effected是什么意思 effected的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


effected是什么意思 effected的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



1. 语法用法

"effected"是"effect"的过去式和过去分词形式,常常用作动词。例如,"The new policy has effected a positive change in the company." (新政策已经在公司中产生了积极的变化)。此外,"effected"也可以是一些缩写词的简称,如EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)。

2. 意义和含义

"effected"意味着已经完成了某种影响或者引起了某种结果。在某些情况下,它的含义可以与"achieved"或者"implemented"等同。例如,"The company has effected a merger with its rival." (公司已经成功合并了其竞争对手)。

3. 同义替换

"effected"可以与一些其他的动词互换,例如"caused"或者"created"。例如,"The new law has effected changes in the criminal justice system." (新法律已经在刑事司法系统中造成了变化)。

4. 某些常见用法

"effected"常常在商业、、法律和科技等领域中使用,以描述某种决策或者政策的实施和结果。例如,"The company has effected cost-cutting measures to survive the economic downturn." (公司已经采取了削减成本的措施以度过经济低迷期)。

5. 示例句


(1) The new policy has effected changes in the education system. (新政策已经在教育系统中产生了变化)。

(2) The merger has effected a significant increase in market share. (合并已经使市场份额显著增加)。

(3) The government has effected a new law to improve consumer protection. (已经颁布了一项新法律以改进消费者保护)。

(4) The company has effected a restructuring plan to reduce expenses. (公司已经采取了重组计划以降低支出)。

(5) The electronic funds transfer (EFT) system has already been effected across the country. (电子资金转移(EFT)系统已经在全国范围内实施)。

英 [ɪˈfektɪd] 美 [ɪˈfɛktɪd]

1. 翻译:受影响的;实施的

例句:The new policy has greatly effected our business. (新的政策对我们的业务产生了很大的影响。)

2. 翻译:引起了;实现了

例句:His speech effected a change in public opinion. (他的演讲引起了公众意见的改变。)




例句:All this, effected in an open whaleboat on a great ocean, may well fill us with admiration for the courage and skill of the young surgeon. (靠一条小小捕鲸船在广阔的海洋上有如此发现,我们没有理由不对这位年轻的外科医生的勇气与本领表示钦佩。)


例句:The factors effected on the acidolysis of isoflavone in dry paste were also studied. (研究了干膏中酸解异黄酮的影响因素。)


例句:The properties of zein films were effected by freezing storage temperature. (冻藏温度对玉米醇溶蛋白膜特性有一定影响。)


例句:A new CMFB circuit is used to stabilize the common mode level of the output; Effected measures are used to constrain the wing of the output of the pre. (翻译:该运放采用了折叠式共源共栅放大结构、连续时间共模反馈电路以及低压宽摆幅偏置电路,以实现在高稳定性下的高增益带宽、大输出摆幅。)


effected一般作为名词使用,如在effected by([网络] 超验主义)、operation effected(un. 业务完成情况)、over effected([网络] 过度影响)等常见短语中出现较多。

effected by[网络] 超验主义
operation effectedun. 业务完成情况
over effected[网络] 过度影响
under effected[网络] 影响不足
wind effected phenomena风力效应现象


1. The properties of zein films were effected by freezing storage temperature. (翻译:冻藏温度对玉米醇溶蛋白膜特性有一定影响。)

2. A new CMFB circuit is used to stabilize the common mode level of the output; Effected measures are used to constrain the wing of the output of the pre. (翻译:该运放采用了折叠式共源共栅放大结构、连续时间共模反馈电路以及低压宽摆幅偏置电路,以实现在高稳定性下的高增益带宽、大输出摆幅。)

3. Ray accepts dualities must be effected to serve public interests. (翻译:Ray明白为了公共的利益 Ray accepts dualities must be effected 不得不权衡 做出牺牲 to serve public interests.)

4. Building international big pathways, regional environmental geologies are effected by natural geological environment and engineering activities. (翻译:国际大通道建设区域环境地质受到自然地质环境及工程活动的作用。)

5. The inadepuats braking conditions are the main cause to produce heat-effected metal layer and fatigue crackings. (翻译:制动工况不当是产生热影响层和疲劳裂纹的主要原因。)

6. appreciate your adding the commision, we will try our utmost to promote your good product, the last payment is already effected. (翻译:多谢你提高我们的佣金,我们会努力推销你的产品。上次订单已经付款完毕。)

7. The way of generating financial repot is certain to be effected by the information process of business activities. (翻译:由于财务报告的生成模式必将涵盖企业内部的信息处理过程。)

8. Shipment must be effected in three equal lots by separate steamers with an interval of at least 30 days between shipments. (翻译:必须完成装运三批均由单独的轮船间隔至少30天之间的运输。)

9. After mature reflection it seems to me that this could not have been effected through natural selection. (翻译:经过审慎考虑之后,我认为这种结果似乎不是通过自然选择得来的。)

10. Now he had become his destroyer a second time, since, but for his obstinacy Robertson might have effected his escape. (翻译:现在他又第二次毁了他,要不是他刚愎自用,罗伯逊也许已经逃脱。)

11. Greece cut off, and a link-up effected with Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia. (翻译:希腊被切断, 还与南斯拉夫的铁托游击队取得了联系)

12. Once before, Hutter had been in the hands of the Iroquois, and a few skins had readily effected his release. (翻译:有一次,哈特落到易洛魁人手中,结果只花了几张兽皮就轻而易举地把他赎了回来。)

13. Their removal is effected by aluminum and ferric salts . (翻译:用铁盐和铝盐能将其有效地除去。)

14. Microcalorimetric Study on the Metabolism of M. N. Albula Erythrocytes Effected by F (翻译:F-对小白鼠红血细胞代谢影响的微量热法研究)

15. All the payment to be made under this contract will be effected in US Dollar by L/C or T/T . (翻译:本合同项下之所有款项均以美元支付,支付方式为信用证或电汇。)




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