quaternize是什么意思 quaternize的中文翻译、读音、例句

quaternize通常被翻译为"季铵化、化"的意思,在英美地区还有"使"的意思,在线读音是['kwɔtәnaiz, kwә't\\\\ : -],在英语中以动词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到66个与quaternize相关的近义词和例句。

quaternize是什么意思 quaternize的中文翻译、读音、例句

quaternize通常被翻译为"化、季铵化"的意思,作为动词时有"分成四份"的意思,读音为['kwɔtәnaiz, kwә't\\\\ : -],quaternize来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到20个与quaternize相关的例句。



例句:This is online map of the address "Zao Yuan Zao Yuan Suan Yan Dian Ze Cun , Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, China" . (这是地址“中国陕西省延安市宝塔区枣园枣园酸延店则村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


例句:Come on, Zohan, you have to like that deal. Maybe they're talking about Ze'ev. Ze'ev. (行了 Zohan 你没抓住要点 我们在说Zeev)


例句:And they said, "Hey Ze, thanks for rocking out, but I meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked." (他们说,“嗨,ze,感谢你滚出来, 的意思是我们裸奔出来。)


例句:Ze kept on getting delayed: he went to get a drink, he was called to a meeting, the meeting ran long, he went to the bathroom. (翻译:这个过程一直被推延: 一会儿他去喝了点饮料, 然后去开了个电话会议, 会议很长, 过后他又去了趟洗手间。)


1. And they said, "Hey Ze, thanks for rocking out, but I meant the kind of rocking out where we'd be naked." (翻译:他们说,“嗨,ze,感谢你滚出来, 的意思是我们裸奔出来。)

2. Ze kept on getting delayed: he went to get a drink, he was called to a meeting, the meeting ran long, he went to the bathroom. (翻译:这个过程一直被推延: 一会儿他去喝了点饮料, 然后去开了个电话会议, 会议很长, 过后他又去了趟洗手间。)

3. What was I going to say next? (翻译:接下来我将会说什么呢?Ze Frank 这是我。)

4. 'Owever , it would seem Zat'e as'ad an alteration of ze'eart on ze matter. (翻译:不过,看起来在这件事情上他的心已有所改变)

5. ru i no ku ma su ha su ne wa o shi o da ze bo i ni ji ha ku ma e (翻译:录依之六枯马 斯哈斯纳瓦鸥 式鸥达智波伊)

6. "Let my Chuai him is several feet." Zhao Tie Zhu pointed Su on the ground cloud Ze, slowly prologues. (翻译:“让我踹他几脚。”赵铁柱指了指地上的苏云泽,缓缓开口。)

7. By the time Ze walked in more than 30 minutes later, 90,000 viewers were watching the livestream. (翻译:直到半个多小时后哲进去时, 已经有9万名观众在 观看这次直播。)

8. All this, he writes, "began with water, the sine qua non of any civilization. " (翻译:他写道,所有这些,“来源于水,水是任何文明产生的必不可少的条件。”)

9. Sixth, doing morning exercise of English can improve your qua lity evaluation and character; (翻译:第六,早读还可以改进你的综合素质和气质;)

://www.ted.com/talks/ze_frank_s_web_playroom.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/ze_frank_s_web_playroom.html)

11. From experimental electronic music in Singapore with One Man Nation to Brazilian icon Tom Ze singing on his rooftop in Sao Paolo. (翻译:从新加坡”One Man Nation“的实验电子音乐 到巴西正保罗的Tom Ze在自家房顶的歌唱 )

12. So we played Ze Frank at chess collaboratively, and we beat him. (翻译:我们与泽·弗兰克下国际象棋, 多对一,结果我们赢了。)

13. Ernie yue: "today Ze if JiZi JiZi, and shall not be with child, and no brothers, for the king and brothers superimposed on JiZi rulers. " (翻译:遏曰:“今若是迮而与季子,季子必不受,请无与子而与弟,弟兄迭为君而致诸侯乎季子。”)

14. Location : “Location is the sine-qua-non of mobile apps. (翻译:定位:”定位是移动应用的必要条件。)

15. Listen Olive, you. . . -Ahh, my cherie, nothing shall ever separate us again. Now that we are alone, I shall give you ze magnificent kiss. (翻译:听着,奥利夫,你…-啊,我的樱桃,没有什么会再让我们分离。现在只有我们,我会给你一个美妙的吻。)


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