sizing是什么意思 sizing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


sizing是什么意思 sizing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


1. 名词:Sizing在纺织行业中是指加入纱线中的一种浆料,作用是增加纱线的密度和耐磨性。在制造纸张和纸板时,sizing也可以被用来防止水分的渗透。


- The sizing in this thread gives it a smooth finish.

- We need to add more sizing to make the fabric more durable.

- The paper mill uses different types of sizing for different grades of paper.

- The sizing helps to prevent ink from bleeding on the paper.

2. 动词:Sizing作为动词,可以指调整大小或量度尺寸。


- You need to size the image to fit the page.

- The builder is sizing up the room to determine how much material he will need.

- The tailor is sizing the suit to fit the customer perfectly.

- I need to size my luggage to make sure it meets the airline's requirements.

3. 简写词:Sizing也可以是size的缩写形式,用来表示尺寸或大小。


- What sizing do you need for this project?

- The sizing of the product is important for customer satisfaction.

- The sizing chart helps you choose the right size for your body.

- The sizing of the ss is not accurate, so you need to try them on before you buy them.

4. 形容词:Sizing可以作为形容词,表示尺寸、大小合适或合适的程度。


- The sizing of this dress is perfect for me.

- The sizing of the ss is too big for my feet.

- The sizing of the apartment is just right for my needs.

- The sizing of the TV screen is too small for this room.



1. The sizing in this thread gives it a smooth finish. 这种纱线中的浆料让它有顺滑的表面。

2. You need to size the image to fit the page. 你需要调整图像的大小来适应页面。

3. What sizing do you need for this project? 这个项目需要哪种尺寸?

4. The sizing of the ss is too big for my feet. 这双鞋的码数对我的脚来说太大了。

5. The sizing of the apartment is just right for my needs. 这个公寓的面积正好符合我的需求。

sizing的意思是涂上浆料或调整大小。其中文翻译为浆料,调整尺寸,调定,涂浆。读音为 [ˈsaɪzɪŋ]。


1. The sizing makes the fabric more durable and less e to wrinkling.


2. We need to check the sizing of the clothes to make sure they fit well.


3. The engineer spent hours sizing up the new project before presenting it to the team.





例句:Harry was going to start sizing up all their fingers in a week, because he knew there was no way Ed could settle that debt on his own. (一个礼拜后 哈利就要砍他们的手指 因为他知道艾德是不可能 自己解决这么庞大的债务)


例句:You want to catch her with her guard down and that requires that she stop sizing you up when you strike up a conversation. (你想使她放松警惕抓住她。那就要求你去搭讪时,她停止品评你。)


例句:To research property of ST-KT solid acrylic size, sizing practice of ST-KT was done in fine count high density variety with Benninger sizing machine. (为了解st - KT固体丙烯酸类浆料的性能,将ST - KT浆料用于细号高密品种,并在贝宁格浆纱机上进行了上浆实践。)


例句:The technologies include prewashing before sizing of filament yarns, high speed, sizing, drying, and development of new sizing agent. (翻译:该课题包括长丝纱上浆前的预洗除杂、高速上浆、烘干,以及新型浆料的开发。)


sizing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在double sizing([化] 双重上胶)、DNA sizing(DNA大小筛分)、dresser sizing(刮刷上浆)等常见短语中出现较多。

double sizing[化] 双重上胶
DNA sizingDNA大小筛分
dresser sizing刮刷上浆
engine sizing机器上胶
efficiency of sizing分粒效率
end sizing顶端直径调整,端径校准
external sizing外部上胶
film sizing流膜分级
final sizing[化] 最后筛分; 精筛


1. To research property of ST-KT solid acrylic size, sizing practice of ST-KT was done in fine count high density variety with Benninger sizing machine. (翻译:为了解st - KT固体丙烯酸类浆料的性能,将ST - KT浆料用于细号高密品种,并在贝宁格浆纱机上进行了上浆实践。)

2. The technologies include prewashing before sizing of filament yarns, high speed, sizing, drying, and development of new sizing agent. (翻译:该课题包括长丝纱上浆前的预洗除杂、高速上浆、烘干,以及新型浆料的开发。)

3. Several people were still sizing up the truck to see whether there was anything worth taking. (翻译:有几个人在汽车旁东瞧西望,是在看看还有什么东西可以拿走。)

4. Practise of overload sizing technology characteristics of the combination of "two high one low" and prewet sizing; (翻译:文章结合预湿上浆的机理,提出了“预湿预烘”工艺和“内湿外干”的概念。)

5. The big drawback as some people mentioned is the sizing is not always so great for us chunky Americans. (翻译:最大的缺点是如一些人所说的大小并不总是那么我们伟大的矮矮胖胖的美国人。)

6. Secondly, the sizing technics of resinous AKD was studied. (翻译:然后,研究了阳离子树脂型AKD施胶工艺的影响因素。)

7. By the example of the sizing programme of grinding flyash plant, the optimal technique of the production of commodity flyash was discussed. (翻译:以磨细粉煤灰厂新增分选方案为例,探讨了商品粉煤灰生产的最佳技术途径。)

8. It is not intended to imply that this sizing applies to a specific release of Lotus Domino on a specific platform. (翻译:并没有影射该分级适用于特定平台上特定版本的LotusDomino。)

9. Their children have been instructed to keep a distance, but are actually sizing each other up. (翻译:但其实正暗地里较劲。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}but are actually sizing each other up.)

10. HYDAC is pleased to announce the release of the NEW Cooler Sizing Software! (翻译:HYDAC很高兴地宣布新的软件版本冷却器浆纱! )

11. She knew that he was looking at her, sizing her up. (翻译:她知道他在盯着她看,打量她。)

12. The nation's overweight people are in turn overfeeding and super sizing their pets. (翻译:这个国家里的超重人群开始转而过度喂养他们的宠物,使得它们逐渐变得过度肥胖。)

13. Controlled eaters are more vulnerable to overeating in response to advertising, super-sizing, and the all-you-can-eat buffet. (翻译:自控型食者则更容易受到 广告,超大分量和自助餐的影响 而造成饮食过量 )

14. sofa frame structure using nails, not a forward, not Dayan , sizing. Loose structure, not reliable. (翻译:沙发框架采用钉子结构,不开榫,不打眼,不施胶。结构松动、不牢固。)

15. Perform an initial sizing of the model. (翻译:执行模型的初始大小调整。)




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