ironies是什么意思 ironies的中文翻译、读音、例句


ironies是什么意思 ironies的中文翻译、读音、例句

Ironies 是指具有讽刺意味的事情,通常是因为出乎意料、荒谬或矛盾的事件。以下是五个方面的解释:

1. 它可以是一种修辞手法

Irony 是一种修辞手法,其中讲话者在字面上说了一个事实,但隐含着相反的意思。这种手法可以用来表达戏谑、反讽、讽刺或嘲笑的效果。

例句:The party was a real blast. (实际上这个聚会非常无聊)

2. 它是人生的一种谔谔之语

Ironies 可以在我们的日常生活中发现。有时人们会发现,事情的结局与他们期望的完全相反,或者一些情况出现了讽刺的矛盾。

例句:The person who never leaves the house gets struck by lightning. ( 一个从不出门的人被闪电击中了)

3. 它可以是文学作品中的主题

Ironies 在文学作品中非常常见。许多作者会在作品的主题或情节中使用 Ironies 进行点缀或强调。

例句:In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the pigs become the very thing they wanted to overthrow - humans. ( 在乔治·奥威尔的《动物庄园》中,猪成为了他们要推翻的那个东西——人类)

4. 它可以是历史事件的一部分

Ironies 经常出现在历史事件中,因为人们会意识到有些奇怪的事情发生了,这些事情通常是出乎意料的或具有讽刺意味的。

例句:The man who was responsible for inventing nuclear weapons also became one of the biggest advocates for peace. ( 负责发明的人也成为了和平的最大倡导者)

5. 它可以是宣传战中的武器

Ironies 经常在宣传中被使用,因为通过让听众产生共鸣,可以让人们对某个话题产生更深层次的认识。

例句:The politician who promised to create jobs instead caused mass unemployment. ( 承诺创造就业机会的家导致了大范围失业)





1. The irony of the situation was not lost on anyone. (局面的讽刺显然让所有人都感受到了)

2. The irony of his success was that he had been rejected by the same company two years ago. (他成功的讽刺是两年前同一家公司曾经拒绝过他)

3. It is an irony of fate that he died just before his lifelong dream was about to come true. (他去世的讽刺是他的终身梦想将要实现的时刻到了)




例句:As I said, even this building we're standing in -- that's one of the ironies -- this building was part of that series of complexes, what they called the Twin Towers. (就像我说的,甚至我们所处的这栋建筑, 它也是一个讽刺。这栋建筑 是那一系列复杂关系中的一部分, 他们叫它双子星大厦。)


例句:It's not until 1922 that they finally announced the Nobel Prize and one of the ironies he never gets it from the theory of relativity. (之后直到1922年,他们终于宣布诺贝尔奖,他从来没有从相对论中得到过任何嘲讽。)


例句:And if you like the ironies contained in that split personality, Basildon might be an interesting place to visit. (如果你喜欢个性中相反的一面,巴兹尔敦可能会是个很有意思的旅游的地方。)


例句:Then there are other ironies at work, too. (翻译:还有另一件讽刺的事 Then there are other ironies at work, too.)


ironies一般作为名词使用,如在dramatic ironies(【戏剧】(观众对剧中的语言或情景的理解而感到的)戏剧性讽示(或讽刺)[亦作 tragic irony])、socratic ironies(苏格拉底式反讽)等常见短语中出现较多。

dramatic ironies【戏剧】(观众对剧中的语言或情景的理解而感到的)戏剧性讽示(或讽刺)[亦作 tragic irony]
socratic ironies苏格拉底式反讽


1. And if you like the ironies contained in that split personality, Basildon might be an interesting place to visit. (翻译:如果你喜欢个性中相反的一面,巴兹尔敦可能会是个很有意思的旅游的地方。)

2. Then there are other ironies at work, too. (翻译:还有另一件讽刺的事 Then there are other ironies at work, too.)

3. And the irony of ironies is because Extremadura, the area -- what does Extremadura mean? (翻译:讽刺中的讽刺是,这个叫艾斯马度华的地方 艾斯马度华是什么意思? )

4. Life is full of these little ironies. (翻译:人生就是这样变幻无常. Life is full of these little ironies.)

5. Nor do the ironies he culls from the history of medicine bode well for the disease-free future imagined by some prophets of biotech. (翻译:他从医学史上挑出来的一些颇具讽刺性的事件,也同样并不预示生物科技所想象出来的“无疾病的未来”。)

6. It's one of the ironies of my otherwise straightforward life... that I have fallen in love twice. (翻译:这是对我的讽刺之一,否则 简单的生活... 我有 爱上了两次。)

7. Furthermore, Shia-led government that the American props up in Baghdad thinks of Iran as its best foreign friend. it's irony of ironies. (翻译:而美国人所支持的,他们最好的外国朋友却是--美国的死敌,真是讽刺之至。)

8. The following questions delve behind the formal portraits of our nation's Presidents to reveal their idiosyncrasies, oddities and ironies. (翻译:的这些问题瞄准了历届美国总统外表下的习性、怪癖和叫人啼笑皆非的趣事)

9. But life is full of ironies. (翻译:但是生活本身就充满了讽刺性。)

10. The ironies in life can be fascinating. (翻译:讽刺的是在生活中这种冒险行为是很奇妙的。)

11. And the irony of ironies is because Extremadura, the area -- what does Extremadura mean? (翻译:讽刺中的讽刺是,这个叫艾斯马度华的地方 艾斯马度华是什么意思?)

12. The first creation story doesn't really contain puns and wordplays, it's a little bit serious. The second creation story is full of them: there are all sorts of little ironies and puns in the Hebrew. (翻译:第一个创世纪故事中很少有双关语和文字游戏,有几分严肃,第二个故事却充满了这些:,来语中有许多反讽和双关。)

13. That's one of the ironies of life, doing the wrong thing at the right moment. (翻译:我想那就是生活的滑稽之处 在正确的时候做了错误的事)

14. It has to be one of the multiple ironies of history that a favorite expletive of Muslim fundamentalists is the same one once used by the Christian fundamentalists known as Crusaders: "infidel," from the Latin for "faithless." (翻译:这定是历史上众多讽刺中的一个 即原教旨主义者喜爱的一句咒骂语 和教原教旨主义者曾经使用的是同一个 著名的 “异”,源于拉丁语中的“没有信仰” )

15. One of the ironies in all this is that Disney World falsifies our desire for a better world, even as it expresses it. (翻译:其中不无讽刺的是,迪士尼乐园篡改了我们对更美好世界的渴望----甚至就在它表达这种渴望的时候。)




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