triplets是什么意思 triplets的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


triplets是什么意思 triplets的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

As an English teacher, the word "triplets" or abbreviation "Trips" can be approached from at least four different angles:

1. Definition and meaning

"Triplets" refer to a group of three babies born at the same time to the same mother. It is a term commonly used in medical and parenting fields. Meanwhile, the abbreviation "Trips" can also mean a group of three people, objects, or events that are closely related or cered together.

2. Grammatical form and usage

"Triplets" is a plural noun that can be used as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence, depending on the context. It needs to be paired with plural verbs, ouns, or adjectives. For instance, "The triplets are wearing matching hats" (subject paired with a plural verb); "She took care of the triplets by herself" (object paired with a plural oun); "The triplets look identical but have distinct personalities" (complement paired with a plural adjective). On the other hand, "Trips" can be used as a noun or verb, referring to the act of taking a journey or excursion. For instance, "We are planning a weekend trip to the beach" (noun); "I love to trip on psychedelic music" (verb).

3. Cultural and social implications

"Triplets" often evoke a sense of curiosity, admiration, or sympathy in people's minds, as it's not a common occurrence to have three babies born at once in a natural way. Therefore, triplets and their families might face some challenges and opportunities that differ from those of singletons or twins. Additionally, "Trips" can connote various cultural or social associations, such as music festivals, road trips, backpacking adventures, etc.

4. Literary and artistic references

"Triplets" have appeared in various literary and artistic works, providing a compelling subject matter for writers and artists to explore themes such as identity, siblinghood, rivalry, unity, etc. For example, the novel "The Thirth Tale" by Diane Setterfield features a set of estranged triplets who play a pivotal role in the protagonist's quest for truth. Meanwhile, the famous painting "The Three Musicians" by Pablo Picasso depicts a group of three performers who are symbolically united despite their different instruments and backgrounds.

Here are some example sentences for "triplets":

1. The triplets were born prematurely but now they are healthy and thriving.

2. My sister and her husband were shocked and delighted to discover that they were expecting triplets.

3. People always mistake us for triplets, even though we are just close friends.

4. We planned a movie marathon with my trips, watching all the Harry Potter films in one night.

5. Every summer, we take a family trip to the mountains to escape the city's heat.



1. She gave birth to triplets last month.


2. The three sisters were identical triplets.


3. The song has a catchy melody with triplets in the rhythm.





例句:Much more asymmetrical is the appearance of Messier 66, the biggest galaxy of the Leo Triplets. (更不对称的银河 是M66星系的外观 狮子座三胞胎最大的银河)


例句:Being and fathering triplets is by far the most socially innovative, socially entrepreneurial thing I have ever done. (身为一个同性恋父亲养育三胞胎孩子 是我目前做过的最具有社会创新、最具有 社会事业精神的事情。)


例句:After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets. " (过了一会儿,这位护士走过来对第二个男人说:“恭喜你喜添三胞胎。”)


triplets一般作为名词使用,如在triplets permutation method(三排列方法)等常见短语中出现较多。

triplets permutation method三排列方法


1. After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets. " (翻译:过了一会儿,这位护士走过来对第二个男人说:“恭喜你喜添三胞胎。”)

2. Identical triplets, one in half a million births. (翻译:三胞胎 五十万分之一的出生几率 不用出门就能解决)

3. After years of wanting a family, Mark and his wife Ronnie were overjoyed to learn that they were expecting triplets. (翻译:马可和妻子露妮想要孩子多年了,得悉露妮怀了三胞胎,他们雀跃不已。)

4. During the storm, Mrs. Albina gave birth to triplets, a boy and two girls. (翻译:在暴风雨中,阿宾娜太太生了三胞胎,一个男孩和两个女孩。)

5. Sestet: the six-line stanza. 3couplets/ a quatrain + a couplet/ 2 triplets. (翻译:六行诗节:三个对句或一个四行诗节加一个对句,或两个三联对。)

6. Being and fathering triplets is by far the most socially innovative, socially entrepreneurial thing I have ever done. (翻译:身为一个同性恋父亲养育三胞胎孩子 是我目前做过的最具有社会创新、最具有 社会事业精神的事情。)

7. The triplets, Afredo, Catarin and Halily, weren't sure at first if they wanted the extra siblings, Anzaldo said. (翻译:安扎尔多说,他们的三胞胎--阿弗里多、卡塔琳和哈里里一开始并不确定他们想不想再有兄弟姐妹。)

8. The Nalle triplets reported back to the mayor any useful information their guests may have foolishly divulged. (翻译:诺尔三人组会把客人傻乎乎泄露的任何有用情报都反馈给阿克罗斯-克里克。)

9. Each of them a little miracle, but what I find truly miraculous is the way that each one of us has gone from being a tiny fertilised egg into these wonderfully complex creatures that are the triplets, me, you. (翻译:现在小纳森尼是卡森家的第16个孩子 并且很有可能不是最后一个)

10. Sometimes I tell people I have triplets. They say, "Really? How many?" (翻译:当我告诉人们我有三胞胎的时候 他们说,“真的,多少个?” )

11. I took the Bossa Nova triplets to Cocoa Beach. (翻译:我带着那三个狂歌热舞 的女孩到可可海滩去了)

12. No, not triplets! (翻译:不,不是三胞胎! )

13. triplets will be on ATVs in the woods wearing the same costumes as us. (翻译:三人一组,在树林中骑沙滩车,穿和我们一样的服装)

14. I guess it just brings back memories, you know from when I gave birth to my brother's triplets and I had to give them up. (翻译:这让我想起了 我为我弟弟怀了三胞胎 最后却要我放弃他们)

15. she had twins or triplets. She was a triplet herself. (翻译:不是双胞胎就是三胞胎。她自己就是三胞胎之一。)




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