retinene是什么意思 retinene的中文翻译、读音、例句


retinene是什么意思 retinene的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:3-ene-1, 5-diyne was a key building block found in many needing antitumor agents and DE - signed materials. (烯- 1,5 -二炔是许多烯二炔类抗癌抗生素和发光材料的重要片断。)


例句:Why did I describe our initial attempts to nerf Ret as surgical? (为什么你将对于惩戒的最初的削弱说成是一个外科手术? )


例句:As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they Ret down to work. (采访记者们一旦知道所要写的新闻,就着手工作。)


例句:It is expected that SINLAKU will move NE then ENE along the northwestern then northern periphery of the subtropical ridge. Acceleration is expected as it enters the westerlies. (翻译:预料森垃克将沿副高西北转北面向东北转东北偏东移动,当其进入西风带后移速将会逐渐加快。)


retinene一般作为名词使用,如在retinene isomerase([化] 视黄醛异构酶)、retinene oxime([化] 视黄醛肟)、retinene reductase([化] 视黄醛还原酶)等常见短语中出现较多。

retinene isomerase[化] 视黄醛异构酶
retinene oxime[化] 视黄醛肟
retinene reductase[化] 视黄醛还原酶


1. As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they Ret down to work. (翻译:采访记者们一旦知道所要写的新闻,就着手工作。)

2. It is expected that SINLAKU will move NE then ENE along the northwestern then northern periphery of the subtropical ridge. Acceleration is expected as it enters the westerlies. (翻译:预料森垃克将沿副高西北转北面向东北转东北偏东移动,当其进入西风带后移速将会逐渐加快。)

3. As HALONG becomes embedded within the westerlies afterwards, it will be steered by the westerly flow and move NE to ENE. (翻译:随后当夏浪进入西风带范围,它将会受其影响向东北至东北偏东移动。)

4. Conclusion: it is confirmed that RET can interact with SNT1 in yeast, and the interaction may be mediated by PTB domain of SNT1. (翻译:结论:证实RET与SNT1之间具有相互作用,SNT1的PT B结构域在介导此相互作用的过程中非常重要。)

5. separated from the ginger ginger ene, a mixture of zingerone marked only the role of vomiting. (翻译:生姜中分离出来的姜烯、姜酮的混合物有明显的止呕吐作用。)

6. It's more than I can ret. (翻译:我吃不了那么多。)

7. "You'd rather have rum than claret I suppose" said rhett reaching into the cella ret and producing a squat bottle. (翻译:“我看你是想喝罗姆酒,而不是红葡萄酒,”说着就伸手到酒柜里,拿出一个矮瓶子。)

8. And then one day, she went from being Loretta to being... Lo-ret-ta. (翻译:一天 她从普通Loretta 又变回了小心肝Loretta)

9. You use the opposite scm_num2int to convert the Scheme variable ret_val into a C integer value. (翻译:可以使用相反的scm_num2int函数将Scheme变量ret_val转换成C整数值。)

10. If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors. (翻译:如果我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。)

11. Effects of the combination therapy with indapamide ret ard and perindopril on hypertension and reversion of ventricular remodeling (翻译:培哚普利与吲哒帕胺联用对高血压左室肥厚的逆转作用)

12. If you decided to cut out abilities for prot or ret paladins due to rotations being too complex, what would they be? (翻译:如果你们认为防御或者惩戒的循环过于复杂,那些技能是你们想要改动的。)

13. Because that's what we tried to do. In retrospect, we were so worried about nerfing Ret too much that we ended up not fixing the problem. (翻译:因为这正是我想做的,回顾往事,我们在削弱惩戒方面太猴急了,但却没有解决任何问题。)

14. ret} represents the return key. (翻译:{ret} 代表回车键。)

15. We think Ret's dps isn't abnormally high in PvE, and may not even be high in PvP over the course of a long fight. (翻译:我们认为在pve里惩戒的dps也就一般般,在长时间的pvp战斗力甚至还不太够。)






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