musically是什么意思 musically的中文翻译、读音、例句


musically是什么意思 musically的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 作为副词,意为“音乐上地;乐曲地”,常用于描述音乐表演或演奏的方式、风格等。


- She played the piano musically and was applauded by the audience. (她演奏钢琴非常有音乐感,得到了观众的掌声。)

- The band members were all very talented and played musically. (乐队成员都很有天赋,表演非常具有音乐性。)

2. 作为名词,是“Musically”这个应用软件的简称,这是一款音乐类的短视频应用。


- She uploaded her musically video to share her music talent with her friends. (她上传了自己的Musically视频,与朋友们分享自己的音乐才能。)

- Many young people enjoy creating musically videos on their phones. (许多年轻人喜欢在手机上创造Musically视频。)

3. 作为形容词,意为“与音乐有关的;音乐的”,是描述与音乐相关的事物或人的形容词。


- She has a musically gifted daughter who plays several instruments. (她有一个具有音乐天赋的女儿,会弹几种乐器。)

- The concert was a musically satisfying experience for the audience. (这场音乐会让观众感到满意。)


- 她演奏得非常有音乐感,得到了观众的掌声。

- 许多年轻人喜欢在手机上创造Musically视频。

- 她有一个具有音乐天赋的女儿,会弹几种乐器。

- 这场音乐会让观众感到满意。

- 这个Musically视频让我笑了很久。


- She played the piano musically and was applauded by the audience.

- Many young people enjoy creating musically videos on their phones.

- She has a musically gifted daughter who plays several instruments.

- The concert was a musically satisfying experience for the audience.

- This musically video made me laugh for a long time.




1. She played musically and elegantly on the piano. (她在钢琴上演奏得优美动听。)

2. The movie was musically entertaining, with a great soundtrack. (这部电影音乐上非常富有娱乐性,有一个很棒的配乐。)

3. He was always interested in musically talented people. (他一直对有音乐天赋的人感兴趣。)




例句:He taught me to hear things I never heard before musically. (他教我从音乐的角度来听,这是我以前从未做过的。)


例句:One of the things that I took away from that conversation was that being the best that I can be means that I'm gonna have to take this veil down and not hide behind what I can do musically, (这次谈话让我明白一点 要做到最好 就要撕纱 释放感情)


例句:It was gratifying musically, but I think the more important thing is it was exciting because I got to take on another role, especially given that it appeared in a museum, and that is as visual artist. (音乐上给予我满足,不过我认为更重要的 是我承担了另外一个角色 在这个博物馆中, 我其实是个视觉艺术家.)


例句:He plays really musically. (翻译:他的演奏娴熟动听。)


1. It was gratifying musically, but I think the more important thing is it was exciting because I got to take on another role, especially given that it appeared in a museum, and that is as visual artist. (翻译:音乐上给予我满足,不过我认为更重要的 是我承担了另外一个角色 在这个博物馆中, 我其实是个视觉艺术家.)

2. He plays really musically. (翻译:他的演奏娴熟动听。)

3. But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better. (翻译:不过对那些在音乐上有点儿修养的坏蛋来说,不成调调连珠炮似的乐曲就会更奏效。)

4. We'll have to set you free of your inferiority complex musically. (翻译:我们必须让你摆脱音乐上低人一等的... ...情结)

5. It is a concept record that tells a single story both musically and lyrically. (翻译:这是一张在音乐上和歌词上都讲述一个故事的概念专辑。)

6. I always have difficulties to consider them as humans, because musically these robots are really different you can't imagine what it is to work with them (翻译:把他们当类对我来说一直有些困难 就音乐而言,这两个机器人简直太与众不同了 你绝对无法想象与他们合作时的感受)

7. Plot: In a tree farm, three musically inclined chipmunks, Alvin, Simon and Theodore, find their tree cut down and sent to Los Angeles. (翻译:林场里,三个爱好音乐的花栗鼠,艾尔文,西蒙和西奥多,发现到自己的树被砍掉,送往洛杉矶。)

8. Yet if that were so, you might expect one gender to be musically more gifted than the other, and there is no evidence of that. (翻译:倘若果真如此,你可能会认为男女当中必有一方更具音乐天赋,不过目前尚未出现支持的证据。)

9. You know, it just... it became such a different scene at that point in terms of where Alex was going musically, in his personality. (翻译:你知道,这只是... 它成为这样的 不同的场景在这一点 在方面,其中亚历克斯 正想音乐,)

10. Likened to a pair of Olympic figure skaters, these Grammy award winners are artistically precise and musically expressive. (翻译:作为格莱美奖的得主,他们的表现就如一对奥林匹克双人花样滑冰选手那样既准确又富有表现力。)

11. So, what I think you can expect is something a little bit different musically out of this. (翻译:所以,我认为你可以期待的是一些不同音乐的东西。)

12. He was saying that on its own, the environment is musically generative, that it is generous, that it is fertile, that we are already immersed. (翻译:他的意思是说, 环境本身就是生产音乐的, 是丰富多产的, 而且我们已经沉浸其中了。)

13. Her voice lutes brokenly like a heart lost, musically, too, like in a lost groove. (翻译:她的声音断断续续琵琶 像心脏丢失, 音乐,也 像丢失槽。)

14. It was great meeting you, hanging out with you, becoming friends with you, seeing all the amazing things that you're doing musically. (翻译:很高兴能认识你,一起玩,成为你的朋友 见证你创作的好音乐)

15. Because of this, your inward voice is going to sound in a lower register and also more musically harmonical than your outward voice. (翻译:如此一来,你的 内在声音的音域会更低, 也会比外在的声音听起来更和谐。)


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