hungry是什么意思 hungry的中文翻译、读音、例句


hungry是什么意思 hungry的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:hungry作为形容词,表示“饥饿的”。可以用于描述人、动物或者物体的状态。


- I am so hungry. Can we stop for lunch soon?

- The stray cat looked hungry and weak.

- The plant is dying because it's not getting enough water. It's thirsty and hungry for nutrients.

- The lioness and her cubs were hungry after days of hunting without success.

- The homeless man begged for food because he was hungry and had nothing to eat.

2. 同义词:hungry是一个常用的单词,有很多近义词可以替换,如 famished, starving, ravenous, peckish, empty, etc.。


- They were so famished after the hike that they ate everything in sight.

- The refugees were starving and desperately in need of food and water.

- The athletes were ravenous after the strenuous workout and consumed a lot of protein.

- I'm feeling a bit peckish. Would you like to share some snacks with me?

- The fridge was empty, and I had to go to the store to buy some groceries.

3. 反义词:与hungry相对的是satisfied或者full。


- After finishing the delicious meal, I felt satisfied and content.

- The baby stopped crying and fell asleep after being fed and feeling full.

- I usually eat a big breakfast, so I don't feel hungry until lunchtime.

- She had a small appetite and didn't get hungry often.

- The dog was so full after eating the entire bag of dog food that it couldn't move.

4. 派生词:hungry可以通过加后缀形成其他词性,如:


- The hunger strike lasted for a month, and the protesters refused to eat until their demands were met.

- Many countries are facing a food shortage crisis and need urgent aid to feed the hungry population.

- The hunger games were a brutal competition that forced agers to fight for survival and food.

- The hunger pangs woke her up in the middle of the night, and she had to eat something to ease the discomfort.

- The hunger for knowledge and success drove her to study hard and work tirelessly.

5. 习语:hungry还可以作为一些习语中的一部分,如:


- The early bird catches the worm. If you want to succeed, you have to be hungry for opportunities and act fast.

- The grass is always greener on the other side. Even if you achieve your goals, you may still feel hungry for more.

- A watched pot never boils. If you're waiting for something to happen, it may seem like time is moving too slow and make you feel hungry for results.

- Hunger is the best sauce. When you're really hungry, even plain food can taste amazing.

- Hunger makes wolves of us all. When people are desperate, they may resort to extreme measures to survive.




1. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.(我饿得要命,可以吃一匹马了。)

2. The children were hungry after playing all day.(孩子们玩了一整天后都饿了。)

3. He was hungry for success and worked hard to achieve it.(他渴望成功,努力工作以实现目标。)

4. She skipped breakfast and lunch, so now she's very hungry.(她没吃早餐和午餐,所以现在非常饿了。)

5. The homeless man begged for food, as he was very hungry.(那个无家可归的人乞求食物,因为他非常饥饿。)




例句:Bezos was not profit-hungry. (贝索斯没有贪求赢利。)


例句:Edward Sexby would not have denied food to the hungry. (爱德华・色斯比会给饥饿的人食物 Edward Sexby would not have denied food to the hungry.)


例句:It was an ancient, hungry being. (这是 这是雏形 需要加工 但有效)


例句:CHIRPING for her hungry chick. (翻译:来喂饱她饥饿的孩子 {\3cH202020}Food for her hungry chick.)


hungry一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在hungry for(渴望)、NOT HUNGRY([网络] 不怎么饿)、the hungry([网络] 饥饿者;饥渴者)等常见短语中出现较多。

hungry for渴望
NOT HUNGRY[网络] 不怎么饿
the hungry[网络] 饥饿者;饥渴者
to be hungry饿
gasoline hungry汽油不足
get hungry感到肚子饿
go hungry挨饿
goes hungry挨饿
going hungry[网络] 挨饿;忍饥挨饿


1. It was an ancient, hungry being. (翻译:这是 这是雏形 需要加工 但有效)

2. CHIRPING for her hungry chick. (翻译:来喂饱她饥饿的孩子 {\3cH202020}Food for her hungry chick.)

3. STEVE: Are you hungry, Marco? (翻译:Marco 你饿吗 Are you hungry, Marco?)

4. Your appetite's reaching, you know, Hungry, Hungry Hippo levels. (翻译:hungry hungry hippo levels.)

5. We are all very hungry if the situation goer on like this. We would be hungry to death. (翻译:如果一只这样下去,我们会非常饿的,最后会饿死。)

6. People refer this as the Hungry Tigress period (翻译:有人叫这阶段做虎狼之年 PeopIe refer this as the Hungry Tigress period)

7. We were just really hungry. (翻译:我们只是太饿了 We were just really hungry.)

8. Funerals make people hungry for some reason. (翻译:葬礼总是让人觉得饿 Funerals make people hungry for some reason.)

9. - What, are you not hungry? (翻译:What, are you not hungry?)

10. I mean, haven't-eaten-in-days hungry? (翻译:-eaten -in -days hungry?)

11. You know, when you get so hungry it makes you angry. (翻译:when you get so hungry 就是当你非常饿的时候)

12. Degraded, hungry, oppressed, beaten, frightened, (翻译:在经历这种种的、饥饿 压迫、摧残和惊吓之后,)

13. Charity, it is not throwing a bone to a hungry dog, is to share it with him when you have so hungry. (翻译:圣洁 不是向饿狗扔骨头 而是在你饥饿时和他分一杯羹)

14. You hungry? -No. What's the matter? (翻译:我只有半边身体在床上, 因为我不想再被踢到)

15. Whenever I tell you the time, your reaction is, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry." (翻译:无论什么时候我问你时间 你的回答都是我很饿很饿)




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