alternatively是什么意思 alternatively的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


alternatively是什么意思 alternatively的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



1. 同义词。

alternatively的同义词包括:or, otherwise, if not, in lieu of等等。

2. 用法



- You can take a bus or alternatively you can take a taxi to get to the airport.

- You can choose to work for a company or alternatively start your own business.

3. 句式


- either...or

- not only...but also

- whether...or

- if...then


- Either you do your homework or alternatively you can stay after school to finish it.

- Not only can you take the train, but also alternatively you can drive to the city.

4. 范畴


- 提供选择:你可以做A或者B,或换而言之,你可以选择A或B。

- 表达不同的观点:一些人认为X是好的,但也有人持相反的观点,他们认为Y是更好的选择。

- 表达对没有选项的感受:我非常希望有其他选择,或者换个角度说,我希望我能够做出不同的选择。

- 表达替代方案:如果我们不能完成任务A,那么我们可以采用替代方案。


1. You can either come to the party tonight, or alternatively we can arrange another time to meet up. (你可以选择今晚来参加派对,或者换而言之,我们可以安排别的时间见面。)

2. Not only can you study abroad, but alternatively you can also do an internship to gain international experience. (你不仅可以出国留学,也可以选择实习以获得国际经验。)

3. Whether we go to the museum or go to the park is up to you, alternatively we can do both if we have time. (我们去博物馆还是去公园都由你决定,或者换而言之,如果我们有时间,我们可以两个地方都去。)

4. If we can't find a suitable venue for the event, alternatively we can hold it outdoors. (如果我们找不到一个合适的场地来举办这个活动,我们可以采用替代方案,在室外举办。)

5. Some people prefer online shopping, while alternatively others prefer shopping in physical stores. (一些人喜欢网购,或者换个角度说,其他人更喜欢在实体店购物。)





1. If you don't want to go to the movie, we could alternatively go for a walk in the park.(如果你不想去看电影,我们可以选择去公园散步。)

2. Alternatively, you could try using a different browser.(或者,你可以尝试使用不同的浏览器。)

3. They offered me a full-time job, but alternatively, I could work part-time and keep my flexible schedule.(他们提供了一个全职工作机会,但是我也可以选择兼职工作,保持我的灵活性。)




例句:Irrigation with saltish and fresh alternatively can decrease soil salt content and increase cotton yield. (采用咸淡水交替灌溉可以降低土壤含盐量,增加棉花产量。)


例句:Alternatively, wander through the old town for authentic inns hidden amongst the intriguing architecture of the narrow winding roads. (您也可到这古城狭窄、蜿蜒的小路溜达,发掘隐藏在神秘建筑中道地的小旅馆。)


例句:Alternatively, the position estimate may be derived by the H-SLP based on measurements from the SET. (或者,所述位置估计可由所述H-SLP基于来自所述SET的测量值导出。)


例句:The RVT can alternatively be connected directly to the Ground Control Station. (翻译:RVT能做为选择直接连接到地面控制站。)


alternatively一般作为副词、动词使用,如在or alternatively(conj. 或者(换个;另一个办法))等常见短语中出现较多。

or alternativelyconj. 或者(换个;另一个办法)


1. Alternatively, the position estimate may be derived by the H-SLP based on measurements from the SET. (翻译:或者,所述位置估计可由所述H-SLP基于来自所述SET的测量值导出。)

2. The RVT can alternatively be connected directly to the Ground Control Station. (翻译:RVT能做为选择直接连接到地面控制站。)

3. Alternatively, you may be offered enrolment in an alternative course by Cambridge International College at no extra cost to you. (翻译:另外,你也可提供招生另类课程,由剑桥大学国际书院并无需缴纳额外费用给你。)

4. Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternatively, with the forelegs aligned on the same track as the hind legs. (翻译:每对斜对角肢轮流抬起再踏在地上,前脚应当走在和后脚一样的线上。)

5. On exon level, 85 PSRs (probe select regions) were identified as alternatively spliced exons that belonged to 85 ASTs (alternatively spliced transcripts), and 36 transcripts have an-notation. (翻译:在外显子水平,共有85个发生选择性剪接的外显子,分别属于85个转录本,仅有36个已知基因。)

6. Alternatively, the dermis can be enzymatically dissociated to provide a suspension of fibroblasts. (翻译:另外,真皮可提供酶解分离暂停成纤维细胞。)

7. Alternatively, after you convert the publication, you can use hyperlinks to connect article sections to one another. (翻译:或者,在转换该出版物后,可以使用超链接将文章的某个章节连接到另一个章节。)

8. Alternatively, when the detachable wing is attached with the body, the body in conjunction with the detachable wing operates as a flyable kite. (翻译:可选择地,当可拆翼与本体相连接时,本体与可拆翼一起用作可飞行风筝。)

9. Alternatively, the change in inductance can also be detected by a reactance measurement. (翻译:另外,在电感的变化也可以检测到一电抗测量。)

10. It could alternatively be used to grow bioenergy crops, which would displace fossil fuels. (翻译:它也可以被用来种植生物能源作物,它们将取代化石燃料。)

11. Alternatively, a means might be found to put the neutrons from pure deuterium fusion to good use. (翻译:作为可替代的一种方法也许被创建用于从单纯的氘聚变中取得中子为了有效的使用。)

12. Critics suggested alternatively that 9 fare tokens be sold for $10. (翻译:批评者建议以10美元的价格出售9张票价代币。)

13. Alternatively, they asked that an independent committee, made of up of clerics, lawmakers and experts, review the charges of vote rigging. (翻译:他们提出的另一种方案是成立由毛拉、立法者和专家组成的独立委员会对投票舞弊的指控进行。)

14. Alternatively, in the long term, looking in stabler stock markets for companies that export to China might make sense. (翻译:或者,从长远来看,在相对更稳定的股市寻找对中国出口的企业,或许也行得通。)

15. Alternatively, the ripples can be irradiated from above with a laser beam to produce an instantaneous reconstruction in reflected light. (翻译:或者也可以用一束激光从上面照射波纹,在反射光中产生即时的重建象。)


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