marcos是什么意思 marcos的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


marcos是什么意思 marcos的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. Marcos是一个名称或者缩写词

- Marcos可以是一个人名或者姓氏,比如菲律宾前总统Ferdinand Marcos。

- Marcos也可以是一个缩写词,比如Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG)。

- Marcos还可以是一种商标名称,比如Marcos Pizza。


- Ferdinand Marcos was once the president of the Philippines.

- MACV-SOG, also known as Marcos, was a U.S. special operations unit during the Vietnam War.

- Marcos Pizza has more than 900 locations in the United States.

2. Marcos是一个计算机术语

- Marcos可以是一种编程语言,用于编写程序和宏。

- Macros也可以是一种自动化脚本,用于执行复杂的操作或者任务。

- Macros还可以是一种计算机病毒或者恶意软件。


- I use Marcos to automate some of my daily tasks on my computer.

- Some of the most dangerous computer viruses are macros that can infect entire networks.

- Marcos programming language is commonly used in the tech industry.

3. Marcos是一个地名

- Marcos可以是一个城市或者省份的名称,比如巴西的Marcos Parente,或者菲律宾的Ilocos Norte。

- Marcos也可以是一座建筑物或者纪念碑的名称,比如San Marcos Cathedral in Guatemala。

- Marcos还可以是一个自然资源的名称,比如Marcos River in Brazil。


- Marcos Parente is a small city in the state of Piauí, Brazil.

- The San Marcos Cathedral is one of the oldest landmarks in Guatemala City.

- The Marcos River in Brazil is known for its scenic beauty.


1. Ferdinand Marcos曾经是菲律宾总统。

Ferdinand Marcos was once the president of the Philippines.

2. 我使用Marcos自动化我的电脑上的一些日常任务。

I use Macros to automate some of my daily tasks on my computer.

3. Marcos Parente是巴西皮奥伊州的一个小城市。

Marcos Parente is a small city in the state of Piauí, Brazil.

4. San Marcos大教堂是危地马拉城中最古老的地标之一。

The San Marcos Cathedral is one of the oldest landmarks in Guatemala City.

5. Marcos River在巴西以其风景优美而闻名。

The Marcos River in Brazil is known for its scenic beauty.

marcos翻译为马科斯,读音为“mǎ kē sī”。


1. Marcos是一位来自菲律宾的家和。

2. 我们去了Marcos家,度过了一个美好的晚上。

3. 他的名字是Marcos,但他的朋友喜欢称呼他为马克。


Marcos is a politician and military leader from the Philippines.

We went to Marcos' house and had a wonderful evening.

His name is Marcos, but his friends like to call him Mark.




例句:The main draw for the 2009 China Open has been announced with Marin Cilic, Marat Safin and Marcos Baghdatis receiving the 3wild cards. (2009年中国网球公开赛组委会公布,西里奇、萨芬和巴格达蒂斯获得3张外卡。)


例句:The following day, Marcos and Aquino each claimed victory. (第二天,马可仕和阿基诺各自宣布获胜。)


例句:A college professor in San Marcos. (是一个在圣马科斯的大学教授 a college professor in San Marcos.)


例句:On a trip to the Philippines, he sold millions of dollars in jewelry to Imelda Marcos. (翻译:菲律宾之行,他卖给伊梅达尔马科斯数百万美元的珠宝。)


marcos一般作为名词使用,如在Marcos(n. 马科斯(姓氏))、Fray Marcos([地名] 弗赖马科斯 ( 乌拉 ))、Marcos Paz([地名] 马科斯巴斯 ( 阿根 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Marcosn. 马科斯(姓氏)
Fray Marcos[地名] 弗赖马科斯 ( 乌拉 )
Marcos Paz[地名] 马科斯巴斯 ( 阿根 )
San Marcos圣马科斯


1. A college professor in San Marcos. (翻译:是一个在圣马科斯的大学教授 a college professor in San Marcos.)

2. On a trip to the Philippines, he sold millions of dollars in jewelry to Imelda Marcos. (翻译:菲律宾之行,他卖给伊梅达尔马科斯数百万美元的珠宝。)

3. The Spanish army only had two hundred thirty soldiers and one hundred eighty Indian allies at Castillo de San Marcos. (翻译:西班牙在圣马科斯堡只有230名士兵和180名印第安人。)

4. Paolo Maldini, Marcos Cafus and Kakha Kaladze didn't partake in the afternoon session. (翻译:马尔蒂尼,卡福和卡拉泽没有参加下午的训练。)

5. "Please, sir, " one of his neighbors implored, "for the good of the country, resign. Leave Marcos. " (翻译:一名弟兄哀叹道:“阁下,为了国家,请你辞职,离开马科斯吧。”)

6. How much do you think Marcos has improved since the last time you played him? (翻译:在你上次和他交手之后,你认为他进步了多少?)

7. Remember the Zapatistas, the peasant uprising in the southern Chiapas region of Mexico led by the masked, pipe-smoking, charismatic Subcomandante Marcos? (翻译:大家记得萨帕塔事件吗? 那是在墨西哥南部的 恰阿巴斯区的农民。由一个带着面具,抽着烟斗, 颇具魅力的名为马克斯的副指挥官所领导。)

8. I direct that my executors make reasonable arrangements with Imelda Marcos for the repayment of the $5 million plus accrued interest that I loaned to her. (翻译:我让我的遗嘱执行者合理的安排对 菲律宾总统进行五百万的偿还 再加上我还欠她的利息)

9. And as you can see, our friend Marcos Mendez is still very much alive and ticking. (翻译:如你所见 我们的朋友马科斯•门德斯仍然在... 坚强地心跳着)

10. The late president Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986. (翻译:已故总统费迪南德·马科斯于1986年被民众所推翻。)

11. Miguel Fidalgo Marcos in 10th. (翻译:Miguel Fidalgo Marcos,10th.)

12. The former Philippine first lady, Imelda Marcos, said she cried on hearing the news. (翻译:菲律宾前,伊梅尔达·马科斯,坦言自己听到这个消息后也流泪了。)

13. The Castillo DE San Marcos grew very slowly. It took twenty-three years to complete. (翻译:修建圣马科斯堡进展很慢,它用了23年时间才完成。)

14. Castillo DE San Marcos soon became Fort Saint Mark. (翻译:圣马科斯堡很快就变成了圣马克堡垒。)

15. Historian Manuel Burga , the former head of the University of San Marcos, said that Spielberg and Lucas were given bad advice. (翻译:曾任秘鲁圣马可大学校长的历史学家柏加说,史匹柏与卢卡斯的顾问太烂了。)


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