corncracker是什么意思 corncracker的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

corncracker在英语中代表"蔑〉美国南方的穷苦白人、〈美"的意思,其次还有"玉米酥"的意思,读音为[美 ],corncracker常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到73个与corncracker相关的句子。

corncracker是什么意思 corncracker的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Corn-fed, salt-of-the-earth Missouri guy. (吃着玉米长大的密苏里社会中坚人士。Corn -fed, salt)


例句:Now, first, remove the liver and fry it up with some onions for a little snack or perhaps a delicious Iiverwurst which you can spread on a cracker, a Ritz cracker, a saltine. (首先 把鸡肝取出 放洋葱煎熟 作为配菜 或者用鸡肝做成美味的肝泥香肠 放在脆薄饼上吃)


例句:He put cheese on a cracker. (他在一块饼干上放了奶酪。)


1. He put cheese on a cracker. (翻译:他在一块饼干上放了奶酪。)

2. Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also. (翻译:告诉那老头我曾经也在巴吞鲁日 Inform this old cracker that I was in Baton Rouge also.)

3. This way, just past Graham Cracker Castle. (翻译:This way, just past Grand Cracker Castle.)

4. So Harrison looks for someone to split the cracker vote. (翻译:Harrison 想有人来给魅力人物分票)

5. And four, I compared the hair to this ear of corn! (翻译:第四 我把头发和这些玉米穗比了! And four, I compared the hair to this ear of corn!)

6. How is the autopsy on this body corn inpy (翻译:尸体查得怎么样了 How is the autopsy on this body corn inpy)

7. So, what's for dinner? A side of corn succotash. (翻译:一份豆煮玉米 A side of corn succotash.)

8. Bt corn is a corn that creates its own pesticide to kill a corn borer. (翻译:BT 玉米能够自行产生杀虫剂来消灭其天敌玉米螟。)

9. Bt corn is a corn that creates its own pesticide to kill a corn borer. (翻译:BT 玉米能够自行产生杀虫剂来消灭其天敌玉米螟。)

10. It was a cracker of a goal. (翻译:这球进得真精彩。)

11. Something out in the corn. (翻译:有东西在玉米地里 {\3cH202020}Something out in the corn.)

12. like, a weird craving for that corn dog place across from Barcade. (翻译:like, a weird craving 商场对面那家店的玉米狗 for that corn dog place across from Barcade.)

13. The corn is blossoming [ripening]. (翻译:玉米正在开花[成熟]。)

14. The hair as yellow as corn The slipper as pure as gold (翻译:# 黄如玉米的金发 璨如黄金的舞鞋 # # The hair as yellow as corn The slipper as pure as gold #)

15. But the thing that's alarming is a couple of months ago, in Mexico, where Bt corn and all genetically altered corn is totally illegal, they found Bt corn genes in wild corn plants. (翻译:事情发生在几个月以前,在墨西哥这个 BT玉米和其他转基因玉米都属于非法的地区, 有人发现野生的玉米基因中出现了BT玉米基因。)




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