genes是什么意思 genes的中文翻译、读音、例句


genes是什么意思 genes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:genes是指存在于细胞核中,控制生物遗传性状的基因片段。它们控制了人类身体的各项特征,包括身高、眼睛颜色、发色,以及各种性格特征等等。

例句1:The doctor suggested that the patient may have inherited the disease due to a faulty gene from one of their parents.

例句2:Scientists have identified the gene responsible for the trait of blue eyes.

2. 遗传:genes是遗传过程中的基本单位,它们控制了生命的传递和进化。

例句1:The study of genetics has greatly advanced our understanding of how traits are passed down from generation to generation.

例句2:Mutations in genes can lead to the development of certain diseases or disorders.

3. 进化:genes是进化的基础,它们通过变异和选择,推动生物的演化。

例句1:Scientists have discovered that certain genes have played a key role in the evolution of humans.

例句2:The evolution of species is driven by changes in the frequency of genes over time.

4. 基因编辑:近年来,基因编辑技术的出现,使得人类可以干预基因,从而改变基因编码的特征,进而改变人类体质、生育等方面的特点。

例句1:CRISPR technology allows scientists to edit genes with a high degree of accuracy and precision.

例句2:Genetic editing is a controversial topic, with many ethical concerns surrounding its use.

5. 基因治疗:基因治疗是一种新型治疗手段,通过修改人类的基因,从而来治疗一些罕见或者遗传性疾病。

例句1:Gene therapy has shown promise in treating rare genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis.

例句2:With advances in gene therapy, it may be possible to cure diseases that were once thought to be untreatable.

1. 中文翻译:基因

2. 读音:ji1 yin1

3. 例句:

- 每个人都有两个父母的基因,一共四个祖辈的基因。

- 这种遗传疾病是由一个问题基因的突变引起的。

- 不同的物种有不同的基因组成,这也是它们的遗传特征之一。




例句:Nuclear radiations can change genes. (核辐射能够改变基因。)


例句:Sinclair calls these survival genes. (辛克莱把它称为生存基因。)


genes一般作为名词使用,如在early genes([病毒]早期基因)、dominant genes(显性基因)、dominate genes(显性基因)等常见短语中出现较多。

early genes[病毒]早期基因
dominant genes显性基因
dominate genes显性基因
duplicate genesun. 重复基因\n[网络] 重叠基因;多重复基因;基因称为
genes in common个体间共有[的]基因
hemizygous genes半合子基因
heteroallelic genes异等位基因
heterozygous genes杂合基因
histocompatibility genes组织亲和性基因


1. Changing technology, changing genes, and a changing mindset. (翻译:变化的科技,变化的基因, 以及变化的精神状态。)

2. And the trick that Richard Dawkins does, which is to say, to look at them as simply as genes, as vehicles for genes. (翻译:理查德·道金斯的技巧是: 将它们看成只是基因,是基因载体。)

3. Patenting genes is bad for diagnosis. (翻译:为基因申请专利不利于诊断。)

4. But they really need to spread their genes to mix with other genes so that they can adapt to environmental niches. (翻译:但它们确实需要传播它们的基因 与其他的基因混合, 这样它们才能生态环境。)

5. So that suggests that somewhere in these genes, somewhere in the DNA, are genes for aging, genes that allow them to have different lifespans. (翻译:这就启发我们 在这些基因里的某个地方,在DNA里面 有控制衰老的基因 让动物们有不同的寿命期)

6. And we found that over 500 genes were favorably changed -- in effect, turning on the good genes, the disease-preventing genes, turning off the disease-promoting genes. (翻译:我们发现500多个基因发生了良性变异, 我们可以把这理解为那些好的、能够预防疾病的基因被激活, 而会导致疾病的基因则失效了。)

7. Cuttlefish genes were added to help her withstand an accelerated growth rate. (翻译:我们加入乌贼基因 帮助她承受加速的生长速度 Cuttlefish genes were added to help her withstand an accelerated growth rate.)

8. And on these chromosomes are roughly 25,000 genes. (翻译:而且在这些染色体上 大约有25000个基因。)

9. Cloning and Analysis of Genes Encoding Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthases (翻译:假单胞菌中聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成酶基因的克隆与分析)

10. He spread his genes everywher, (翻译:他的基因随处可见 He spread his genes everywhere,)

11. About a third of CroV's genes are similar to Mimivirus genes, suggesting they share a distant ancestor. (翻译:CroV的基因中,约有三分之一同Mimivirus基因类似,说明它们之间都拥有共同的祖先。)

12. It is possible that genes predispose some people to optimism, and that the same genes affect health and longevity. (翻译:可能基因会让一些人天生乐观,同时这些基因又会影响健康和寿命。)

13. Analysis on hybridized chip sifts 12 significant up-regulated genes and 221 significant down-regulated genes. (翻译:杂交后的芯片经数据分析后,共筛选出显著上调基因12个,显著下调基因221个。)

14. In MLL, it's the middle set of genes, and in AML, it's the bottom set of genes. (翻译:混合型白血病中,中间那部分基因会过表达 而急性髓细胞白血病中,则是的那部分基因过表达)

15. It is suggested that the splicing ways of chimeric genes may affect the activities of fused proteins expressed by the chimeric genes. (翻译:研究表明,嵌合基因的不同拼接方式对融合蛋白的活性可能有一定的影响。)




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