weaves是什么意思 weaves的中文翻译、读音、例句


weaves是什么意思 weaves的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Weaves是动词,指编织(纺织品),交织(风景、故事等)。

2. 词性:动词。

3. 词组搭配:weave in(注入、插入)、weave out(脱离、避开)等。

4. 短语:weave one's way(穿梭、蜿蜒前进)。

5. 发音拼写:[wiːvz],音标为/wiːvz/。


1. 她正在织毛衣。

She is weaving a sweater.

2. 这个古老的村庄周围布满了美丽的风景。

Beautiful scenery weaves its way around this ancient village.

3. 她巧妙地编织了一条漂亮的丝巾。

She skillfully weaved a beautiful silk scarf.

4. 驾驶员巧妙地避开交通堵塞,穿梭在纽约市的街道上。

The driver expertly weaved his way through the traffic jam, navigating the streets of New York City.

5. 在这首歌曲中,词与曲巧妙地交织在一起,创造出一种独特的音乐体验。

In this song, the lyrics and the music are intricately weaved together to create a unique musical experience.





1. She weaves baskets out of reeds. 她用芦苇编制篮子。

2. The spider weaves a beautiful web in the corner. 蜘蛛在角落里编织出美丽的网。

3. The poet expertly weaves together different themes in her poems. 这位诗人巧妙地将不同的主题编织在她的诗歌中。

4. The artist weaves magic with his brush strokes.艺术家用他的画笔创造了魔力。




例句:He said that he weaves magic into his forge and produces mystical weapons and armor. (他说这个人可以在熔炉中挥舞他的魔法,制作出神秘的武器和甲胄。)


例句:He often weaves a tangled web in his mind as he is over-sensitive and imaginative person. (他是一个过于敏感和富于想象力的人,经常在头脑里编织一张复杂的网。)


例句:The director weaves a mythic, self-contained universe that riffs on biology, cinema, architecture and American history. (导演编织了一个穿插着生物学、电影、建筑和美国历史的神秘世界。)


例句:The wall weaves like a Chinese dragon, seemingly looping back on itself, disappearing down gorges and re-emerging on the peaks. (翻译:长城仿佛一条中国巨龙,在山谷之间蜿蜒着、盘旋着,时隐时现。)


weaves一般作为名词使用,如在folk weaves(民俗织物)、jacquard weaves(提花组织)、mana weaves([网络] 魔法编织)等常见短语中出现较多。

folk weaves民俗织物
jacquard weaves提花组织
mana weaves[网络] 魔法编织
open weaves稀薄组织\n稀松组织
plain weaves平纹梭织,平纹布;平布
satin weaves【纺织业】缎纹织理,经缎组织[亦作 satin,参较plain weave, twill weave]
taffeta weavestaffeta weave\n=plain weave
twill weaves[纺] 斜纹组织;斜纹织;斜织法
entwining twill weaves网形斜纹组织


1. The director weaves a mythic, self-contained universe that riffs on biology, cinema, architecture and American history. (翻译:导演编织了一个穿插着生物学、电影、建筑和美国历史的神秘世界。)

2. The wall weaves like a Chinese dragon, seemingly looping back on itself, disappearing down gorges and re-emerging on the peaks. (翻译:长城仿佛一条中国巨龙,在山谷之间蜿蜒着、盘旋着,时隐时现。)

3. The mist weaves her net round the morning, captivates him, and makes him blind. (翻译:薄雾编织氤氲的网萦绕着黎明,令他迷惑而盲目。)

4. They make bunches of flowers, from flakes and wires of silver, that counterfeit the delicate creations the frost weaves upon a window pane. (翻译:他们拿银箔和银丝做成一束束花,活象霜花在玻璃窗上凝成的美妙花纹。)

5. Melvin Konner, an anthropologist and neuroscientist at Emory, weaves a compelling web of theories and studies across a remarkable array of disciplines, from experimental genetics to ethnology. (翻译:作者麦尔文考耐是爱默瑞大学的人类学家和神经学者,编织了一个令人信服的多元理论网络,其研究更是跨越诸多学科,从实验基因学到民族学。)

6. she indeed weaves a castle in her deep heart. She loves her work and is always flying in the sky. (翻译:她内心的确编织着一座城堡,她爱她的工作,她总在天上飞)

7. The minerality weaves the elements together like silk. (翻译:矿物质和酒的成份 交织在一起 有如丝绸一般)

8. Jacquard designs involve at least two of the basic weaves in various arrangements to form the pattern. (翻译:提花图案至少包括两种基础组织,基础组织采用不同的组合方式以构成花型。)

9. Yet rather than the to-be-expected socialist harangue, Allende subtly works her political message within the fabric of the compelling narrative she weaves. (翻译:然而,阿连德并没有像人们所期待的那样发表社会主义的长篇大论,而是将她的信息巧妙地融入了她编织的引人注目的叙事结构中。)

10. Once the gentle breeze weaves it's spell upon your heart, no matter what you think, it won't be too long 'til you're in my arms. (翻译:只要温柔的微风将咒语织入你的心,无论你怎么想,不久以后,你会来到我怀里。)

11. Niffenegger weaves her timelines with ease, never confusing the reader or leaving loose ends. (翻译:尼芬格轻松的编制着她的时间线,绝不让读者感到混乱,也没有留下松散的结局。)

12. For a your xie group fragrance, weaves clouds, in the feeling becomes aware with the thinking in accompanies you to grow. (翻译:为你撷一路芬芳,织一片云彩,在感悟和思索中伴你成长。)

13. He opens a to see, the detection is the finished product that the weave sign that a few days ago sees in the theater weaves. (翻译:他打开一看,发现是前几天在戏院里看到的编织符号所编织出来的成品,StivaliUggUomo。)

14. My literary pretensions made C splutter with laughter, but poetry weaves a potent spell. (翻译:我木讷的搞怪做作让C捧腹大笑。但是诗歌却编织了一个强有力的诅咒。)

15. Mr Aldrich skilfully weaves together the personal, political, military and technological dimensions of electronic espionage. (翻译:Aldrich先生巧妙地将个人,,军事和技术各方面的电子间谍编制在了一起。)




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