fml是什么意思 fml的中文翻译、读音、例句

fml的意思是"文、浮点乘",还经常被翻译为这个我就不说了,在线读音是[美 ],fml来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到27个与fml相关的同义词和例句。

fml是什么意思 fml的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意义:

'fml'是'F*** My Life'的缩写,意思是'的人生',表示遇到了一些不幸或不愉快的事情,或者遭受了不公或不别人良心的对待,感觉到非常痛苦和无奈。这个单词或缩写词主要在社交媒体或网络聊天中使用。


- I just realized I left my phone at home, and I have an important meeting in 10 minutes. FML.

- I spent hours preparing for my presentation, and the projector doesn't work. FML.

- I finally got a date with my crush, and I got food stuck in my teeth the whole time. FML.

- I studied all night for my exam, and the professor gave us a completely different test than what we expected. FML.

- I trusted my friend to hold onto my phone while I went to the bathroom, and they posted embarrassing pictures on my social media. FML.

2. 文化背景:



- My grandparents have no idea what 'fml' means, and they always ask me to explain it.

- I accidentally used 'fml' in a job interview, and I immediately realized it was not appropriate.

- My friend from China doesn't really understand the cultural context of 'fml', so I try not to use it around them.

- I saw my mom using 'fml' in a text message, and it was really surprising to me.

- Some people think that 'fml' is just a vulgar and lazy way of expressing negative emotions, but for others, it's a way of coping with difficult situations.

3. 语用特点:



- My boss sent me an angry email, and I was tempted to reply with 'fml', but I knew it wouldn't help.

- Some people use 'fml' as a way of complaining about every little thing that goes wrong, and it can be really irritating.

- When my friend told me she got a promotion at work, I accidently replied with 'fml', and she thought I was jealous.

- I try not to use 'fml' too often, because I don't want to get stuck in a negative mindset.

- Sometimes, using 'fml' can be a way of connecting with others who are going through similar struggles, but it's important to use it in a way that is respectful and empathetic.



1. A: 今天为什么这么倒霉啊? B: 我昨晚丢了钥匙,今天早上又堵车,fml!

2. A: 我的电脑今天突然坏了,明天就要考试了,怎么办啊? B: fml,赶紧去找修电脑的师傅吧。

3. A: 你看这个天气,下雨还这么大,怎么办啊? B: fml,今天本来还想出去约会呢。




例句:Today, I spilled a half bottle of superglue on my hands. I also found out that cold water only makes it harden faster. FML. (今天我把半瓶强力胶弄翻在手上。后来我发现冷水会让胶水凝结得更快。FML。)


例句:asn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML. (实际上,这一路上她根本没在睡觉。也就是说,我让一个死人在我身上躺了30分钟。)


例句:Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML. (今天在新年零点的钟声敲响的时候,我却呆在洗手间里流着鼻血。FML。)


例句:Today, I finally went on a date with my crush. When he kissed me goodnight, it made me think of a dying slug. FML. (翻译:今天我跟喜欢的人去约会了。晚上吻别时,我感觉像是吻了一只奄奄一息的鼻涕虫。FML。)


fml一般作为名词使用,如在FML(abbr. 浮点乘(Floating Multiply))等常见短语中出现较多。

FMLabbr. 浮点乘(Floating Multiply)


1. Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML. (翻译:今天在新年零点的钟声敲响的时候,我却呆在洗手间里流着鼻血。FML。)

2. Today, I finally went on a date with my crush. When he kissed me goodnight, it made me think of a dying slug. FML. (翻译:今天我跟喜欢的人去约会了。晚上吻别时,我感觉像是吻了一只奄奄一息的鼻涕虫。FML。)

3. Today, I realized that the cashier at the liquor store and I are already on a first-name basis. I just moved to this town a week ago. FML. (翻译:今天我发现我跟卖酒商店的收银员已经熟到可以互相直呼名字了。我才搬到这镇子一个礼拜啊喂。FML。)

4. Today, while I was working at child care, I told a two year old not to hit. He threw a bucket at me that bounced off my forehead. FML. (翻译:今天我在儿童看护中心上班,对一个两岁的孩子说不要乱丢东西。他把一只小桶扔在我脑门上。FML。)

5. They'd just reused the box. FML (翻译:原来,他们只不过拿了个手机盒子用来包装而已。)

6. Today, I got a new roommate in the dorms. When I got back to my room, I could smell her feet before I even opened my door. FML. (翻译:今天公寓里来了新室友。我回宿舍的时候还没打开门就能闻到她的脚发出的味道。FML。)

7. Today, I think my friends were trying to tell me something with all my Christmas gifts being mostly perfume, deodorant, and soap. FML. (翻译:今天朋友们送我的圣诞礼物全都是香水除臭剂和肥皂神马的。你们有话直说嘛。FML。)

8. Today, I realized that Im truly deeply in love and I think Ive found my soul-mate. Its my fiances best friend. FML. (翻译:今天我终于找到了我的真爱、我的心灵伙伴,他就是——我未婚夫的好友。)

9. Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML. (翻译:今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。)

10. Today, I was outside, peeing on a cactus. Then all of a sudden my dog jumped on my back, knocking me into the cactus. FML. (翻译:今天我在外面对着一棵仙人掌,我的狗突然从后面狠狠撞了我一下。FML。)

11. Today, I learned that while my mom was pregnant with me, she craved cigarettes so much that she named me Nicky after "nicotine. " FML. (翻译:今天,我才知道老妈怀着我的时候,因为太想抽烟,所以以“”来给我命名为尼基。)

12. Today, I discovered that my boyfriend has no intentions of staying with me when he goes off to college. He never has. FML. (翻译:今天我发现男朋友去上学的时候从来不会想我。哦,他从来没有想过我。FML。)

13. Today, my boyfriend took me to a movie. Once we got to our seat he was leaning in to kiss me but then sneezed in my mouth. FML. (翻译:今天男朋友带我去看电影。我们坐下来时,他探头过来想亲我,结果对着我的脸打了个喷嚏。FML。)

14. After I finished at the end of the day, I found out my boss is red-green colorblind. FML. (翻译:结果,我的老板是红绿色盲。)

15. Not only is he a crossdresser, but he's also a better looking woman than I am. FML (翻译:他有女装癖,而且那样的他比我更具女人味。)


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