例句:All the captive males 100% have collapsed dorsal fins. (所有被捕获的雄性鲸鱼100%都有背鳍衰竭现象)
例句:Remove machine basting by snipping the top thread at frequent intervals and pulling out the bobbin thread first. (拆除机制粗缝的方法:先抽出底线,后剪断间隔处的面线即可。)
例句:Biasing a lock to a thread means that the thread is not required to release the lease on the lock. (将锁偏向于一个线程,意味着该线程不需要释放锁的契约。)
例句:On many dives we fins species never before seen by anyone (翻译:在很多次潜水里 我们发现人类从未见过的物种)
1. Biasing a lock to a thread means that the thread is not required to release the lease on the lock. (翻译:将锁偏向于一个线程,意味着该线程不需要释放锁的契约。)
2. On many dives we fins species never before seen by anyone (翻译:在很多次潜水里 我们发现人类从未见过的物种)
3. The code to clear the thread of inbreaking! (翻译:一个擦除入侵后线索的代码! )
4. One of them is thread engrossment. (翻译:其中之一就是线程专注。)
5. If you let go, the thread may break, or loosen the thread to neutralize the safety. (翻译:如果你放手,电线便会断 如果你将盖放回 安全装置便会解除)
6. Some sharks are caught for their fins, used in shark fin soup. (翻译:以前就有过鲨鱼挣脱的事件 所以我们给它足够的空间)
7. A basalt fiber sewing thread relates to a sewing thread, in particular to a sewing thread made of basalt fiber. (翻译:玄武岩纤维缝纫线涉及一种缝纫线,具体是一种由玄武岩纤维制成的缝纫线。)
8. Uh,thread... the thread is pulled very tight. (翻译:呃 步伐... 步伐越来越快了 我能感觉到它)
9. And if each thread (ergo network connection) is busy, then the context switching to each thread can be significant. (翻译:另外,如果每个线程都忙于处理网络连接,线程之间的上下文切换会很频繁。)
10. The thread came untwisted. (翻译:线纰了。)
11. Now she draws with a needle and thread, little knotted rosebuds , tulips made of silk thread. (翻译:现在她用针和线来绘画,用丝线绣出带点刺的玫瑰花蕾,还有郁金香。)
12. and in the paired fins, the fin girdles , basals, and radials. (翻译:而且在偶鳍,包括腰带,基础骨,与辐射骨。)
13. There is a link, a very weak thread. (翻译:有所联系 很弱的联系 There is a link, a very weak thread.)
14. Meanwhile, Ernest finds his fins on the internet. (翻译:在此时,欧内斯特在互联网上找到了他的鳍。)
15. Listing 5. Output of struct thread_info for pids 1508 and 1509. (翻译:清单5 . pid 1508和1509的结构体thread_info的输出。)