viv是什么意思 viv的中文翻译、读音、例句


viv是什么意思 viv的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , I can offer some explanations of the word 'viv' or abbreviation of it in five aspects, along with five example sentences for each aspect:

1. Meaning: 'viv' is an abbreviation of 'vivid,' which means something is bright, bold, and colorful in appearance or is lively, full of energy, and intense in character.

Example sentences:

- The viv colors of the sunset cast a warm glow over the horizon.

- Her viv performance on stage impressed the audience.

2. Etymology: 'viv' derives from the Latin word 'vivus,' which means 'alive' or 'living.'

Example sentences:

- The motto of my school is 'vivere est cogitare' - to live is to think.

- Some people believe that plants have a kind of viv soul.

3. Usage: 'viv' is often used as a prefix or suffix in various words to indicate vividness or liveliness in different contexts.

Example sentences:

- The vividness of the animation made the cartoon characters come alive.

- The vivacity of her personality attracted many friends.

4. Acronym: 'viv' can also stand for different words or phrases in various fields, such as medicine, military, and technology.

Example sentences:

- VIV stands for 'valve-in-valve' procedure, a minimally invasive technique for treating aortic valve disease.

- VIPER VIV is the name of the high-speed missile that can take out enemy tanks.

5. Homophones: 'viv' sounds like other words in English, which may cause confusion or ambiguity in communication.

Example sentences:

- He gave a live performance, not a viv one, because he felt nervous about mistakes.

- She explained that it's "viva voce," not "vivavoice," which means an oral examination in Latin.





1. His speech was full of viv and excitement.


2. The movie is very viv and engaging.





例句:Aunt Viv said you could stay as long as you need. (Aunt Viv said you could stay as long as you need.)


例句:You know, I really wanted to do something special for your Chloe and my Papi on their big day. (Thanks, Viv. You know, I really wanted to do something special 谢谢你, 薇薇。你知道我就喜欢)


例句:Vortex-induced vibration(VIV) of pipeline span may cause yield failure, buckling failure and fatigue failure. (管跨的涡激振动可能引起屈服、屈曲和疲劳失效。)


viv一般作为名词使用,如在l'viv([地名] 利沃夫 ( 乌克 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

l'viv[地名] 利沃夫 ( 乌克 )


1. Vortex-induced vibration(VIV) of pipeline span may cause yield failure, buckling failure and fatigue failure. (翻译:管跨的涡激振动可能引起屈服、屈曲和疲劳失效。)

2. There was an unspoken agreement that he and Viv would look after the frail old couple. (翻译:他和维夫有一个默契, 一起照顾那对年老体弱的夫妇。)

3. Viv, 53, the perfect Shrek, also colored himself in green and dressed in plaid pants, the typical Shrek Costume. (翻译:53岁的卫维恩也将自己涂成绿色的皮肤,穿上史莱克代表性的格子花纹长裤。)

4. That's in Italy, Viv. The streets are made of water. I ain't kidding. (翻译:那是在意大利 薇薇 街道就是河 我没开玩笑)

5. I don't feel right relying on aunt Viv so much. And that probably means getting our own place. (翻译:你不该再这么依赖薇薇姨妈了 我们该有个自己的家)

6. Aunt Viv, you outdid yourself. (翻译:[indistinct conversation] Aunt Viv, you outdid yourself.)

7. Aunt viv: Im about to trust you with my greatest treasure. (翻译:薇薇阿姨:我将要把我最可贵的宝物拜托给你。)

8. Viv: Do the snakes bite them? (翻译:薇薇:蛇会咬他们吗? )

9. Just cos you're not in the news doesn't mean you weren't there, Viv. (翻译:新闻上没有你并不是说 你没有参与这事,维维安)

10. I can't wait until Viv finds out what Rachel's done. (翻译:要不了多久 薇薇就会发现 蕾切尔干的好事)

11. The increased riser length lowers its mode frequency and mode curvature, thus a longer riser has better VIV fatigue characteristics. (翻译:长度增加导致隔水管模态频率与模态曲率降低,使得隔水管具有更好的VIV疲劳特性。)

12. Rachel, you and Aunt Viv are doing important research down there. (翻译:我找到了, 就是这个 Rachel, you and Aunt Viv are doing important research down there.)

13. - It's just sitting there, waiting. - Viv. The guys are here. (翻译:只等着我们,现成的工作 薇薇 大家都在这)

14. I haven't told him yet... but, Viv, I'm so ready to domesticate. (翻译:我还没有告诉他呢... 但是,口水巾,我好准备驯化。)

15. During the interview, you feel like you've really connected with Viv, your potential new boss. (翻译:在面试中,你觉得你已经和可能的未来新老板Viv有联系了。)




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