riesco是什么意思 riesco的中文翻译、读音、例句


riesco是什么意思 riesco的中文翻译、读音、例句

'riesco' 不是一个可以独立使用的单词,它只是意大利语中 'riuscire' 的第一人称单数现在时变化形式。'riuscire' 是一个及物动词,意为“成功、做到、完成”,根据上下文不同,也可以解释为“能够、有能力”的意思。以下是一些关于 'riuscire' 的例句:

1. Riesco a risolvere questo problema. (我能够解决这个问题。)

2. Non riesco a capire perché. (我不理解为什么。)

3. Riesco a finire questo lavoro in tempo. (我能够在时间内完成这项工作。)

4. Non riesco a ricordare il suo nome. (我记不得他的名字。)

5. Riesco a parlare italiano abbastanza bene. (我能够说得相当流利的意大利语。)

6. Non riesco a trovare le chiavi dell'auto. (我找不到汽车钥匙。)

7. Riesco a fare tutto ciò che mi propongo. (我能够完成我设定的所有目标。)



1. Con impegno e perseveranza, riesco sempre a raggiungere i miei obiettivi. (通过努力和坚持,我总能实现我的目标。)

2. Non riesco a credere che abbiamo fatto tutto questo in solo un giorno! (我简直不敢相信我们只用了一天就完成了所有的工作!)

3. Se mi dai una possibilità, ti dimostrerò che riesco a fare questo lavoro alla perfezione. (如果你给我一个机会,我会向你证明我能完美地完成这项工作。)




例句:But the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they were not grown up. (只是小麦和粗麦没有被击打,因为还没有长成。)


例句:At the risk of irking its SCO partners, it has said it will keep open, for the foreseeable future, the American air base near its capital. (冒着让其“上合组织”伙伴厌烦的风险,该国表示,在可预见的未来将会继续开放靠近其首都的美军空军基地。)


例句:Li said that Uzbekistan is a friendly close neighbor of China and a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). (说,乌兹别克斯坦是中国的友好近邻,上海合作组织成员国。)


1. Li said that Uzbekistan is a friendly close neighbor of China and a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). (翻译:说,乌兹别克斯坦是中国的友好近邻,上海合作组织成员国。)

2. Q: What would China like to see out of this SCO conference? (翻译:问:中方对此次上合组织阿富汗问题国际会议有何期望?)

3. Prior to the meeting, two expert panel meetings on the establishment of a businessmen's committee and a development fund of SCO were held. (翻译:会议前夕举行了建立上海合作组织实业家委员会和发展基金两个专家工作组会议。)

4. On the SCO enlargement, the Organization is now mainly involved in pragmatic cooperation with its observers and partners. (翻译:关于上合组织扩员问题,上合组织当前主要是与现有的观察员和伙伴国开展实质性合作。)

5. DOE's fabrication techniques mainly include laser beam or electron beam writing, RIE , ion milling and thin film deposition. (翻译:衍射光学元件的制作技术主要包括激光或电子束直写、反应离子刻蚀、离子束铣及薄膜沉积。)

6. The two leaders spoke highly of the outcome of the recent SCO summit in Astana. (翻译:两位积极评价不久前召开的上海合作组织阿斯塔纳峰会取得的成果。)

7. Besides, it USES the innate power of human body to create beauty, and that's the reason I like it, "said Rie Hayashida." (翻译:而且它是利用人体天生的能力来达到美容的目的,所以我很喜欢。)

8. In June this year, the SCO convened its summit in Tashkent, when it determined its future development orientation and work objectives. (翻译:今年6月,上海合作组织在塔什干举行了峰会,规划了上海合作组织今后的发展方向,明确了今后的工作目标。)

9. I rie my hair. (翻译:我洗濯头发。)

10. Journalist from Egemen Kazakhstan (Independent Kazakhstan) : Would you comment on the path of the SCO since its establishment 5 years ago? (翻译:哈萨克斯坦《哈萨克斯坦报》记者:你如何评价上海合作组织成立5年来走过的道路? )

11. The coercivity was reduced 33% using a 2 minutes RIE process, which had a negligible effect on the MR. (翻译:通过2分钟的RIE使矫顽力减3%,而磁电阻率几乎不受影响。)

12. As a member state of the SCO, China always actively supports the establishment of relations and cooperation between the two organizations. (翻译:作为上海合作组织的成员,中国始终积极支持上海合作组织与独联体建立联系,开展合作。)

13. Make it two double-cheese, three orders of fried chicken, one BLT, two ham Swiss on rie, chicken fried steak, (翻译:修正两个汉堡,三个炸鸡菜肴,其中B T 瑞士的两个汉堡煤炭,筷子微红的小鸡)

14. Driver with the USB core, this driver gets attached to the Belkin USB device. The HCI, ACL, and SCO data read by the. (翻译:驱动程序注册到USB核心的信息相匹配,所以这个驱动程序可附加到BelkinUSB设备。)

15. None of the SCO wants to get directly embroiled in the Nato conflict. They fear the intervention stokes terrorism, rather than defeating it. (翻译:上合组织成员国都不想直接卷入北约冲突,唯恐出手干涉非但不能击退,反而会让更加猖獗。)


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