indisputed是什么意思 indisputed的中文翻译、读音、例句


indisputed是什么意思 indisputed的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control. (他巡访过一些现归管辖的有争议的属地。)


例句:Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. (在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。)


例句:Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. (在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。)


例句:Since the verdict of the Inquisition has been disputed... we are obliged to extract the prisoner's confession to murder. (翻译:由于裁判员的判决被质疑... ...我们不得不取得犯人对于的供词.)


1. Elections in the disputed city of Kirkuk were to be postponed until a separate agreement could be reached. (翻译:在存有争议的城市基尔库克,选举将被推迟直至协议另行达成。)

2. Since the verdict of the Inquisition has been disputed... we are obliged to extract the prisoner's confession to murder. (翻译:由于裁判员的判决被质疑... ...我们不得不取得犯人对于的供词.)

3. The story starts in Kenya in December of 2007, when there was a disputed presidential election, and in the immediate aftermath of that election, there was an outbreak of ethnic violence. (翻译:故事开始于2007年12月的 肯尼亚, 一届备受争议的总统选举。此次选举刚刚结束, 就发生了种族暴力事件。)

4. Shenyang J-16 fighter jets onto the disputed islands in the South China sea. (翻译:-16战斗机飞到 Shenyang J -16 fighter jets 南中国争议的岛屿上 onto the disputed islands in the South China sea.)

5. Broader contention over the disputed seas could unsettle ties between Asia's two biggest economies. (翻译:围绕该海域更大的争议可能会使这两个亚洲经济大国关系紧张。)

6. I used to question this advice, and eight years ago we had an election in Kenya, and the results were violently disputed. (翻译:我质疑过这种说法, 8年前,肯尼亚的选举过后, 爆发了激烈的斗争。)

7. France has handed over to Egypt five disputed, frescoed fragments that were held by the Louvre museum in Paris. (翻译:法国向埃及转交了五块由巴黎罗浮宫所有的、有争议的壁画碎片。)

8. Mausen declined to comment, beyond saying he disputed Koch's arguments in court. (翻译:除了与科赫公司在法庭上就此进行辩论,茂森拒绝评论。)

9. The story starts in Kenya in December of 2007, when there was a disputed presidential election, and in the immediate aftermath of that election, there was an outbreak of ethnic violence. (翻译:故事开始于2007年12月的 肯尼亚, 一届备受争议的总统选举。此次选举刚刚结束, 就发生了种族暴力事件。)

10. I disputed the crown with my father and then with my brother Alfonso. (翻译:先和我父亲争王位 后来又和我弟弟阿方索争)

11. TING Jih-ch'ang was a disputed local governor and western affairs practiser in modern China. (翻译:丁日昌是近代中国一位有争议的地方督抚大员、洋务实干家。)

12. Each point was disputed, as in an interminable he said-she said argument. (翻译:每一个细节都成为争论的焦点,双方陷入了无穷无尽的争执之中。)

13. But the boat-rocking claims have been disputed by the Louvre in Paris, where the piece is on display. (翻译:但是,这个不合常规的宣称在该杰作陈列馆巴黎罗浮宫引起争议。)

14. The OHA has vigorously disputed this. (翻译:OHA 对此进行了有力的反驳。)

15. Soldiers disembarking tanks, except we put them near the disputed boundaries. (翻译:士兵们驾驶着坦克登陆 Soldiers disembarking tanks,)


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