cadillacs是什么意思 cadillacs的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


cadillacs是什么意思 cadillacs的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

As an , here are some possible explanations for "cadillacs":

1. Definition: Cadillac refers to a luxurious American car brand founded in 1902 by Henry M. Leland.

Example sentence: He drove a shiny blue Cadillac to the party.

2. Idiomatic expression: "Cadillac health insurance" or "Cadillac tax" is a colloquial term in the US that refers to expensive and comprehensive health plans that may face higher taxes under certain regulations.

Example sentence: Some employers offer Cadillac health insurance plans for their employees, but they may have to pay additional taxes for them.

3. Literary reference: "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" is a comic book and animated TV series created by Mark Schultz in the late 1980s, depicting a post-apocalyptic world where humans and dinosaurs coexist.

Example sentence: More than a nostalgic tribute, "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs" remains a beloved cult classic among comic book fans.

4. Cultural icon: Cadillac also symbolizes a certain image of American elegance, power, and status, especially in the mid-20th century when it became a favorite car among celebrities, politicians, and the wealthy.

Example sentence: In "The Great Gatsby," Jay Gatsby owns a yellow Cadillac that impresses Daisy Buchanan and other guests at his parties.

5. Music reference: "Pink Cadillac" is a popular song by Bruce Springs that describes a woman who drives a pink Cadillac and seduces the singer, showcasing the car as a symbol of desire and .

Example sentence: "She says, 'Hon, you got me feelin' like a queen on the throne/Make me feel like I own a pink Cadillac,'" sings Springs in his catchy tune.





1. He drove up in a fleet of Cadillacs and parked right in front of the hotel entrance. (他开了一队凯迪拉克汽车,直接停在酒店入口前。)

2. Cadillac is known for producing luxury vehicles with exceptional performance and style. (凯迪拉克以生产性能和风格卓越的豪华车辆而闻名。)




例句:Driving new Cadillacs, paying 50 per cent on a bet. (开着新凯迪拉克我先帮他们付一半的钱。)


例句:Here I am, this little kid, I can't even see over the steering wheel... and I'm parking Cadillacs. (那时候我还是个小鬼 坐在方向盘后面,连看都看不见... 就能停凯迪拉克了)


cadillacs一般作为名词使用,如在Cadillacs(凯迪拉克轿车 的复数)、welfare Cadillacs([网络] 福利凯迪拉克)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cadillacs凯迪拉克轿车 的复数
welfare Cadillacs[网络] 福利凯迪拉克


1. They don't vote Democrat, they don't drive Cadillacs, and they never use personal vehicles. (翻译:投党的票 开凯迪拉克 或者用私人汽车办案)

2. There are two Lincolns... and one, two, three Cadillacs... as well as other vehicles parked nearby. (翻译:两辆林肯 还有一 二 三辆 卡迪拉克 以及其他停在附近的汽车)

3. Now you know why General Motors has introduced expensive Saturns and cheap Cadillacs. (翻译:现在,你知道通用汽车为什么会推出昂贵的土星和便宜的凯迪拉克了吧,更不用说该公司旗下其他品牌所犯下的种种错误。)

4. You know, I got a fleet of Cadillacs. (翻译:要知道 我有一个凯迪拉克车队 You know, I got a fleet of Cadillacs.)

5. It looked like we weren't last year, and then in that fourth quarter we just started moving Cadillacs off that lot, man. (翻译:它看起来像 我们是不是在去年, 然后在第四季度 我们刚刚开始移动 凯迪拉克关闭了很多,男人。)

6. Encourage your wealthy neighbors to buy new Cadillacs. (翻译:捣鼓你的富邻居们买新的卡迪拉克。)

7. Wiseguys would pull up and Tuddy would toss me their keys... and let me park their Cadillacs. (翻译:兄弟们来 杜迪就让我... 帮他们停凯迪拉克车)




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