contemplate是什么意思 contemplate的中文翻译、读音、例句


contemplate是什么意思 contemplate的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义


2. 词性


3. 用法


4. 搭配


- contemplate doing something 意为考虑做某事,例如:I'm contemplating going back to school to get my master's degree.(我正在考虑回学校获得硕士学位。)

- contemplate the possibility/prospect等意为思考某种可能性/前景等,例如:We need to contemplate the possibility of a recession and plan accordingly.(我们需要考虑经济衰退的可能性并做出相应的计划。)

- contemplate one's own navel等意为沉思、深入探究自己的思想或心灵,例如:He spent the whole day contemplating his own navel and didn't get anything done.(他整天都在思考自己的思想或心灵,什么也没做成。)

5. 例句

1. I need to contemplate this decision carefully before I make any final choices.(在做出最终决定之前,我需要仔细考虑这个问题。)

2. After many weeks of contemplation, she finally decided to quit her job and start her own business.(在沉思熟虑了几个星期之后,她终于决定辞职并开始自己的事业。)

3. The committee is currently contemplating the possibility of raising the company's minimum wage.(委员会目前正在考虑提高公司的最低工资的可能性。)

4. He spent hours contemplating the stars and thinking about the meaning of life.(他花费数小时沉思星空并思考生命的意义。)

5. The young monk spent years contemplating his own navel and meditating on the nature of existence.(年轻的僧侣花费多年思考自己的思想或心灵,并沉思研究存在的本质。)




1. She sat quietly in the garden, contemplating the beauty of nature.(她静静地坐在花园里,沉思着大自然的美丽。)

2. The artist contemplated the blank canvas, deciding on what to paint next.(艺术家注视着空白的画布,决定下一步要画什么。)

3. I need some time to contemplate the situation before a decision.(我需要一些时间来思考这个情况,然后再做决定。)




例句:So I need to just stop moving and contemplate the failure of my life. (思考一下人生的失败之处 好吧 当你准备好再次上路的时候)


例句:It can contemplate the meaning of infinity, ask questions about the meaning of its own existence, about the nature of God. (可以探究无限的意义; 可以探究自身存在的意义; 可以探究上帝的本质。)


例句:Firms of the size of Riversdale are small enough for any number of potential bidders to be able to contemplate buying them. (比如,像里弗斯这样小规模的公司对任何潜在投标人来说,在收购前都要斟酌一番。)


例句:It's interesting to contemplate an entangled bank... (翻译:躯体和心智的天赋 会趋于演化到完美 思考理解千头万绪的知识 很有意思...)


1. Firms of the size of Riversdale are small enough for any number of potential bidders to be able to contemplate buying them. (翻译:比如,像里弗斯这样小规模的公司对任何潜在投标人来说,在收购前都要斟酌一番。)

2. It's interesting to contemplate an entangled bank... (翻译:躯体和心智的天赋 会趋于演化到完美 思考理解千头万绪的知识 很有意思...)

3. It's because, using current thinking, the scale of the problem just seems too huge to contemplate solving. (翻译:是因为,用当前的想法, 问题的程度 似乎大得我们难以想象可以解决。)

4. It must stand as an example and a warning to all that would contemplate even trying to do such things ever in the future. (翻译:这必须成为一个实例,一个警告,给那些盘算着如此行动的人们,甚至在未来。)

5. The possibility that Gerhardt was disabled for life opened long vistas of difficulties which she had not the courage to contemplate. (翻译:老头子要成残废的可能,打开来日艰难的一条长视景,使她没有去细想它的勇气了。)

6. Contemplate the fact that you might have made a regrettable, but somewhat explainable decision then. (翻译:谨记这个事实:也许你做了一个让人懊悔但仍然可以解释的决定。)

7. I can't contemplate what it would be like to be alone. (翻译:我不能想象独自一人会是个什么样子。)

8. And finally, I think it helps us to contemplate the world we've avoided. (翻译:最后,我想这有助于 我反思所避免的危害。)

9. It alone provides us with at least the potential to contemplate the Forms. (翻译:它至少给我们提供了 探索这些形式的可能 )

10. "That 's unfortunate, " was his brief reply, as he lit a cigar and began to smoke and contemplate the stars. (翻译:“真是不幸,”他点燃一支雪茄,一边烟看着星星沉思,一边回答道。)

11. Europeans do not seriously contemplate a political union along the lines of that of the United States with a popularly-elected president. (翻译:欧洲人也并不认真地期望按照美国的方式建立一个具有民选总统的联盟。)

12. Holmes, I cannot contemplate eating while John Horner is still on remand. (翻译:福尔摩斯 约翰・霍纳还被关押着 一想到此事我就没法安心吃饭)

13. Death may be hard to contemplate, but this book is as much about the journey as it is about the last stop. (翻译:死亡或许会很难苦思冥想,但是这本书在写关于旅途的同时也涉及最后一站。)

14. The Iraqi example has made all Kurds at least contemplate a prouder future. (翻译:的先例至少让库尔德人思考一个更值得他们自豪的未来。)

15. It's because, using current thinking, the scale of the problem just seems too huge to contemplate solving. (翻译:是因为,用当前的想法, 问题的程度 似乎大得我们难以想象可以解决。)


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