contiguous是什么意思 contiguous的中文翻译、读音、例句


contiguous是什么意思 contiguous的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:adj. 邻近的,毗邻的,接壤的,连续的



- contiguous countries:毗邻的国家

- contiguous states:相邻的州

- contiguous land:连续的土地

- contiguous territory:接壤的领土




1. The two houses were contiguous, so we could easily hear our neighbors' conversations. 两栋房子是相邻的,所以我们能够很容易地听到邻居们的谈话。

2. The park is contiguous to the river, it a popular spot for picnickers. 公园毗邻河流,使之成为野餐者的热门场所。

3. The company is planning to expand its operations to contiguous markets. 公司正计划将业务扩展到相邻的市场。

4. The highway provides a contiguous route from one end of the country to the other. 高速公路提供了从国家的一个端到另一个端的连续路线。

5. The contiguous lands were divided into separate plots for farming. 连续的土地被划分为不同的耕作用地块。

6. The borders of the contiguous states can be confusing for travelers. 相邻州的边界对旅行者来说可能很令人困惑。

7. The contiguous territory between the two countries was a source of tension for many years. 两国之间的接壤领土是多年来的紧张源。

contiguous [kənˈtɪɡjʊəs]



1. The United States shares a contiguous land border with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. (美国与加拿大北部和墨西哥南部毗连而成陆地边境。)

2. The company's offices are located in two contiguous buildings. (公司的办公室位于两座相连的建筑里。)

3. The contiguous states of the United States are divided into four time zones. (美国各相邻州被划分为四个时区。)

contiguous在英语中代表"邻接的 、连续的"的意思,其中文解释还有"接触的"的意思,读音为[kәn'tigjuәs],在英语中以形容词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到41个与contiguous相关的句子。



例句:LASTNAME is in random order within each DEPTNO, but like values are contiguous. (LASTNAME在每个DEPTNO内按随机顺序排列,但like值是连续的。)


例句:- We did energy plans for each of the 50 United States and we've now finished 139 countries in the world, and then we took for the 48 contiguous states, we did a study looking at can we keep the grid stable in 2050. (目前已在全球139个国家中完成 然后我们研究美国本土48州 看看能不能在2050年使供电稳定)


例句:style apical or subapical, of 4 contiguous, coherent, or connate styler elements; (花柱顶端或近尖端,具4枚邻接,连着,或合生的花柱单体;)


例句:LASTNAME is in random order within each DEPTNO, but like values are contiguous. (翻译:LASTNAME在每个DEPTNO内按随机顺序排列,但like值是连续的。)


contiguous一般作为形容词使用,如在logically contiguous block(逻辑相连块)、physically contiguous list(实体连续串列)等常见短语中出现较多。

logically contiguous block逻辑相连块
physically contiguous list实体连续串列


1. style apical or subapical, of 4 contiguous, coherent, or connate styler elements; (翻译:花柱顶端或近尖端,具4枚邻接,连着,或合生的花柱单体;)

2. LASTNAME is in random order within each DEPTNO, but like values are contiguous. (翻译:LASTNAME在每个DEPTNO内按随机顺序排列,但like值是连续的。)

3. Contiguous safe time and safe distance to infective agent of IBV still need to be further studied. (翻译:与IB传染源接触的安全时间与安全距离则有待更深入的研究。)

4. A Quantitative Study on Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in Parotid Warthin Tumor and its'Contiguous Acini (翻译:腮腺Warthin瘤及瘤旁腺泡细胞增殖与细胞凋亡的定量研究)

5. The countries are contiguous. (翻译:这些国家互相接壤。)

6. It doesn't have to be contiguous, doesn't have to all be tied together. (翻译:这四分之一的世界不用连在一起, 也不用被绑定在一起看待。)

7. If we were to do this for three contiguous years, we would be at gender parity for the first time in over a half of a century. (翻译:如果我们连续三年这样做 我们将会在超过 半个世纪的时间 首次在性别上达到平等 )

8. A Floristic Study of Flora of Seed Plants of the Chaqia-Gonghe Basin and Its Contiguous Zone in Qinghai, China (翻译:青海茶卡-共和盆地及其毗邻地区植物区系)

9. The bruising was not contiguous to the wound. (翻译:这青肿块不在伤口边上。)

10. A major restriction of the physical partition was that each partition had to be contiguous; meaning you could not span multiple drives. (翻译:物理分区的主要限制在于每个分区必须是连续的;这意味着不能跨多个驱动器。)

11. Technically, a gap is a maximal sequence of contiguous Spaces. (翻译:从技术上讲,间隙是最大的连续空格序列。)

12. In data transmission, the sequence of contiguous bits bracketed by and including beginning and ending flag sequences. (翻译:在数据传输中,被起始和终止标志序列括起来并包括标志序列在内的连续二进制位的序列。)

13. Yes, you see, the stems of adjacent keys tended to jam in the old machines, so we started by conceiving the AZERTY keyboard, in such a way that the most contiguous letters in our language... (翻译:对 看 相邻的案件拉杆 在老机器上容易卡住 所以我们构思了AZERTY键盘)

14. The GC can only contract contiguous blocks of memory from the end of the heap, so a compaction might be required to contract the heap. (翻译:GC只能收缩从堆末尾开始的连续内存块,因此收缩堆可能需要进行压缩。)

15. But we all know that there are four time zones across the contiguous United States. (翻译:不过我们都知道美国本土 横跨了四个时区。)


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