cornish是什么意思 cornish的中文翻译、读音、例句


cornish是什么意思 cornish的中文翻译、读音、例句



- Cornish pasties are a traditional food from Cornwall.

- The Cornish language is still spoken by a small number of people in Cornwall.

- The mining industry was a major part of Cornish history.

- The Cornish coast is known for its rugged cliffs and beautiful beaches.



- Many Cornish festivals involve traditional music and dancing.

- Cornish folk art is known for its bright colors and intricate designs.

- The history of Cornish mining is fascinating and important to the region's culture.

- The Cornish language has experienced a revival in recent years.



- The Cornish countryside is dotted with charming villages and historic landmarks.

- Newquay is a popular Cornish seaside town known for its surfing and nightlife.

- The South West Coast Path offers stunning views of the Cornish coastline.

- Many Cornish towns have their own unique dialects and customs.

4.缩写词含义:缩写词,Cornish可能代表一个组织、协会、机构等。比如,Cornish College of the Arts是美国一所艺术学院,Cornish Rex是一种猫品种。


- I studied dance at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle.

- Cornish Rex cats are known for their curly fur and playful personalities.

- The Cornish Mining World Heritage Site is a collection of historic mining sites in Cornwall.

- The Cornish Pasty Association works to promote and protect the traditional Cornish pasty.




1. My friend's family is Cornish and they take part in many traditional Cornish activities.


2. The Cornish language is still spoken by a small number of people today.


3. I love the beautiful coastline and countryside of the Cornish region.





例句:Cornish says many have been caught on reefs in Southeast Asia, in countries that do not have sustainable fisheries management. (康尼施说,很多鱼都是在南海珊瑚礁里捕捞的,那个地区的国家通常缺乏可持续性渔业管理。)


例句:By the 1990s, Cornish had reawakened, but it wasn't thriving. (到二十世纪九十年代, 康沃尔语开始复苏, 但是并不繁荣。)


例句:Cornish pasty includes uncooked beef, potato and onion, with a light seasoning of salt and pepper - keeping a chunky texture. (康瓦尔郡馅饼由生牛肉、土豆和洋葱组成,加入少许盐和胡椒粉,外形矮胖。)


例句:My old boss, Harold Cornish, is a partner here at this major financial institution. (翻译:我的前老板,哈罗德 科尼许, 跟这里的主要金融机构是一种伙伴关系)


cornish一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Cornish(康沃尔人的 康沃尔郡的,考尼什鸡 康沃尔人说的凯尔特语)、Middle Cornish([网络] 中古康沃尔语)、Old Cornish([网络] 古康沃尔语)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cornish康沃尔人的 康沃尔郡的,考尼什鸡 康沃尔人说的凯尔特语
Middle Cornish[网络] 中古康沃尔语
Old Cornish[网络] 古康沃尔语
Rock Cornish洛克考尼什(母)鸡(考尼什鸡与普利茅斯洛克鸡杂交的雏鸡)[亦作Rock Cornish game hen,Rock Cornish hen]
white cornish[鸟] 白考尼什鸡
Rock Cornish hen[网络] 也挑一只岩石科僧什女鸡;岩石科尼什母鸡
rock cornish hens[网络] 洛克考什尼鸡
white cornish chicken白(色)可尼秀鸡


1. Cornish pasty includes uncooked beef, potato and onion, with a light seasoning of salt and pepper - keeping a chunky texture. (翻译:康瓦尔郡馅饼由生牛肉、土豆和洋葱组成,加入少许盐和胡椒粉,外形矮胖。)

2. My old boss, Harold Cornish, is a partner here at this major financial institution. (翻译:我的前老板,哈罗德 科尼许, 跟这里的主要金融机构是一种伙伴关系)

3. Probably the most famous of these dishes is the Cornish pasty, a traditional miners' lunch of beef and potato wrapped in pastry. (翻译:最著名的可能就是阿根廷菜肉馅饼,一种传统的用油酥皮包裹着牛肉和马铃薯的矿工午餐饼。)

4. Its strategy was to eschew the crowded Cornish market, instead selling pasties to the rest of the country. (翻译:这家公司的战略是要占有康沃尔所有的市场份额,而不是把馅饼卖到英国的其他地区。)

5. Now, Hebrew, Cornish and Tunica are just three examples from a groundswell of language activism on every continent. (翻译:来语、康沃尔语和突尼卡语 只是世界各地语言复苏的三个例子。)

6. When he had young children, and was living in Cornish, New Hampshire, he did the usual things. (翻译:当他在新罕布什尔州的康沃尔有了年幼的孩子后,他生活与常人无异。)

7. The Cornish are quicker than the Germans, but ever ready to combine and complain, and deserve their reputation as high-graders, which, if anything, is understated." (翻译:康沃尔矿工比德国矿工麻利 是爱抱团、发牢的老油条 我们低估了这一情况)

8. She is expecting up to 20 people at the first meeting she has called, at her local pub in the Cornish village of Polperro. (翻译:她在康沃尔波尔佩罗村当地的酒吧召集了第一次会议,预计会有20人参加。)

9. Evening settles on the picturesque seaside village of Polperro, on the Cornish Coast of England, on a spring day in May. (翻译:五月的春光中,位于英国康沃尔海岸上如画般的伯尔派罗小镇,夜幕渐渐降临。)

10. Cornish hens splashed with my special sauce. I love special sauce, I love that! (翻译:童子鸡搭配我的密制酱料 我爱密制酱料 太爱了)

11. There are Cornish language signs, ice-cream commercials, Wikipedia, and even memes. (翻译:有康沃尔语的路标, 冰淇淋广告, ,甚至网络笑话。)

12. One of my colleagues spoke to your former employer, Mr. Harold Cornish. (翻译:你的前老板,哈罗德 科尼许跟我一个同事说的)

13. You don't need a license to own a boat, " added Cornish. (翻译:你不需要执照就能拥有一条渔船,也没有捕捞限量。)

14. That was Cornish, the ancestral language of Cornwall, which today is technically a county in southern England. (翻译:这是康沃尔语, 康沃尔的祖先语言。康沃尔是英格兰南部的一个郡。)

15. And we must therefore rest content with Germans and Cornish unwilling to work at night. (翻译:暂时无法改变 德国和康沃尔矿工不上夜班的现状)


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