slog是什么意思 slog的中文翻译、读音、例句


slog是什么意思 slog的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:v. 艰难地行进;努力工作;拼命干



1. slog through sth. 费力地翻阅某物

2. slog away at sth. 持续努力做某事

3. slog it out 拼命地战斗或竞争


slog on (持续地工作或行进)

slog it out (拼命地战斗或竞争)



1. We slogged through the mud for hours to get to the other side of the mountain.


2. She slogged away at her homework all night to finish it on time.


3. The team slogged it out in a fierce competition that lasted for hours.


4. It was a long slog to the top of the mountain, but the view was worth it.


5. The workers slogged on through the night to finish the project.


6. The company slogged through a difficult year but finally emerged stronger.


7. The soldiers slogged through the mud and rain to reach their destination.




1. She spent hours slogging away at her homework. (她花了好几个小时艰辛地做作业。)

2. The miners had to slog through the mud to reach the mine. (矿工们不得不在泥泞中艰难地前行,才能到达矿井。)

3. After slogging for years, he finally achieved his goal. (经过多年的重劳累活,他终于实现了自己的目标。)




例句:And Daddy, so he's an old square and votes Tory, but he's got where he is by hard slog, and he's got to put tax concessions first. (还有爹地,他是个老顽固 而且投票给保守党 但他的地位是苦出来的 还要先考虑税免)


例句:It has been a long slog for him, almost fit but not quite, and today was an important step for the boy. (这对他来说是条漫长的道路,基本康复不是彻底的伤愈,今天是对于这个男孩来说是十分重要的一步。)


例句:I can get any help with this big job; I just have to slog it out on my own. (做这么一大件工作,我得不到任何帮助;只得自己一个人干到底了。)


例句:but creating skilled manufacturing jobs at a new locomotive factory is turning out to be a hard slog. (翻译:而在此地的一家新机车工厂里,却在技术岗位的创建中走得步履蹒跚。)


slog一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to slog([网络] 艰难行进)、slog away(苦干(非正式)\n努力学习(非正式))、slog it out([网络] 打到分胜负)等常见短语中出现较多。

to slog[网络] 艰难行进
slog away苦干(非正式)\n努力学习(非正式)
slog it out[网络] 打到分胜负
slog through吃力地走过
slog one's way蹒跚而行


1. I can get any help with this big job; I just have to slog it out on my own. (翻译:做这么一大件工作,我得不到任何帮助;只得自己一个人干到底了。)

2. but creating skilled manufacturing jobs at a new locomotive factory is turning out to be a hard slog. (翻译:而在此地的一家新机车工厂里,却在技术岗位的创建中走得步履蹒跚。)

3. New Yorkers may be slightly more immune to their city's grit and grime - and the occasional skittering rodent - as they slog to their jobs every day. (翻译:纽约人也许对自己城市的砂砾和尘垢稍微更有免疫力一些,对每天上班路上偶尔窜过脚边的老鼠也更见怪不怪。)

4. Working hard makes you feel better about yourself and, after a prolonged period of hard slog, you feel sufficiently virtuous to enjoy a bout of self-indulgence with the est abandon. (翻译:努力工作会让你的自己感觉更好,而且长时间辛勤工作后,你就会觉得有足够的理由让自己最欢快地放纵一把。)

5. Till date we are required to slog... to collect revenues from the villagers. (翻译:到如今还需要我们做苦力 去增加村民的利益)

6. Nar hun havde fundet dem, listede hun ind til dem og slog dem hardt over knoerne. (翻译:找到后,就悄悄进入他们的房间 使劲敲他们手上的骨节)

7. When you're young you're more in touch with your real talents, but so often the 30 year slog knocks it out of people. (翻译:人年青的时候与自己真正的天赋有更多的接触,但激发出这种天赋经常需要长达30年的时间。)

8. - No, just trying to slog through this design project. (翻译:- 没有,只是想猛击 通过这个设计项目。)

9. It was a long slog to the top of the mountain. (翻译:到山顶的路漫长而艰难。)

10. Still captain buller broke a window in the kildare street club with a slog to square leg . (翻译:然而主将布勒朝左方的外场守场员猛击出一个长球,竟把基尔达尔街俱乐部的玻璃窗给打碎了。)

11. Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman, agreed it would be "a long slog" over the next three years. (翻译:摩根士丹利亚洲区董事长罗奇亦认为未来三年景气将“长期低迷”。)

12. Writing the book took ten months of hard slog. (翻译:这本书是苦熬十个月写出来的。)

13. Please recognize that I am in a business suit and cannot slog around in inch-deep mud. (翻译:记住 我穿的是商务套装 在深深的泥地里举步维艰)

14. Wild behaviour hurt his form; punishment meant long bans and lossof rankings, so that he had to slog time and again through grimy qualifying rounds. (翻译:狂野的举止损害了他的形象;协会处罚意味着长期的禁赛和排名的下滑,导致他不得不一而再地为肮脏的资格赛忙活。)

15. Nowaday, splendid development sees every field. I would like to slog away at my study, doing my best to be perfect. (翻译:现在各行业进步都很快,我愿意在行业中不断学习,不断完善。)




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