tracheal是什么意思 tracheal的中文翻译、读音、例句


tracheal是什么意思 tracheal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义和定义: 'tracheal' 是指与气管相关的,通常用于描述呼吸系统的结构或功能。

2. 用途和应用:在医学、生物学、解剖学等领域中,经常会用到 'tracheal' 这个词,主要用于描述与气管有关的研究或情况。

3. 同义词和反义词: 'tracheal' 的同义词包括:tracheary、tracheate、tracheoscopy等;反义词则为:non-tracheal、extratracheal等。

4. 词源和发音: 'tracheal' 这个词源于拉丁语 'trachea' (气管),发音为 [ˈtreɪkiəl]。

5. 例句:

1. The tracheal cartilage is a series of C-shaped rings that provide support and prevent collapse of the airway.


2. Tracheal stenosis is a narrowing of the trachea that can cause difficulty breathing.


3. The doctor used a tracheal tube to help the patient breathe.


4. The tracheal tissue was examined under a microscope for signs of inflammation or infection.


5. Tracheal defects can be caused by genetic mutations or environmental factors.





1. The tracheal tube was inserted into his airway to assist his breathing.(气管插管入他的气道,以帮助他呼吸。)

2. The tracheal cells play an important role in the respiratory system.(气管细胞在呼吸系统中起着重要作用。)




例句:Objective:To evaluate the feasibility and safety of lung volume reduction by percutaneous trans-tracheal bronchial embolization with ethanol and lipidol. (目的:探讨经皮气管穿刺选择性支气管栓塞肺减容术的可行性和安全性。)


例句:Conclusion: The stent implantation is an effective way in treatment of patient of esophago -tracheal fistula. (结论:食管内置入带膜记忆合金支架是治疗食管—气管纵隔瘘病人的有效方法,值得推广。)


例句:Tip vasomotor reflex predicts circulatory response to tracheal intubation (末梢血管收缩反应气管插管血液动力学变化)


例句:Tracheal autografts in group A and C had notable rejection reaction, but group B did not. (翻译:组移植气管均发生一定程度的排斥反应,B组无排斥反应发生。)


tracheal一般作为形容词使用,如在tracheal artery(气管动脉)、tracheal aspiration(气管吸痰术)、tracheal atresia(气管闭锁)等常见短语中出现较多。

tracheal artery气管动脉
tracheal aspiration气管吸痰术
tracheal atresia气管闭锁
tracheal branch气管枝
tracheal branches气管支
tracheal breathsound气管性呼吸音
tracheal bronchi[医] 气管延续性[额外]支气管
tracheal bronchus气管性支气管
tracheal calculus气管石


1. Tip vasomotor reflex predicts circulatory response to tracheal intubation (翻译:末梢血管收缩反应气管插管血液动力学变化)

2. Tracheal autografts in group A and C had notable rejection reaction, but group B did not. (翻译:组移植气管均发生一定程度的排斥反应,B组无排斥反应发生。)

3. Significance of AgNOR Quantitative Analysis in Cytological Diagnosis of Scrubbing Slides of Tracheal Microscope and Smearing Slides of Sputa (翻译:AgNOR定量分析在气管镜刷片及痰涂片细胞学辅助诊断中的意义)

4. He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea. (翻译:他栽倒在泥泞中,脖子上伤口形成贯穿伤,因为贯穿出口位于气管区上方,加之气管断裂。)

5. Conclusions: Tracheal stent is a safe and efficient and improvement of quality of life in patients suffering malignant tracheas. . . (翻译:结论:气管恶性狭窄的内支架留置术安全、有效,能明显提高患者的生活质量。)

6. The Effect of Lidocaine Aerosol on Preventing Cardiovascular Response in the Patients with General Anethesia and Tracheal Intubation (翻译:利多卡因气雾剂用于预防全麻气管插管心血管反应的临床观察)

7. Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation. (翻译:增加逆行气管插管的成功率。)

8. The effects of remifentanil in various target plasma concentrations on hemodynamic response to tracheal intubation induced with etomidate (翻译:瑞对依托咪酯乳剂全麻诱导插管时血流动力学的影响)

9. L3 laminectomy and L5-L6 facetectomy was performed under tracheal cannula anesthesia in rats, and then unfolded nerve roots, dorsal root ganglion and cauda coccygeal nerve at corresponding segment. (翻译:小鼠在气管插管下行l 5椎板切除术和L5 - L 6小关节切除术,然后显露相应节段的神经根,背根神经节和马尾神经。)

10. Acoustic reflectometry can be used to distinguish between a tracheal and an esophageal intubation based on an area-distance profile. (翻译:声波反射可以用来区分气管和食管插管面积的基础上的远程配置文件。)

11. Conclusion Using cotton yarn galloon with double ties to fix the tracheal intubation tube through mouth can achieve the effect of safety and fast, may keep away shift and falling off of air tube. (翻译:结论对经口气管插管患者采用棉织纱带双套结固定效果安全牢固,可有效预防气管导管移位和脱落。)

12. Conclusion CT examination is one of the effective modalities in the diagnosis of primary tracheal cancer. (翻译:结论CT检查是发现和诊断原发性气管癌的有效方法之一。)

13. Tracheal tumors are often overlooked as a cause of pulmonary symptoms, until they give airway obstruction. (翻译:气管肿瘤常常被忽视的一个原因肺部症状,直到他们给气道阻塞。)

14. Objective To observe the changes of auditory evoked potentials index(AEPI)during induction and tracheal intubation and evaluate its effectiveness on anaesthesia depth monitoring. (翻译:目的观察听觉诱发电位指数在全麻诱导插管期间的变化,评价其用于临床深度监测的有效性。)

15. Ground wire is forbidden as tracheal as coal join, can regard ground connection pole as the reinforcing steel bar inside the building. (翻译:接地线严禁与煤气管连接,可以把建筑物内的钢筋作为接地极。)


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