1. 词的意思:make的变化形式,表示“制造、生产、做、打、标记、记号”。
2. 词性:动词。
3. 常用场景:makr可以用来描述制造物品、做饭菜、标记物品等动作。
4. 词组搭配:
- make a decision:做出决定
- make a mistake:犯错
- make an effort:努力
- make an impression:留下印象
- make a difference:有所改变
5. 相关短语:
- make up:组成、弥补、化妆
- make do:将就、勉强应付
- make sense:有意义、合理
- make out:辨认、理解
6. 发音拼写:/meɪk/.
1. He is a maker of fine furniture.
2. The company is the maker of the popular game console.
例句:Fοr better οr wοrse... fοr richer οr pοοrer... in sickness and in health... till death dο us part... (不论更好更坏 不论更富更贫 不论健康疾病)
例句:Perhaps due to the economic downturn or because of Mrs. Mak's premature menopause (可能是因为经济转型 大角嘴区要重建 也可能是麦太自己更年期提前)
1. O.R. lobby! O.R. lobby! Take the stairs! (翻译:手术室大厅,手术室大厅, 上楼梯,在二楼!)
3. I work for David Shane at the New York Courier. (翻译:我任职 《New Yo rk Co u r i e r》 戴维夏恩麾下)
4. Μr. Ivanov? Here you are, Μr. (翻译:Ivanov先生, 1012房间,在十楼)
5. Sir, perhaps together... the Mak'tar chant of strength, Larak tarath. (翻译:先生,也许我们一起... 来点马克他赞美勇气的圣歌: Larak tarath.)
6. R PERCEIVES R TO BE A SEPARATE PERSON (翻译:对或者不对,这里都需要你 R承认了R的存在)
7. Mrs. Mak began planning McDull's... future even before he was born (翻译:其实早在麦兜没出世之前 麦太就已经为他做好了准备)
8. Picrorhizae can protect the neuron from I/R injury by increasing the expression_r_r of NGF in brain. (翻译:胡黄连对脑I /R损伤神经元有保护作用,其机制可能与上调脑内NGF表达有关。)
9. They say Mak-Zi invented yawning belching and sitting (翻译:据说 打呵欠是麦子发明的 他还发明了打马虎眼和打大腿)
10. Zaha Hadid: Architecture is published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name at the MAK in Vienna. (翻译:扎哈哈迪德先生:结构发表在配合展览的同一名在麦在维也纳举行。)
11. At the end of her ropes, Mrs. Mak wracks her brain for another idea (翻译:用尽 麦太于是又很快很快的顿悟别的东西)
12. If you are at it, look for "S". (翻译:等等 翻到R那一页 Attends, regarde à R.)
13. Figured I'd give him a little R and R. (翻译:啊 我明天再说了 我的意思也是要给他们点娱乐的)
14. Wong Chia Chi carries herself every bit like Mak Tai Tai, and not an agent. (翻译:王佳芝的优点 就在于她只当自己是麦太太 不是弄情报的)
15. If I can't be with Mak in this world, then Pee Mak must go with me. (翻译:如果我不能在这人世上 小迈必须跟我一起走)