henna是什么意思 henna的中文翻译、读音、例句


henna是什么意思 henna的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:Henna是一种从植物中提取的染料,用于在皮肤上或头发上涂抹,以改变其颜色。缩写词,Henna还可以代表“Healthcare Equity and National Accessibility Act”,即“医疗保健公平和全国可访问性法案”。


- I love getting henna tattoos during festivals.

- She wants to dye her hair with henna to avoid using harsh chemicals.

- The Henna House is a popular salon for henna art in the city.

- The Henna Act aims to address healthcare disparities across the country.

- The Henna Act was passed by Congress in 2020.

2. 文化意义:在一些亚洲和非洲国家,henna作为一种传统的装饰艺术,被用于婚礼等重要场合来丰富文化传统。


- Henna designs are an important part of many Indian weddings.

- Henna is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in some cultures.

- Henna artists are highly respected in some communities for their skill.

- Henna designs can be very intricate and detailed.

- Henna is often used to celebrate religious holidays.

3. 商业应用:由于其天然成分和无毒性,henna在化妆品和染发产品中得到广泛应用。


- Some beauty brands are now offering henna hair dye as an alternative to traditional products.

- Henna products are popular among consumers who prioritize natural ingredients.

- Henna-based makeup is becoming more popular among eco-conscious consumers.

- The use of henna in skincare products is increasing due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

- The henna industry is expected to grow in the coming years as consumers seek out natural alternatives to chemical-based products.


读音:hén nà


1. 她用henna画了一只漂亮的花纹在她的手臂上。

2. 用henna染发可以使头发变成漂亮的棕色。

3. 这种植物可以提取出henna,它被广泛用于南亚地区的身体装饰。




例句:Henna comes from the leaves of a shrub, Lawsonia inermis. (指甲花来自灌木劳氏无花果的叶子。)


例句:A rare henna, grown in northern Anatolia. (这种散沫花十分罕见 种植在土耳其安那托利高原上)


例句:The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. (你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。)


例句:Evening Primrose Oil Aloe Vera, Henna Extract, Honey Extract, Wheatgerm Extract. (翻译:小麦胚芽油、指甲花萃取精华、蜂蜜萃取精华、月见草油。)


henna一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在Egyptian henna(散沫花)、henna tattoo([网络] 指甲花纹身彩绘;手绘纹身;指甲花彩绘)、henna tattooing([网络] 指甲花纹身)等常见短语中出现较多。

Egyptian henna散沫花
henna tattoo[网络] 指甲花纹身彩绘;手绘纹身;指甲花彩绘
henna tattooing[网络] 指甲花纹身
henna flower design凤仙花纹图案


1. The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. (翻译:你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。)

2. Evening Primrose Oil Aloe Vera, Henna Extract, Honey Extract, Wheatgerm Extract. (翻译:小麦胚芽油、指甲花萃取精华、蜂蜜萃取精华、月见草油。)

3. After a half a month, henna has grown a foot higher. It is slim, vibrant, limitless life added to the garden. (翻译:过了半个月,指甲花长得有一尺高了。它亭亭玉立,生气勃勃,给花园增添了无限生机。)

4. It had been set in hardened henna because doctors had run out of regular bandages. (翻译:伤处已用硬化了的指甲花包裹,因为医生早已用完了绷带。)

5. Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India and Pakistan. (翻译:人体彩绘源于印度和巴基斯坦,是用指甲花染料在身体上进行装饰的一种方法。)

6. Wheatgerm Oil, Henna Extract, Honey Extract and Evening Primrose Oil (翻译:有效成分:小麦胚芽油、指甲花萃取精华、蜂蜜萃取精华、月见草油)

7. The lights were going out because Henna, an evil Butterfly Fairy, had poisoned Queen Marabella, and it was the Queen's magic that made the lights shine. (翻译:光芒熄灭的罪魁是海娜 一个的蝴蝶仙子 毒倒了玛娜贝拉女王 是女王魔力让光芒闪耀)

8. Henna comes from the leaves of a shrub, Lawsonia inermis, that have been dried, ground to a powder, and mixed with water. (翻译:指甲花染料来自一种灌木丛,当灌木丛已经干枯后,在地面上变成一种粉末,再用水混合。)

9. The magical lights returned, forcing Henna and the Skeezites to flee. (翻译:魔力之光重放光芒 迫使海娜和天煞逃之夭夭)

10. The vineyards of Ein Gedi produced glorious henna flowers that the singer of the Song of Songs compares to his beloved. (翻译:恩戈地的葡萄园盛产美丽的指甲花,圣经里的雅歌咏者把它比作自己的爱人。)

11. Combination of henna and iron oxide or something. (翻译:混合了指甲花染料啦 氧化铁啦 还有些别的吧)

12. I recognised them because he and his son had henna on their toes. (翻译:他和他儿子都涂了指甲油,所以我能认出来。)

13. Painted with henna and strewn with traditional gold jewelry, London-born Sonia Behl's hands reveal her Indian heritage. (翻译:出生在伦敦的索尼娅拜尔,双手上画着指甲花染料,佩戴传统金首饰,这些显示出她的印度血统。)






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