vaccinist是什么意思 vaccinist的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


vaccinist是什么意思 vaccinist的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And because C only pairs with G, and T only pairs with A, simply changing a C to a T on one DNA strand creates a mismatch, a disagreement between the two DNA strands that the cell has to resolve by deciding which strand to replace. (因为C只能跟G配对, T只能跟A配对, 如果只是将一链上的碱基C变成T, 会造成DNA双螺旋的不匹配, 要解决这个问题, 细胞需要决定替换哪一条链。)


例句:When you look at DNA, there's a sequence of not two things -- heads and tails -- but four letters -- As, Gs, Cs and Ts. (而当观察DNA时 会发现这不是两个元素组成的序列--正反正-- 而是四个字母--A G C T )


例句:OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)


1. OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (翻译:天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)

2. Bears are the real enemy of the trappers... wreaking all kinds of ha vac to both hut and trap. (翻译:熊是真正的敌人 在捕猎的... 发泄各种公顷VAC的 这两个小屋和陷阱。)

3. Our company mainly produces various specifications and greige cotton fabrics, T / C fabric. (翻译:我公司主要生产各种规格全棉面料及坯布、T/C坯布。)

4. I washed, and, uh, I got to work... actually attempting to derive the tangential vector qualities of alpha C-squared... but while I was keeping "T" at infinity. (翻译:洗了个澡,然后开始工作... 也就是算出阿尔法C平方的正切矢量质量 同时要保持T是无限大)

5. In order to determine the order of the As, Cs, Ts and Gs within an organism. (翻译:这项技术的目的,是确定有机体中 所有的A,C,T和G碱基的 排列顺序。)

6. In a DNA nucleotide the nucleo base can be A, G, C or T, standing for the molecules adenine, guanine, cytosine or thymine; (翻译:DNA核苷酸里的碱基可能是腺嘌呤、鸟嘌呤、胞嘧啶或腺嘧啶,分别以A、G、C或T来表示。)

7. He... cοllected stamps, sο we had tο cοllect stamps. (翻译:不会允许的,他... 集邮 我们也得集邮)

8. These T-shirts keep selling. (翻译:这些T恤大卖 These T -shirts keep selling.)

9. And of course it's the DNA that counts, so here's all the A, T, Gs and Cs that make up your genetic code, and give you all your charming characteristics. (翻译:同理, 我们要算一下DNA 这是所有的 A, T, G 和 C 组成你的基因密码, 赋予你所有的魅力特征.)

10. Really all you have to know about it is that there's four letters: A, T, C, G; they represent the name of a chemical. (翻译:你所需要知道的就是它具有4个字母 A,T,C,G,分别代表一种化学物质)

11. Really all you have to know about it is that there's four letters: A, T, C, G; they represent the name of a chemical. (翻译:你所需要知道的就是它具有4个字母 A,T,C,G,分别代表一种化学物质 )

12. Please.T-bag.T-bag, please. (翻译:求你了 T -bag T -bag 求你了)

13. If you leave now you won't come back. E¿™a¬¡cœŸcš„a›ža¸a¥aº† (翻译:那家伙到现在一直伤害着你 这次不要再回去!)

14. We're able to then put this DNA into DNA-sequencing machines and are able to digitize the DNA into A's, C's, T's and G's and have this final readout. (翻译:然后,我们将这些DNA 放入DNA测序仪器, 将DNA数字化, 变成A、C、T、G组成的编码。这就是最终的读取数据。)

15. It's smaller than a postage stamp, and it can generate power just by being attached to your shirt as you move. (翻译:比邮票还小 只要别在T恤上 别在T恤上 )


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