sammy是什么意思 sammy的中文翻译、读音、例句


sammy是什么意思 sammy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'sammy'可以指一个人的名字,也可以是缩写词,代表不同的概念,如“San Antonio Missions”、“Super Awesome Math Minds Youth”、“Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase Moonlighting in Membrane Repair”等。

2. 发音:/'sæmi/

3. 用法:作为人名时通常是男性名字,在口语中可以用作昵称;作为缩写词时,通常出现在特定领域的组织名称中。

4. 起源:据说'Sammy'这个名字源自于来语,意为“听众”或“承载神的名字”,在一些国家和地区比较受欢迎。

5. 引申意义:在一些圈子和文化中,'sammy'还代表着一种积极向上的心态,或者是某种特定的品质,如勇气、创造力、聪明等。


1. 'Sammy' is an awesome name for a boy or a girl. ('Sammy'是一个非常棒的男孩或女孩的名字。)

2. Sammy Davis Jr. was a popular singer, dancer, and actor in the 20th century. (萨米·戴维斯是20世纪广受欢迎的歌手、舞者和演员。)

3. SAMMY is a program that helps students learn math in a fun and interactive way. (SAMMY是一个帮助学生以有趣和互动的方式学习数学的计划。)

4. The San Antonio Missions baseball team is often called the 'Sammys' by their fans. (圣安东尼奥传教士棒球队经常被他们的粉丝称作'萨米'。)

5. I really admire Sammy's creativity and innovation in the field of technology. (我非常欣赏萨米在科技领域的创造力和创新精神。)

'sammy'通常是一个人名,常用作男性名字。没有固定的中文翻译。读音为 /ˈsæmi/。


1. Sammy is a great soccer player. (萨米是一名很棒的足球运动员。)

2. Can you introduce me to your friend Sammy? (你能介绍我认识你的朋友萨米吗?)




例句:Hey, Sammy, would it totally crush you to know that your boy Brick wasn't a natural blond? (Sammy 要是知道你偶像Brick 不是天生金发 你会失望吗?)


例句:- Yeah. Sammy and I will get the generator going by the time you get back. (Sammy跟我会修好发电机 你们回来之前肯定修好 所以...)


例句:I'm not going to a rubber room, sammy, and we got work to do. (我可不想被关在精神病院 Sammy 而且我们还有活要干)


例句:No. Sammy's gonna scope the place first. See me covering the front door. (翻译:Sammy会先看一下这屋子 看到我埋伏在前门)


sammy一般作为名词使用,如在Sammy Cahn([网络] 卡恩;山米坎恩;家山米康)、Sammy Lee([网络] 萨米·李;李森美;李汝宽)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sammy Cahn[网络] 卡恩;山米坎恩;家山米康
Sammy Lee[网络] 萨米·李;李森美;李汝宽


1. I'm not going to a rubber room, sammy, and we got work to do. (翻译:我可不想被关在精神病院 Sammy 而且我们还有活要干)

2. No. Sammy's gonna scope the place first. See me covering the front door. (翻译:Sammy会先看一下这屋子 看到我埋伏在前门)

3. You know the truth about Sammy and the other children? (翻译:你知道关于Sammy 和其他孩子的秘密了)

4. Sammy, bubula, where have you been? (翻译:山姆 太好了 你去哪里了? Sammy, bubula, where have you been?)

5. Sammy Wu, with a scar on his face? (翻译:小迷糊,是不是脸有个刀疤 眼睛小小的那个呀)

6. All right, well, what then? (翻译:hmm? what would sammy wish for?)

7. This is my niece and best friend, Sammy Sosa. (翻译:这是我的侄女 好朋友 Sammy Sosa)

8. Dean and sammy winchester. (翻译:温彻斯特兄弟 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Dean and Sammy winchester.)

9. Sammy, there's something I keep forgetting to tell you (翻译:沈先生,其实有一件事情,我一直忘了跟你说)

10. It's either trust the angels or let Sammy trust a demon? (翻译:or let Sammy trust a demon? !)

11. Lttle sammy kept trying to tell me. (翻译:小萨姆总是试图告诉我 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Little sammy kept trying to tell me.)

12. That's the Sammy I know. You're like Clint Eastwood from Escape From Alcatraz. (翻译:智多星Sammy 我就知道 你就像克林特伊斯特伍德的)

13. - Miss Lovelace. - Sammy Davis Jr. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}小萨米·戴维斯 美国多才多艺的黑人艺术家)

14. And you drove the truck that carried the body of Sammy DiPietro in a steel drum from where he was murdered to where they stashed him. (翻译:而且你还载过Sammy DiPietro And you drove the truck that carried the body 被装在铁桶里的尸体 of Sammy DiPietro in a steel drum 从他被地载到尸体藏匿处 from where he was murdered to where they stashed him.)

15. Okay. Uh, Sammy, can you take Collins and give notification? (翻译:Sammy 你带Collins去通知家属)


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