greenest是什么意思 greenest的中文翻译、读音、例句


greenest是什么意思 greenest的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'greenest'是形容词,意为“最绿色的”,通常用于描述某个地方或某种植物的绿色程度,也可引申为环保、可持续发展等方面的“最佳”的含义。


- This park is the greenest place in the city.

- The leaves on this tree are the greenest I've ever seen.

- We need to promote greenest practices to protect our planet.

- The company was awarded the greenest business of the year.

2. 用法和搭配:'greenest'通常作为形容词的最高级来使用,比较级为“greener”,原级为“green”,可与各类名词和形容词搭配使用,例如'environment', 'energy', 'buildings', 'cities', 'cars', 'technology'等。此外,'greenest'也可用于比喻意义上,例如“the greenest job”指的是最环保的工作。


- The new building is one of the greenest in the world.

- The electric car is the greenest vehicle on the market.

- Our city is working towards becoming the greenest in the country.

- This factory is striving to be the greenest in the industry.

- She has the greenest job, working for an environmental organization.

3. 词源和衍生词:'greenest'源自于形容词“green”,意为绿色的,起源于古英语“grene”,后来发展为中英语“grene”,并在16世纪左右开始用作形容词。在现代英语中,'green'还可以作名词和动词使用,有环保、健康、嫉妒、新生等多重含义。'Greenness'和'greenery'是'green'的名词形式,'greenwash'和'green collar'则是'green'一词的衍生词。


- The greenness of the trees in spring is breathtaking.

- The park is full of greenery, with trees, grass, and flowers everywhere.

- The company's claim of being eco-friendly was dismissed as greenwash.

- Many new graduates are looking for green collar jobs in the renewable energy sector.

4. 文化和社会意义:'greenest'一词与环保和可持续发展等方面有关,是当前社会关注的热点之一。在文化层面上,'greenest'也代表着一种生态意识、一种对自然、人类和地球的责任。同时,各国、企业和公民也在积极推动绿色经济、绿色发展,以应对气候变化和资源短缺等挑战。


- The greenest countries in the world are those that prioritize sustainability over economic growth.

- The new generation is more aware of the importance of greenest living than ever before.

- The greenest technology is that which uses renewable energy and minimizes waste and pollution.

- The greenest action we can take is to reduce our carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

- The greenest future is one in which humans and nature coexist in harmony.



读音: ['ɡrinɪst]


1. The new park in the city is one of the greenest spaces in the area.


2. The company has been recognized as one of the greenest businesses in the country.





例句:Now, for us environmentalists, maybe the greenest thing about the cities is they diffuse the population bomb. (现在,对于我们这些环保主义者来说, 也许城市最环保的一点就是城市使得人口延迟引爆 )


例句:From plunderer to recovering plunderer, to America's greenest CEO in five years -- that, frankly, was a pretty sad commentary on American CEOs in 1999. (从掠夺者到保护者 到美国最绿色的CEO,也才五年的时间 这本身也是对于1999年的 美国CEO的一大讽刺 )


例句:The old lakes work and new lakes have been cleverly landscaped in the greenest of views from the front rooms. (旧湖工程和新湖已经过巧妙的园林规划整理,进入到客厅视野中最绿荫青葱的风景里。)


例句:He redecorates all the time, and probably it would be greenest to leave things as they are, but he is a decorator and likes things to look a certain way. (翻译:他反复地对其装修,而不装潢可能是最环保的了。)


1. The old lakes work and new lakes have been cleverly landscaped in the greenest of views from the front rooms. (翻译:旧湖工程和新湖已经过巧妙的园林规划整理,进入到客厅视野中最绿荫青葱的风景里。)

2. He redecorates all the time, and probably it would be greenest to leave things as they are, but he is a decorator and likes things to look a certain way. (翻译:他反复地对其装修,而不装潢可能是最环保的了。)

3. That combined with lighter-weight materials will ensure the greenest Ferraris will also be among the fastest. (翻译:加上轻重量材料将确保环保的法拉利也将最快。)

4. The Boscolo Exedra is situated in the city centre, on one of the Nice's greenest boulevards. (翻译:Boscolo Exedra酒店坐落在市中心,位于尼斯最绿意盎然的大道之一。)

5. Now, for us environmentalists, maybe the greenest thing about the cities is they diffuse the population bomb. (翻译:现在,对于我们这些环保主义者来说, 也许城市最环保的一点就是城市使得人口延迟引爆)

6. I think Berlin is one of the greenest cities in the world, and that's one place. . . and you know, personally for me. . . (翻译:我认为柏林是世界上最绿色的城市,是一个…你知道,对我来说非常具有个人意义的地方…)

7. 'What's the greenest way to dry my hands?' (翻译:最环保的弄干双手的方式是什么? )

8. But the benefit of the commute was that it enabled me to get to know two of the world's greenest cities. (翻译:不过通勤的好处是让我能够认识这两个世界最环保的城市。)

9. They evaded the obtrusive Turk with a sort of contempt and always managed to find the greenest bushes for themselves. (翻译:他们轻蔑地避开显眼的“大嘴巴”,并总能设法为自己找到最绿的灌木丛。)

10. This is the Beddington Zero Energy Development in London, which is one of the greenest buildings in the world. It's a fabulous place. (翻译:这是伦敦贝丁顿零能耗发展中心 它是世界上最绿色的建筑之一 那里的建筑非常美丽)

11. The Boscolo Exedra is situated in the city centre, on one of the Nice's greenest boulevards. (翻译:BoscoloExedra酒店坐落在市中心,位于尼斯最绿意盎然的大道之一。)

12. Well, Alpacas are the greenest animal. (翻译:alpacas are the greenest animal.)

13. This is the Beddington Zero Energy Development in London, which is one of the greenest buildings in the world. It's a fabulous place. (翻译:这是伦敦贝丁顿零能耗发展中心 它是世界上最绿色的建筑之一 那里的建筑非常美丽 )

14. London is one of the greenest capitals in the world. (翻译:伦敦是世界上最环保的大都市之一。)

15. As per Newsweek's green Rankings 2014, RIL is India's greenest and most environment-friendly company, ranking 185th among the world's largest 500 companies. (翻译:按新闻周刊2014绿色环保型企业排名,该公司是印度最环保最环境友好型公司,在世界500强中位居第185位。)




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