cowlstaff是什么意思 cowlstaff的中文翻译、读音、例句

cowlstaff的中文解释是"抬杠、〈古〉扁担",作为名词时有"古杠棒"的意思,单词读音音标为[美 ],cowlstaff在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到62个与cowlstaff相关的同义词和例句。

cowlstaff是什么意思 cowlstaff的中文翻译、读音、例句

cowlstaff的中文解释是"抬杠、古杠棒",在日常中也代表"〈古〉扁担"的意思,在线发音:['kaul,stɑ:f, -,stæf],cowlstaff是一个英语名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到23个与cowlstaff相关的句子。



例句:His staff knew for a long time that pills were going missing. (-seizure meds. 他的员工很早就知道 His staff knew for a long time)


例句:Good afternoon, students and staff. (中午好 同学们和教职员工们 Good afternoon, students and staff.)


例句:Kougami.{lol cop drama cliches} (00.00,staff,NTP,0,0,0,==========ED==========)


1. Kougami.{lol cop drama cliches} (翻译:00.00,staff,NTP,0,0,0,==========ED==========)

2. - You can bring senior staff? (翻译:- 你能带来资深骨干? - 当然。- You can bring senior staff?)

3. Yo, we lost some staff, man. (翻译:我们丢了货 老大 Yo, we lost some staff, man.)

4. What about staff... janitors, uh, government employees in the area? (翻译:调查过幕僚... 清洁工 呃... What about staff...)

5. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. (翻译:thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.)

6. - I got a staff e-mail from you. (翻译:- I got a staff e -mail from you.)

7. - Sack the ancillary staff. (翻译:裁掉后勤工人 也不行 工会不同意 Sack the ancillary staff.)

8. What about drivers and transport service staff? (翻译:司机和交通怎么办? What about drivers and transport service staff?)

9. The finest fighting staff there is. (翻译:世上现存的最强的战斗法杖 The finest fighting staff there is.)

10. We can make savings on prison staff food and drinks. (翻译:我们可以在狱卒 We can make savings on prison staff 食物和饮料上 food and drinks.)

11. How can there be patients when it has no nursing staff? (翻译:没有医护人员哪来的病人? 就是 How can there be patientswhen it has no nursing staff?)

12. Just my new chief of staff. (翻译:就只有我的新办公室主任 Just my new chief of staff.)

13. Our more-than-willing staff is ready to provide for your every need... through our wide variety of custom tans. (翻译:Our more -than -willing staff is ready to provide for your every need...)

14. When does my chief of staff get here? (翻译:我的幕僚长什么时候到 When does my chief of staff get here?)

15. The evidence to the CentralPolicy Review Staff. (翻译:给中央政策评估小组的报告 The evidence to the CentralPolicy Review Staff.)




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