licencia是什么意思 licencia的中文翻译、读音、例句


licencia是什么意思 licencia的中文翻译、读音、例句

'licencia'是西班牙语中的一个名词,意为许可证、执照、驾照等。它可以表示某种行为或活动的合法许可或授权。例如,'licencia de conducir'就是驾照的意思。


这个词在日常生活中非常常见,尤其在法律、汽车驾驶和商业领域使用频繁。例如,'licencia de construcción'(建筑许可证)和'licencia de negocios'(商业执照)。

'licencia'常用的词组搭配有:'tener una licencia'(拥有一份许可证)、'solicitar una licencia'(申请许可证)、'vencer la licencia'(许可证过期)、'perder la licencia'(执照被吊销)等。


licencia的意思是许可证、执照、驾照。它的中文读音是"lì jiàn zhèng"。


1. Tengo que renovar mi licencia de conducir este mes.

I have to renew my driver's license this month.

2. El negocio no puede operar sin la licencia necesaria.

The business cannot operate without the necessary license.




例句:All of these women had to shave their heads... because they got lice from the filthy lives they lived. (女犯人都要把头发剃了... 因为环境很脏会长跳蚤.)


例句:Infestation with lice, especially crab lice; pediculosis. (虱病虱子的寄生侵扰,尤指毛虱;虱病。)

例句:After being marched to slave forts on the coast, shaved to prevent lice, and branded, they were loaded onto ships bound for the Americas. (奴隶抵达海岸边的交易站后 为了预防跳蚤,被剃了光头 还打上了烙印 被装上船送去美洲 )


例句:Your daddy was a farmer before he was a po-lice-man. (翻译:爸在做前是个农民 379 00: 41: 00,437)


1. After being marched to slave forts on the coast, shaved to prevent lice, and branded, they were loaded onto ships bound for the Americas. (翻译:奴隶抵达海岸边的交易站后 为了预防跳蚤,被剃了光头 还打上了烙印 被装上船送去美洲 )

2. Your daddy was a farmer before he was a po-lice-man. (翻译:爸在做前是个农民 379 00: 41: 00,437)

3. You'd be a sight more humiliated if Mr. Kennedy's lice gets on you! (翻译:我会去作点小生意,订婚后... 当我成功时,便迎娶令妹)

4. In the burning heat of high summer, infested with lice and stifled by the suffocating stench, one could find lying in the dust and their own excrement, university professors, cripples, decorated war veterans, top industrialists and many others (翻译:在酷暑的高温下 这里长满虱子 还有着令人窒息的恶臭)

5. They were commingling lice and blood. (翻译:他们浑身是血混合着虱子。)

6. lice_1987 is the representative of a country and of a continent to which China feels particularly close. (翻译:1987是一位来自于使中国倍感亲切的国家和大洲的代表。)

7. Does your mom pick out your lice, or can you do that yourself now? (翻译:or can you do that yourself now?)

8. A month later, he recalls, NCI doctors broke into wide grins as they saw his tumors already shrinking. By the time Mr. (翻译:一个月后,他回访,当看到他的肿瘤细胞已经萎缩国家癌症协会的医生们都高兴地何不拢嘴。)

9. Lice infest their fur. They snore. (翻译:它们的毛皮里藏满虱子;睡觉时打鼾。)

10. When someone had lice he was taken to an old barracks and he was left to croak there with the others. (翻译:他会被逮到一个旧营房 然后他会被遗弃在那里和其他人一起死掉)

11. have we ever had a lice outbreak? (翻译:窦,你在这的日子里 我们有没有爆发过虱子蔓延?)

12. Her hair was crawling with lice. (翻译:她的头发上爬满了虱子。)

13. Regular battery inspection, rule number 8. No Lice. (翻译:我猜你到这儿来是检查军装里 有没有虱子的,是不是?)

14. If you have kids, you probably know about head lice, and if you're from New York City, I understand that the specialty there is bedbugs. (翻译:如果你有孩子,你可能知道头虱, 如果你从纽约市来, 我知道那里的臭虫问题很严重。)

15. We see it in its extreme in cases of war, where the out-group isn't merely given less, but dehumanized, as in the Nazi perspective of Jews as vermin or lice, or the American perspective of Japanese as rats. (翻译:极端的例子通过战争展现, 外群体不是被轻视 而是被不当作人类对待, 如同视犹太人为 害虫或是虱子, 美国人视日本人为老鼠。)




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