ash是什么意思 ash的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


ash是什么意思 ash的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 'ash'的意思与用法:

- 名词,指灰烬或烟灰,产生于燃烧或焚烧之后的残留物。

- 缩写词,可以代表“美国国家冰球联盟”(National Hockey League)或者“灰尘和毒气”(airborne particles and gases)。

2. 'ash'的常见用法:

- 在环境保护领域,'ash'可以指工业废弃物中产生的灰渣,需要进行安全处理和处置。

- 在体育领域,'ash'是指某些球、网球等比赛过程中击球后产生的凝结物,需要清除以维护比赛的公平性。

- 在文学和艺术领域,'ash'也可以被用于隐喻和象征,比如“David Foster Wallace的小说《燃烧的墨水》中,烟灰象征着文化和心灵的残留”。

3. 'ash'的中英例句:

- The volcanic ash from the eruption covered the entire town. (火山爆发产生的火山灰覆盖了整个城镇。)

- The chimney sweep had to clear out the ash from the fireplace every day. (扫烟囱的工人每天都要清理壁炉里的烟灰。)

- The hockey fans were excited to see their favorite team play in the NHL. (冰球迷们很兴奋看到自己喜欢的球队参加了美国国家冰球联盟的比赛。)

- The building had to install a special filtration system to deal with the airborne particles and gases from the nearby factory. (这座建筑物必须安装特殊的过滤系统以处理邻近工厂产生的灰尘和毒气。)

- The composer used the image of ashes as a metaphor for loss and mourning in his latest symphony. (作曲家在他最新的交响乐中将烟灰的意象用作失落和哀悼的隐喻。)




1. The fire reduced the house to ashes.(大火将房子烧成了灰烬。)

2. She tered her husband's ashes in the sea.(她把丈夫的骨灰撒在了海中。)

3. The leaves of the ash tree turn yellow in the fall.(榆树在秋天的叶子变黄。)




例句:Coal ash-fusibility not only relates to the chemical composition of ash, but also to its mineral composition. (煤灰熔融性不但与煤灰化学组成有关,还与庆成分的矿物形态有关。)


例句:Allow me to introduce the singing sensation, ash. (请允许我介绍 感官之声, Ash. Allow me to introduce the singing sensation, ash.)


例句:Called Ash on the way here. He came up with something. (回来的时候打过电话给Ash 他查到了一点东西)


例句:I call for a vote of no confidence in this fake Ash! (翻译:我要呼吁发起一次对这个假Ash的不信任投票)


ash一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在difficult ash(熔灰)、dry ash(干灰)、downy ash([网络] 灰烬)等常见短语中出现较多。

difficult ash熔灰
dry ash干灰
downy ash[网络] 灰烬
Dodington Ash[地名] 多丁顿阿什 ( 英 )
engine ash炉渣
European ashun. 欧洲白蜡树\n[网络] 欧洲白蜡木;英文名;欧洲岑木
elementary ash基元灰分
extraneous ash外来灰分
fine ash[网络] 细灰;锅炉


1. Called Ash on the way here. He came up with something. (翻译:回来的时候打过电话给Ash 他查到了一点东西)

2. I call for a vote of no confidence in this fake Ash! (翻译:我要呼吁发起一次对这个假Ash的不信任投票)

3. Killing mechanism: ash, pyroclastic flows. (翻译:杀伤机制:火山灰、火山碎屑流。)

4. Ash began to erupt from the crater. (翻译:火山灰开始从火山口喷出。)

5. Left a pile of smoldering ash." (翻译:留下了一堆阴燃的灰烬 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Left a pile of smoldering ash.)

6. I want to discuss this Linda Ash thing and l-l-- what are you so interested in Linda for anyway, huh ? (翻译:我想谈谈Linda Ash的事 我 -我 --)

7. Freddy The Face will have fitted Ash with a smaller fat suit. (翻译:变脸Freddy就会给Ash穿上一件 小一号的胖子化妆衣)

8. Come on, Ash, man up. Take one for the team. (翻译:拜托 Ash 拿出点男子气概来 为大伙牺牲一下)

9. I just hear myself saying it, Ash, and then... that's it. (翻译:我不知道 只是我的内心这么跟我说 Ash 然后...)

10. Maybe Ellen or that guy Ash will know something. (翻译:也许Ellen 或者那个叫Ash的会知道些什么)

11. Danny, as you were. Ash, dig around, see what else you can find out. (翻译:Danny你还做那酒鬼 Ash 周围走走 看还有什么信息)

12. Shadow disjoin dirty ash into the night... (翻译:阴影将肮脏的灰烬分离至夜晚。)

13. Start talking traitor or so help me first order of The New Ash (翻译:赶快交代清楚叛徒不然就是帮我让新的Ash)

14. Has utilized activating the fly ash acidly of waste residue, with using the waste residue or the fly ash to deal with contrast alone; (翻译:利用了废渣泥中的废酸对粉煤灰进行活化,与单独使用废渣或粉煤灰处理进行对比;)

15. The pneumatic vibrative bag type dust remover has high ash removing efficiency, uniform ash removal, and no dead angles, and can realize automatic dust removal and ash removal. (翻译:这种除尘器清灰效率高,且均匀无死角,并可实现自动化除尘清灰。)


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