canoness是什么意思 canoness的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


canoness是什么意思 canoness的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The ones you could handle yourself. (The ones you could handle yourself.)


例句:For the sake of your loved ones. (为了你爱的人们 For the sake of your loved ones.)


例句:Ok, and they left loved ones behind. (and they left loved ones behind.)


1. Ok, and they left loved ones behind. (翻译:and they left loved ones behind.)

2. But we also know that most of us can't do it, and the ones that can afford to do it, it's complicated. (翻译:但是我们也知道 我们中的大部分没有办法去 我们承担不起费用 这很复杂 )

3. They're dead. They're all dead, the ones that took us. (翻译:the ones that took us.)

4. Okay, s-so you guys can cure me. (翻译:好的 也就是说你们可以把我治好 Okay, s... so you guys can cure me.)

5. Fact is, la can help good cops just as much as it can bring the hammer down on the corrupt ones. (翻译:事实上 IA会帮助好 Fact is, IA can help good cops. ...它也可以打击 ...just as much as it can bring the hammer. ...分子 ...down on the corrupt ones.)

6. Waiting for the animals to die out, and the Old Ones to return. (翻译:and the Old Ones to return.)

7. Particularly the female ones. (翻译:尤其是女学生 Particularly the female ones.)

8. They were the ones hiding it. (翻译:They were the ones hiding it.)

9. If you meet these criteria, you can sue them here in the U.S. (翻译:If you meet these criteria, 你就可以在美国起诉他们 you can sue them here in the U. S.)

10. We got to take care of the ones out here and block that gap, too, so we can take the rest slow. (翻译:我们得干掉外面的这些 We got to take care of the ones out here 把缺口堵上 然后再慢慢干掉剩下的 and block that gap, too, so we can take the rest slow.)

11. We need to extend our support to their loved ones as much as we can during this difficult time. (翻译:值此艰难时刻 我们要尽力 We need to extend our support to their loved ones 支持他们的亲朋好友 as much as we can during this difficult time.)

12. Only then can they be reunited with the ones they love. (翻译:只有这样,它们才能与它们的爱人再次结合。)

13. Can you s... tell everyone I said goodbye? (翻译:-I gotta run. 你能帮我和大家说一声吗 Can you s -)

14. About the - The blood samples. (翻译:the ones with the high...)

15. Do not inflict it upon your loved ones. (翻译:Do not inflict it upon your loved ones.)


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