minivan是什么意思 minivan的中文翻译、读音、例句


minivan是什么意思 minivan的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: minivan是一种小型多用途汽车,通常具有便于进出的侧滑门和后门。它通常比SUV更省油,也更适合家庭使用。

2. 结构和外观:minivan通常有两排座椅,可以容纳七到八人。它的车身比传统的轿车高和长,更接近于一个长方形盒子。缩短轴距和加装更多方便的功能,如可折叠座椅和娱乐系统,可以提供更大的空间和舒适性。

3. 用途:由于其宽敞的内部空间和多用途的设计, minivan适合家庭或小团体的旅行,可以用于运送人员或更大的物品,例如行李,购物或家居建材等。


1. The family rented a minivan for their road trip across the country.(这家人租了一辆minivan,开始了跨国的自驾游。)

2. The church group hired a minivan to transport everyone to the annual picnic.(教堂团体租了一辆minivan将大家送到年度野餐会上。)

3. The company uses a fleet of minivans for their employees to travel to different locations.(公司为员工提供一批minivan,用于出差或前往不同的地点。)

4. A minivan is a great choice for a family with young children who need plenty of space and flexibility.(一辆minivan是有年幼孩子的家庭的理想选择,他们需要充足的空间和灵活性。)

5. The minivan was equipped with a DVD player and a sound system to keep the children entertained on the long road trip.(这辆minivan装备了一个DVD播放器和音响,以使孩子在长途旅行中保持娱乐。)


读音:mínǐ wǔ (注音) / ˈmɪnɪvæn (国际音标)

例句:My family bought a minivan for our road trip. (我的家人买了一辆迷你面包车去旅行。)




例句:This is me, crazy after a day of driving around in my minivan. (这就是我,开了一天小面包车, 整个人感觉很疯狂。)


例句:New tires for the minivan, piano lessons, you know, and, because all that... (小面包车需要新轮胎丶钢琴课... 因为那些原因...)


例句:Will the owner of a beige minivan with New York license plates please move your vehicle? (请停车场内挂纽约牌照的米色面包车车主移动下位置 Will the owner of a beige minivan with New York license plates 您的车挡住了其它车辆的车道 please move your vehicle?)


例句:I told him you wouldn't be interested, so we're gonna take the minivan, and you can take his car. (翻译:我跟他说你不会感兴趣的 所以我们开那辆房车去 你可以开他的车)


minivan一般作为名词使用,如在the minivan(小货车)等常见短语中出现较多。

the minivan小货车


1. Will the owner of a beige minivan with New York license plates please move your vehicle? (翻译:请停车场内挂纽约牌照的米色面包车车主移动下位置 Will the owner of a beige minivan with New York license plates 您的车挡住了其它车辆的车道 please move your vehicle?)

2. I told him you wouldn't be interested, so we're gonna take the minivan, and you can take his car. (翻译:我跟他说你不会感兴趣的 所以我们开那辆房车去 你可以开他的车)

3. Look, I just want to check out what my current market value is when I'm not driving a minivan covered in (翻译:你看,我只是想看看 就是我目前的市场价值是 当我不 涵盖了小型货车)

4. That's like buying a brand new Honda Odyssey minivan, OK? (翻译:这差不多能买一辆新的 奥德赛了好嘛! )

5. I got a needlepoint sweater, and a minivan... (翻译:我有一件针织的羊毛衫, 和一辆面包车...)

6. When your wife says you're just test driving minivans, you're buying a minivan. (翻译:你老婆说你们只是在试驾厢旅车时 你就是在买厢旅车)

7. So what's it gonna be, Derek, the minivan or the sports car? (翻译:那么Derek先生觉得如何 是这两小货车呢 还是这两跑车?)

8. Soccer mom? Mr. Young, sometimes evil drives a minivan. (翻译:球僮? Young先生, 有时候会开著小卡车驾到 我有过这样的经历)

9. My dog is a black lab, and I drive a Honda Odyssey minivan. (翻译:我养了一只黑色拉布拉多猎犬,开奥赛德面包车。)

10. Mm-hmm, a year from now, it's a minivan. (翻译:毫米,嗯,从现在开始的一年, 它是一个小型货车。)

11. No. A little tough to see, but he was definitely picked up by a dark minivan. (翻译:不 有点难看清楚 但他绝对是上了一辆深色小货车)

12. Mr. Putin was behind the wheel of the Russian-made car about half the distance and in a minivan for the rest, his spokesman said. (翻译:发言人称,驾驶俄罗斯生产的汽车走了一半的路程,然后换乘一辆商务车完成余下的访问。)

13. I had this minivan that-- it was my dad's family car. (翻译:我有这个面包车that -- 那是我爸的家庭用车。)

14. Now she just throws a batch into a bag and lets everyone have their morning meal in her minivan. (翻译:现在她只要把原料扔进去,孩子们就可以在她们家的小型货车上吃完自己的早餐了。)

15. Early that morning, Mariam and her mother took a minivan to Dagestan's regional capital, Makhachkala. (翻译:那天一大早,玛利亚姆和她母亲一起,坐小货车去了达吉斯坦省的首府,马哈奇卡拉。)






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