shaoyang是什么意思 shaoyang的中文翻译、读音、例句


shaoyang是什么意思 shaoyang的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:This is online map of the address "Da Shui Tian Xiang Bai Dang Cun , Longhui County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . (这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市隆回县大水田乡白凼村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:The indirect financing is not good in private enterprises of Shaoyang, while its direct financing is worse. (邵阳地区的民营企业间接融资状况不佳,直接融资更是困难。)


例句:At least one American adoption agency organized adoptions from the government-run Shaoyang orphanage. (至少有一家美国领养机构是从运作的邵阳孤儿院中组织介绍领养儿童的。)


例句:I come from wu gang, which is a beautiful place in shaoyang. and currently, i am working as an account manager with the ESSENCE SECURITIES. (翻译:我来自武钢,这是一个美丽的地方在邵阳。目前,我正在为与本质证券帐户经理。)


shaoyang一般作为名词使用,如在harmonizing Shaoyang([中医] 和解少阳)、Shaoyang syndrome(少阳病证)、reconciling shaoyang formula(和解少阳剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

harmonizing Shaoyang[中医] 和解少阳
Shaoyang syndrome少阳病证
reconciling shaoyang formula和解少阳剂
shaoyang within yin阴中之少阳


1. At least one American adoption agency organized adoptions from the government-run Shaoyang orphanage. (翻译:至少有一家美国领养机构是从运作的邵阳孤儿院中组织介绍领养儿童的。)

2. I come from wu gang, which is a beautiful place in shaoyang. and currently, i am working as an account manager with the ESSENCE SECURITIES. (翻译:我来自武钢,这是一个美丽的地方在邵阳。目前,我正在为与本质证券帐户经理。)

3. Blood brean curd ball is a feature food in shaoyang. (翻译:猪血丸子是邵阳的一种特色食品。)

4. They are the manifestations of half exterior and half interior seen in shaoyang disease or malaria. (翻译:它是半表半里证的表现,见于少阳病和疟疾。)

5. I come from Shaoyang Takeoka, Wugang is a 2000 years of history and culture of the ancient city, I am under the care of her loving thrive. (翻译:我来自邵阳武冈,武冈是一座两千多年的历史文化古城,我在她慈爱的呵护下茁壮成长。)

6. Now the transportation in Shaoyang is very convenient. (翻译:现在邵阳的交通非常方便。)

7. Mama took my farewell at Shaoyang train station. At the platform of train station, Mama palpated my rucksack and did not say anything. (翻译:母亲在火车站台上向我送别,她摸着我的帆布背包却说不出话来。)

8. This is online map of the address "Yang Gu Ao Xiang Zhi Mu Shan Cun , Longhui County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市隆回县羊古坳乡桎木山村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

9. This is online map of the address "Huang Sang Miao Zu Xiang Huang Sang Jie Shang , Suining County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市绥宁县黄桑苗族乡黄桑街上”匹配的在线电子地图。)

10. It also witnessed the debut of Shaoyang Merchants' Kins Quasi Card, the first credit card tailored for Shaoyang businessmen. (翻译:全国首张专门为邵阳商人度身定做的银行信用卡“金穗邵阳商人卡”也在会上首次亮相。)

11. Shaoyang is in the northwest of Hunan province. (翻译:邵阳在湖南省的西北部。)

12. This is online map of the address "Shi Jiang Zhen Xie Liang Jie Cun , Dongkou County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市石江镇歇凉界村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

13. Shaoyang is in the southwest of Hunan province. (翻译:邵阳在湖南省的西南部。)

14. This is online map of the address "Dan Kou Zhen Shi Hui , Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国湖南省邵阳市城步苗族自治县丹口镇石灰”匹配的在线电子地图。)

15. Out of expectation, Shaoyang Jixin Real Estate seems to survive the catastrophe. (翻译:邵阳市基鑫房地产开发有限公司却似乎逃过了这一劫难。)




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