torah是什么意思 torah的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


torah是什么意思 torah的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义:Torah是来文,意为“教导”或“指导”。它是指犹太教的重要经典《摩西五经》(Pentateuch),包括创世纪、出埃及记、利未记、民数记和申命记等五卷书。

2. 词性:Torah是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有“study Torah”(学习Torah)、“teach Torah”(教授Torah)、“Torah scroll”(《摩西五经》卷轴)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ˈtɔːrə/


1. Many Jews consider the study of Torah to be the central activity of Judaism.(许多犹太人认为学习Torah是犹太教的核心活动。)

2. The Torah is written in Hebrew, the ancient language of the Jewish people.(Torah是用来语写成的,这是犹太人的古老语言。)

3. The rabbi spent many hours a day studying the Torah.(拉比每天花费许多时间学习Torah。)

4. In a traditional Jewish home, the Torah is treated with great reverence and respect.(在传统的犹太家庭中,人们非常尊重和尊敬Torah。)

5. The Torah contains many moral and ethical teachings that have influenced many cultures and religions around the world.(Torah包含许多道德和伦理教导,对全球许多文化和产生了影响。)


读音:tó luó jīng


1. 犹太教中最重要的经典之一就是《托拉经》。

The Torah is one of the most important scriptures in Judaism.

2. 犹太教认为《托拉经》是神的启示。

Jewish believers believe that the Torah is the revelation of God.




例句:Hillel stood on one leg and said, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary. (席勒儿抬起一条腿,说道,“如果什么事情是你所痛恨的, 那么千万不要对你的邻居做同样的事情。这就是教律,其他的都是评论而已。)


例句:What Matthew presents Jesus is doing is not getting rid, at all, of the Torah, the Jewish law, he's intensifying it. (马太描绘的一点都不是摒弃律法,而是在强化它。)


例句:He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant. (他认为外邦人进入教会,但仍要遵守犹太律法。)


例句:He said, "In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule." (翻译:他说:“在你所做的考证中,一定要弄清楚 教律的每一句话都是评论,是对黄金法则所做的注解。” )


torah一般作为名词使用,如在Torah(犹太教的律法 )、the Torah([网络] 摩西五经;妥拉;托拉)、Sefer Torah([网络] 妥拉卷轴;托拉经卷)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Torah[网络] 摩西五经;妥拉;托拉
Sefer Torah[网络] 妥拉卷轴;托拉经卷
Sepher Torah[网络] Sefer Torah
Shimchath Torah[网络] Simchat Torah
Simchas Torah[网络] 颂经节
Simchat Torah[网络] 西赫托拉节;欢庆妥拉节;律法节
Simchath Torah= Simhath Torah [亦作 Simchat Torah]
Simhat Torah[网络] 诵经节;日-以色列回归日;亦称欢庆律法节
Simhath Torah[网络] Simchat Torah


1. He sees Gentiles coming into the church but still being Torah observant. (翻译:他认为外邦人进入教会,但仍要遵守犹太律法。)

2. He said, "In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule." (翻译:他说:“在你所做的考证中,一定要弄清楚 教律的每一句话都是评论,是对黄金法则所做的注解。” )

3. Moses will read us the Torah' Aaron will sing and Miriam will dance for us. (翻译:欢乐和盛宴! 摩西给我们念律法, 亚伦唱圣歌 米里亚姆为我们跳舞)

4. Some people have even suggested that Matthew is intentionally structuring his Gospel to make it look like the Torah, the Jewish law. (翻译:有人甚至提出,马太是故意把他写的福音,做成犹太教妥拉般的架构。)

5. You do it because the Torah tells you to and you submit to the Torah. (翻译:你做这些是因为托拉说要这么做 而你服从托拉.)

6. There would be no torah reading, but rather a few prayers, a candle lighting, a few speeches, and a nice buffet meal. (翻译:不用当众读摩西五经,但是会有一些祈祷、点蜡烛和一些演讲,最后是一段丰盛的晚宴。)

7. He says he seeks to give the two central institutions of Torah. (翻译:他说,他试图找到《出埃及记》中最中心的两个机构。)

8. Sir, we scoured the Koran... the Torah and the Bible for clues... (翻译:我们翻遍《可兰经》 《旧约全书》和《圣经》)

9. So Matthew's may have been put first in the canon because it was read by Christians as being sort of almost like the new Law, the new Torah. (翻译:所以马太福音被摆在正典的首位,或许是因为读了它,几乎把它视为新的律法,新的妥拉。)

10. People of the Book: In 64 A. D. , the high priest Joshua ben Gamla insisted that Jewish fathers educate their sons in the Torah. (翻译:圣经的人们:在拖拉犹太律法中,公元64年,大祭司JoshuabenGamla坚持犹太人祖先们要教育他们的子孙后代。)

11. Hillel stood on one leg and said, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary. (翻译:席勒儿抬起一条腿,说道,“如果什么事情是你所痛恨的, 那么千万不要对你的邻居做同样的事情。这就是教律,其他的都是评论而已。)

12. You couldn't give an account of the natural world that didn't say something about its relationship, for example, to the creation story in the Abrahamic tradition, the creation story in the first book of the Torah. (翻译:你不可能在当时的世界中 提出一个观点 却又不解释它与、教之间的联系, 例如,与亚伯拉罕故事中的 创世纪, 创世纪是犹太律法书的第一卷。)

13. This is like a Torah sent down from God to make us part of history, and you want to forget it, Dick? (翻译:这就象上帝发布律法 让我们成为历史的一部分 你想忘记吗? 迪克?)

14. And only a sofer or ordained scribe could do the repairs to the more than 300, 000 letters that make up the torah. (翻译:只有一个开发出家的抄写员可以修补超过300,000字母组成的律法。)

15. He said, "In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule." (翻译:他说:“在你所做的考证中,一定要弄清楚 教律的每一句话都是评论,是对黄金法则所做的注解。”)




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