unterhalt是什么意思 unterhalt的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


unterhalt是什么意思 unterhalt的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

As an , you with the following information about the German word "Unterhalt":

1. Definition: Unterhalt means maintenance or upkeep. It refers to the financial support provided to someone, usually a child or a spouse, by an ex-partner or parent after a separation or divorce.

2. Usage: Unterhalt is commonly used in legal and financial contexts, but it can also be used in everyday conversations.

3. Verb form: The verb form of Unterhalt is "unterhalten", which means to entertain or maintain. This verb is also commonly used in everyday conversations.

4. Related words: There are several related words to Unterhalt, including "Unterhaltszahlung" (maintenance payment), "Unterhaltspflicht" (maintenance obligation), and "Unterhaltsrecht" (maintenance law).

5. Cultural context: In Germany, Unterhalt is an important issue for families and can be a topic of heated debate.


1. Meine Ex-Frau zahlt mir jeden Monat Unterhalt für unsere Kinder. (My ex-wife pays me child support every month.)

2. Die Unterhaltszahlungen müssen bis zum 15. des Monats eingegangen sein. (The maintenance payments must be received by the 15th of the month.)

3. Ich muss für den Unterhalt unserer gemeinsamen Wohnung sorgen. (I have to take care of the maintenance of our shared apartment.)

4. Der Vater hat eine Unterhaltspflicht gegenüber seinen Kindern. (The father has a maintenance obligation towards his children.)

5. Das Unterhaltsrecht regelt die finanzielle Unterstützung nach einer Trennung oder Scheidung. (The maintenance law regulates financial support after a separation or divorce.)




1. Für den Unterhalt der Familie musste er hart arbeiten.


2. Der geschiedene Mann muss seiner Ex-Frau Unterhalt zahlen.


3. Die Regierung hat das Ziel, den Unterhalt der Infrastruktur zu verbessern.





例句:But during World War I, migration from Europe came to a virtual halt. (但是在一战期间, 来自欧洲的移民事实上停止了。)


1. The Russian government had called a halt to the construction of a new project in the Rostov region. (翻译:俄罗斯已经决定停止在罗斯托夫地区的一个新工程的修建。)

2. If I halt their reinforcements, I won't lose to Zabine. (翻译:只要消灭联邦军的援军 我们就不会输给查贝尼)

3. I have a recital to attend. (翻译:Shall we halt there? I have a recital to attend.)

4. He pushed in the clutch and coasted to a halt. (翻译:他踩下离合器,滑行了一会儿便停下来了。)

5. Christ healed the blind, the halt , the palsied , and the leprous . But the fool He could not cure. (翻译:治愈了盲者、跛者、瘫痪者以及痲疯病患,但是祂无法治好愚人。)

6. Here the guns would halt the Hun - provided the Hun came this way. (翻译:这里枪炮将使匈奴人停下来... 倘若匈奴人从这个方向打过来)

7. Its main building is located in the centre of Berlin at the boulevard Unter den Linden. (翻译:大学主要的建筑物位于菩提树下大街柏林中心。)

8. What we intend to halt, by any means, is three centuries of spoliation of this earth. (翻译:我们所要做的,就是用任法,阻止三个世纪以来对这个地球所进得的掠夺。)

9. Could endostatin halt the growth of capillaries and starve the plaque? (翻译:血管内皮抑制素能中断毛细血管的生长,从而饿死栓塞吗? )

10. The bus slowed to a halt. (翻译:公共汽车减速停了下来。)

11. After a few months, most new Prime Ministers have more or less ground to a halt anyway. (翻译:反正一两个月后 After a few months, most new Prime Ministers 大多数首相动力都会少一半 have more or less ground to a halt anyway.)

12. In the rest of the world flights have ground ...to a halt as national airlines donate theirfle (翻译:其他国家的航线纷纷停驶 让出航机进行义载)

13. The leading car came to a halt. (翻译:行驶在前面的车停了下来。)

14. As in B the player may not ask for only a partial restatement or halt the review. (翻译:如B款所述,牌手不能要求复述部分叫牌或者打断复述。)

15. Work, labor, everyday routine in this fleet will come to a complete halt. (翻译:工作 劳动 这支舰队的每项日常工作都将停止)


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