for a year and a half -- is that you walk slower. (翻译:使用拐杖行走的最大弊病- 我拄拐一年半- 就是行走缓慢。)

11. It's completely non-invasive, sensors in the crutches that send signals back to our onboard computer that is sitting here at her back. (翻译:在这些支撑内完全是非侵入的 传感器, 它们发送信号至装在 她背部的机载电脑。)

12. They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches besides him. (翻译:他们将贝蒂的马和萨姆的骡子一起套上车,彼得尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,他将和拐杖放在身边。)

13. I was on crutches, my wife was next to me, my girls were doing these rockstar poses up ahead. (翻译:我拄着拐,我妻子走在我身边, 我女儿们在前面,一边走一边摆出摇滚明星的架势。)

14. But Kelly - she was born to handle children with crutches and babies in braces. (翻译:但是 凯莉 她天生就是来照顾那些残疾儿童的)

15. Brian Foss's legs are weak and he uses crutches to walk. But he loves skiing, riding a bicycle and, most recently, surfing. (翻译:布赖恩福斯的腿弱,他用双拐行走。但他喜欢滑雪,骑自行车,最近,冲浪。)


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