himatnagar是什么意思 himatnagar的中文翻译、读音、例句


himatnagar是什么意思 himatnagar的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- Randy, Randy, is that him? (- Randy, Randy, is that him?)


例句:Tell him this thing is gonna cost him double what I told him. (Tell him this thing is gonna cost him double what I told him.)


例句:She let him go... and Jerusalem along with him. (She gave him peace. She let him go... 耶路撒冷也将随他而去 and Jerusalem along with him.)


例句:Slammed him, slammed him completely. (翻译:打败他了 完全打败他了 Slammed him, slammed him completely.)


himatnagar一般作为名词使用,如在Himatnagar([地名] 希默德讷格尔 ( 印 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Himatnagar[地名] 希默德讷格尔 ( 印 )


1. She let him go... and Jerusalem along with him. (翻译:She gave him peace. She let him go... 耶路撒冷也将随他而去 and Jerusalem along with him.)

2. Slammed him, slammed him completely. (翻译:打败他了 完全打败他了 Slammed him, slammed him completely.)

3. You both go with him and stay with him. (翻译:ok,You both go with him and stay with him.)

4. Gonna tell him I dream of him every night (翻译:Gonna tell him I dream of him every night)

5. A leopard attacks a forest guard Tuesday at Prakash Nagar village on the outskirts of Siliguri, India. (翻译:本周二,在印度西里古里郊外的普拉卡什·格尔村,一头豹子袭击了护林员。)

6. Get him before he gets you. (翻译:- Get him. Get him before he gets you.)

7. Now, you cannot let him get on a plane. Head him off at the departure gate if you have to, but I repeat, do not let him get on a plane. (翻译:you cannot let him get on a plane. do not let him get on a plane.)

8. Arrest him and get him out of here. (翻译:逮捕他并带他离开这里。Arrest him and get him out of here.)

9. So, you're exploiting him, then abandoning him. (翻译:then abandoning him.)

10. Now, the only way I can stop him is to get ahead of him. (翻译:the only way I can stop him is to get ahead of him.)

11. In the Pushpa Nagar slum, the arrival of the first tanker for two days prompted a frantic scramble, with men jostling women and children in their determination to get to the precious liquid first. (翻译:在Pushpa Nagar贫民窟,第一艘邮轮到达的两天里就引起了混乱,男人们撞开妇女和孩子,为了第一个抢到那些珍贵的水。)

12. I walked with him, ate with him, called him my friend. (翻译:我与他同行 同吃 称他为我的朋友 I walked with him, ate with him, called him my friend.)

13. Some kids from Shanti nagar are playing a prank on him. (翻译:几个在Shanti Nagar的小孩子在搞恶作剧捉弄他.)

14. And I called him and told him. (翻译:我打电话给他 跟他说了 And I called him and told him.)

15. That that thing got him, or that you killed him? (翻译:or that you killed him?)


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