fears是什么意思 fears的中文翻译、读音、例句


fears是什么意思 fears的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意释:


2. 相关搭配:

- Have fears: 表示“感到恐惧”,例如Her fears kept her from enjoying the amut park rides.(她的恐惧使得她不能享受游乐园的游戏。)

- Fear of: 表示“恐惧某事物”,例如Many people have a fear of heights.(很多人害怕高度。)

- Fear for: 表示“为某人或某事担忧”,例如I fear for his safety when he's driving alone.(我担心他一个人时的安全。)

3. 文化背景:


4. 例句:

- She had a fear of flying and always opted to take the train.

- The sound of thunder caused him to tremble with fear.

- The fear of public speaking is a common one among many people.

- The mother was filled with fear when she couldn't find her child in the crowded amut park.

- His fear of failure prevented him from pursuing his dreams.

1. 意释:

F.E.A.R.S.是一个缩写词,代表英语中的几个词汇,分别是False Evidence Appearing Real(错误证据出现真实)、Failure Expected And Received Success(失败预期和获得成功)、Forget Everything And Run (忘记一切,奔跑前进)等。

2. 相关搭配:

- False evidence: 表示“错误证据”,例如The prosecutor presented false evidence in order to win the case.(检察官出示了错误的证据,以赢得案件。)

- Failure expected: 表示“预计失败”,例如He went into the game with failure expected, but he ended up winning.(他原以为会失败,但他最终赢了。)

- Forget everything: 表示“忘记一切”,例如Sometimes the best thing to do is forget everything and start fresh.(有时候最好的做法是忘记一切,重新开始。)

3. 文化背景:


4. 例句:

- When you face your fears, you often realize that they were just false evidence appearing real.

- Many successful people have experienced failure expected and received success.

- Sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, the best thing to do is forget everything and run.

1. 意释:

FEARS是工程、科技领域中的缩写,代表英语中的几个词汇,包括Functional Electrical Stimulation Ambulation System(功能电刺激步行系统)、Finite Element Analysis and Response Simulation(有限元分析及响应仿真)等。

2. 相关搭配:

- Electrical stimulation: 表示“电刺激”,例如The electrical stimulation helps to stimulate the muscles of the body.(电刺激有助于刺激身体的肌肉。)

- Finite element ysis: 表示“有限元分析”,例如The engineers used finite element ysis to test the strength of the materials.(工程师们使用有限元分析测试材料的强度。)

- Response simulation: 表示“响应仿真”,例如The response simulation helped to predict the behavior of the system in different situations.(响应仿真有助于系统在不同情况下的行为。)

3. 文化背景:


4. 例句:

- The functional electrical stimulation ambulation system helped the patient to regain mobility after their injury.

- The finite element ysis and response simulation allowed the engineers to predict the behavior of the bridge under different loading conditions.

- The response simulation was used to test the performance of the aircraft in various weather conditions.




1. She could not control her fears and started to cry. 她控制不住自己的恐惧,开始哭泣。

2. His fears about the future prevented him from taking risks. 他对未来的担忧阻碍了他的冒险精神。

3. Despite her fears, she decided to confront the situation head-on. 尽管她很害怕,但她决定正面面对这种情况。




例句:Overcoming your fears is half the fun of adventuring. (克服你的恐惧是体验一半冒险快乐的方法。)


例句:And their fears completely changed, and their fears were not about, "Am I going to get killed?" (他们的恐惧完全改观了, 他们不再害怕“我是不是要被杀了?” )


例句:Prey fears predator, and you stay in power? (Prey fears predator, and you stay in power? 所以就这样? 猎物害怕掠食者,然后你掌有大权?)


例句:What- what are some of the other fears you have? (翻译:你还害怕什么吗 {\3cH202020}What what are some of the other fears you have?)


fears一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fears for(un. 担心)、have fears for([网络] 感到害怕)、height fears([网络] 高度恐惧)等常见短语中出现较多。

fears forun. 担心
have fears for[网络] 感到害怕
height fears[网络] 高度恐惧
trade war fears[经] 贸易战恐慌


1. Prey fears predator, and you stay in power? (翻译:Prey fears predator, and you stay in power? 所以就这样? 猎物害怕掠食者,然后你掌有大权?)

2. What- what are some of the other fears you have? (翻译:你还害怕什么吗 {\3cH202020}What what are some of the other fears you have?)

3. India also fears encirclement, and with reason. (翻译:印度同样害怕被包围,并且他们有理由感到害怕。)

4. Our fears in Banquo stick deep. (翻译:我对于班柯怀着深切的恐惧 他的高贵的天性中)

5. Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated. (翻译:他坚持认为西方的担忧被高度夸大了。)

6. This was a fiction born of my fears, but I believed it. (翻译:这是我因为恐惧带来的胡编乱造,相信了。)

7. Our fears proved groundless. (翻译:我们的担心证明是毫无道理的。)

8. The difference is, a Chihuahua Warrior has the courage to face their fears. (翻译:他们当然也惧怕, 每个人都恐惧些东西呀 The difference is, a Chihuahua Warrior has the courage to face their fears.)

9. We all have our fears and insecurities. (翻译:我们大家都有各自的恐惧和不安全感。)

10. These demands are helping to stoke fears of civil war. (翻译:这些要求激起了对内战的恐惧。)

11. The fears were partly overblown. (翻译:恐惧部分平息了。)

12. Grave fears are felt for the safety of the missing airman. (翻译:对失踪飞行员的安全甚为担忧。)

13. Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher. (翻译:她排除了恐惧,爬得更高了。)

14. Fears of my bed, Fears of life and fears of death, Run away. (翻译:故土的畏惧 生命的畏惧,死亡的畏惧 逃跑吧 )

15. They forgot all their fears and all their miseries in an instant. (翻译:他们马上忘记了一切恐惧和痛苦。)




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