ppt是什么意思 ppt的中文翻译、读音、例句


ppt是什么意思 ppt的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:PPT 是 Presentation,是英文演示文稿的缩写。它是电子课件制作软件的一种,可用于制作演示文稿、报告、产品说明等。

2. 特点:PPT 具有图文并茂、制作方便、表现形式多样等特点,其中以图片、文字和动画为主要元素。

3. 常见功能:PPT 的常见功能包括添加、删除、编辑、移动和复制幻灯片、插入图片、音频和视频、设计幻灯片模板、添加动画效果等。

4. 使用场景:PPT 是一种重要的教学工具,经常用于学术报告、课程展示、营销宣传、面试演示等场合。

5. 注意事项:在制作 PPT 时,需要注意文字、图片和动画的数量和质量,同时需要结合实际场景和受众,避免内容过于复杂和枯燥。


1. The lecturer used a well-designed PPT to explain the latest research findings. 讲师使用精美的 PPT 来解释最新的研究发现。

2. Can you help me add some animation effects to this PPT? 你能帮我给这个 PPT 添加一些动画效果吗3. The company's marketing team created a PPT to present the new product to potential customers. 公司的市场团队制作了一份 PPT,向潜在客户展示新产品。

4. I'm going to give a talk tomorrow, could you please check my PPT for any mistakes? 我明天要演讲,可以请你帮我检查一下 PPT 有没有错误吗5. The teacher used PPT as a teaching aid to promote students' understanding of the topic. 老师使用 PPT 作为教学辅助工具,促进学生对主题的理解。

ppt的中文翻译为“演示文稿”,读音为pī pí tì,以下是例句:

1. 我需要你为下周的会议准备一份ppt演示文稿。

I need you to prepare a ppt presentation for next week's meeting.

2. 这个ppt好像不太清晰,你能不能调整一下字体大小?

This ppt seems a bit blurry, could you adjust the font size?

3. 我们需要在ppt中加入更多的数据和图表来支持我们的观点。

We need to add more data and charts to our ppt to support our arguments.




例句:He added that the message could be more productive and actionable than just a list of excuses on why Agile would not work. (他补充道,PPT所说的内容可以更加有针对性和可执行性,而不是就是一份敏捷行不通的理由清单。)


例句:Women at high risk for thyroid disease have an increased rate of PPT. (具有甲状腺疾病高危的妇女其产后甲状腺炎的发生率增加。)


例句:Ed, that presentation you came in and saved the other day? (埃德,那天你让演示PPT化险为夷,与这些技术相关吗?)


例句:When he first met with prospective clients, he never used PowerPoint presentations nor prepared brochures to leave behind after he left. (翻译:当他第一次见客户的时候,他既没有使用PPT做演示,也没有准备产品手册留给客户。)


ppt一般作为名词使用,如在Ppt.([医] 沉淀[物], 制备的, 精制的)、pPT104(pTP104蛋白)、pPT71(pPT7克隆)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ppt.[医] 沉淀[物], 制备的, 精制的


1. Ed, that presentation you came in and saved the other day? (翻译:埃德,那天你让演示PPT化险为夷,与这些技术相关吗?)

2. When he first met with prospective clients, he never used PowerPoint presentations nor prepared brochures to leave behind after he left. (翻译:当他第一次见客户的时候,他既没有使用PPT做演示,也没有准备产品手册留给客户。)

3. A J Tech Pain Track algometer was used to measure PPT. (翻译:欧塞尔技术疼痛轨道痛觉是用来衡量的PPT。)

4. Or even worse, some kind of ghastly death-by-Powerpoint thing with WowCharts and all kinds of, you know, God knows, whatever. (翻译:或者更糟,那些吓死人的PPT 满是Wow图表,各种鬼东西。)

5. For the left of the team, you can take a look at the PPT file, I guess you are familiar with it already, some part is not completed yet. (翻译:对于离开团队的,你可以看一下PPT文件,我想你已经对这个很熟悉了,一些部分还不完整。)

6. Study on selection efficiency of rice calli with hygromycin and PPT (翻译:潮霉素和PPT对水稻愈伤组织筛选效果的比较)

7. Life on this planet shares a common origin, and I can summarize 3.5 billion years of the history of life on this planet in a single slide. (翻译:这个星球上的生命拥有同一个起源, 而且我能用一页ppt描述 35亿年之间在这个星球上 关于生命的历史。)

8. And when I send you an email or a PowerPoint file or something, I'm actually not sending you the original, I'm sending you a copy. (翻译:当我向你发送一封电子邮件, 或一份PPT文件或者其他的时候, 实际上我发送的并不是原始文件, 我发送的是拷贝的副本。)

9. PPT. I was responsible for general introduction of our company to the clients through the PPT which needs to be prepared for my speech. (翻译:主要负责向来访的客户通过PPT介绍公司的情况,也就是在这次项目中我需要制作和演说)

10. And I put on a slide where TED 1 happened in my life. (翻译:我把我第一次 TED 演讲发生的时间, 标注在了 PPT 里。)

11. But I guess that's in keeping, so now we'll just move to the PowerPoint presentation, ladies and gentlemen. (翻译:猜我的节目已经被保存下来了 所以现在我们开始做PPT演讲吧 女士们,先生们 )

12. That is the original slide from that year, and it has worked in lockstep obedience. (翻译:这是当年的原始PPT, 而且一直都因循守旧地运行着。)

13. One of the great things about not using a slide presentation is that you do not have to hide behind a lectern pressing the mouse. (翻译:不使用PPT的另一个好处就是你不用一直待在讲台上,不停地按着鼠标。)

14. This is a matter of personal style to some extent, but I tend to use PPTs very sparingly. (翻译:某种程度上这跟个人风格有关,自己倾向于少用PPT。)

15. But my true purpose in being here will be revealed in this brief PowerPoint presentation. (翻译:真正的目的 将会在这个简短的PPT中展示)


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