projeto是什么意思 projeto的中文翻译、读音、例句

projeto在中文中有"任务、设计图"的意思,作为介词时有"图样"的意思,在线读音是[prˌoɡrˈɐ̃mæ dʒy trˌadusˈɐ̃ʊ̃],projeto是一个葡萄牙语介词,在《郎文当代中级葡语辞典》中,共找到67个与projeto相关的句子。

projeto是什么意思 projeto的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:Projeto 是一个葡萄牙语单词,表示“项目”。它可以名词或者动词在句子中出现。

2. 用途:Projeto 主要在商业和技术方面使用。它可以被用来描述一个计划、一份报告或者一个活动,可以是一个技术项目或者一个市场营销项目等。

3. 同义词:Projeto 可以用于表示“project”或者“plan”等意思。这些词都可以被用于描述一项活动或者研究的计划。

4. 例句:

- 我们需要一个详细的项目计划,以便我们可以按照计划进行操作。 We need a detailed projeto plan so that we can follow the plan accordingly.

- 该公司正在进行一个新的市场营销项目,希望能吸引更多的客户。 The company is executing a new marketing projeto in hopes of attracting more customers.

- 该项目需要一些额外的投资,以便我们可以完成所有工作。 The projeto requires some additional investment so that we can complete all the work.

- 他们与我们的团队合作,帮助我们完成了这个重要的技术项目。 They collaborated with our team to help us complete this critical technology projeto.

- 我们需要一个有效的项目管理软件来确保我们的项目按计划进行。 We need an effective projeto management software to ensure that our project is on schedule.





1. O projeto de construção do prédio foi aprovado pelo governo.(这座建筑的建设项目已获批准。)

2. Ele está trabalhando em um projeto de pesquisa para sua tese de mestrado.(他正在为他的硕士论研究计划。)

3. O projeto do novo produto foi apresentado na reunião de negócios.(新产品的设计方案已在商业会议上展示。)




例句:May I speak to Mrs Janvier? (-Antoine. Je voudrais parler à Madame Janvier.)

例句:Backlink Pro Directory Submitter is a state of the art linking machine. (271下载反向Pro目录提交的艺术连接机状态。)


1. I'll bring her back, I promise you. (翻译:我保证会把它带回来的 Je vais la ramener, je te le promets.)

2. Or remorse I will finally be dead. (翻译:我终将死亡 Je serais enfin mort)

3. - I intended to leave this earth (翻译:曾经想要离开 Je comptais quitter cette terre)

4. I'll take your car, Vincent. (翻译:Je prends ta voiture, Vincent,)

5. Americans have always been very pro business, pro competition, pro free market. (翻译:美国人一向很支持商业,支持竞争,支持自由市场。)

6. And it's worth probably about three MacBook Pros. (翻译:这件仿制品大概与三本Macbook Pro等值。)

7. Comrade Chen, in order to arrest pro-democrats (翻译:in order to arrest pro -democrats)

8. What do I get if I find them? My eternal gratitude. (翻译:如果我找到了有什么奖励 Je gagne quoi si je les retrouve?)

9. If it were me, I would tell it. What's there to confess? (翻译:如果我知道我就会告诉你们 Je le serais, je vous le dirais.)

10. Or, are you absolutely and uncompromisingly pro-war, pro-life, pro-death penalty, a believer that the Second Amendment is absolute, anti-immigrant and pro-business? (翻译:或者你是绝对完全毫无妥协地 支持战争,反堕胎,认可死刑, 坚信第二修正案至高无上, 反移民,认可重商主义? )

11. I do not know when I go there, I just know when not to. All right. (翻译:我不知道什么时候去 但知道哪天不去 Je sais pas quand je viens, mais je sais quand je viens pas.)

12. Quanto serra il pro- pro-pros-prossimo. (翻译:Quanto serra il pro pro -pros)

13. With Pro-Butrimol-F and active vita-beta-retinal 5 action, this is probably the best vitamin in the world ever... ever... ever. (翻译:服用Pro -Butrimol -F和 五效活性β视黄醛)

14. Frankly I do not recommend (翻译:我也不建议 Franchement je déconseille)

15. PRO occurs in the subject position of infinitive clauses. Therefore, whether there is finite and nonfinite distinction in Chinese is the key issue concerning the existence of PRO in Mandarin Chinese. (翻译:由于PRO出现在非限定句的主语位置,因此汉语中是否存在定式与不定式的区别,是判定汉语中有无PRO存在的关键。)


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